I get really annoyed at people who drive big ass SUVs or pick up trucks with the Hemi that only get like 1 mpg and have the audacity to moan about gas prices. Shut the hell up. Dumbasses like you are why Big Oil can get away with price gouging. They know it doesn't matter what they charge you, you'll pay anything to not have to rely on public transit. They know how stupid you are.
Humanity is the one disease Mother Earth doesn't have a chance against. We rape this planet everyday and justify it by saying it's a matter of survival. It isn't. It's just us being irresponsible and stupid because we CAN survive and still be environmentally friendly. We just DON'T WANT to be.
We have the technology to draw our energy from the sun. We'd rather tear holes in the planet and choke her air with toxic fumes. We can use reusable bags at the grocery store, but plastic is so much easier. Hell, we throw our trash on the GROUND we're so stupid.
And do you think we can keep doing these things and NOT pay the price for it? Mother Earth is an abused woman. She wants REVENGE.
So she gives us drought and famine to kill us. She gives us superstorms and floods and blizzards to kill us. Do you really think the increase in violent weather is in no way OUR fault?
When you shit on someone, they're going to shit on you. It's a natural response.
Mother Earth is angry and our survival depends on HER. If you piss her off, she will get even.
It doesn't matter if you believe in climate change. If you want food to eat, water to drink and air to breathe, you WANT to take care of the environment. If you think your cell phone is more important, you deserve to die out.
But if you want to survive, you know that you don't mess with Mother Earth.