Monday, May 23, 2016

Justice served cold

What is justice, when we boil it down to its simplest form, but revenge that has been sanctioned by someone of authority?

Should Freddie Gray have died? No. Was it intentional? Most likely not.  Despite what Black Lives Matter want you to believe. Despite what the media wants to say to make money from our outrage.  Truthfully, none of the officers charged MEANT for the man to die.  They were negligent. No one's denying that.  But this wasn't the cold blooded murder the kinds of people who burned down Baltimore are so desperate to believe it is.

Truth. Police brutality is real but it isn't and never has been solely targeted at African Americans.  And it isn't and never has been something only white cops are guilty of.  Until we acknowledge that, we're not going to change anything.  We had a chance to address this multi ethnic issue, but we let racists run the show and now it's too late.

And let's talk about that hypocrisy.  Six officers, three white and three black.  Who's being crucified in the press? Who's the villians across social media? The WHITE ones.

What about the black officers who arrested Gray, who helped load him in the back of that van, who could have stepped in and said "hey, this is racist" at any time, who could be speaking up NOW (if it were true) but aren't (because it probably isn't)?  Who, other than the prosecution, is holding them accountable?  No one.

Because black cops are automatically innocent and white cops are automatically guilty.

When William Porter's case was declared a mistrial, it wasn't because no one could decide if he did anything wrong.  It was because Porter is black and they couldn't decide if it was worth another riot to convict a black man of negligent homicide.

And the press skipped over it.  A blurb. They played it down.  Porter is a black cop accused of killing a black man.  They aren't allowed to acknowledge black cops do bad things too.

And social media and liberal activists let it go too.  Even agreed that the case against Porter was weak.  Porter will be retried and probably acquitted and the public will say justice has been done.  Porter, who no doubt had little idea that Gray would die and certainly didn't mean for it to happen, only played a minor role in Gray's arrest and will be declared innocent of wilful murder as he probably should be.

And then comes Edward Nero, a white cop who also only played a minor role in Gray's arrest and also, like Porter, never realized that Gray would be injured and never meant for anyone to die.  He was acquitted.  The prosecution tried to claim he was guilty simply by association. Because he was there. It was a weak case.  They couldn't prove he did anything wrong and he was acquitted.

But Nero is being vilified. Baltimore Bloc, a black activist group, has already called the verdict criminal.  All across social media people are demanding Nero face punishment, calling it white privilege and a miscarriage of justice. Claiming that Nero's race was the only reason he was acquitted. Nero, who's case isn't so different from Porter's, has been declared a murderer in the court of public opinion.

Why? What makes Nero more guilty than Porter? Answer? Nero is white.

If you've been paying attention to the media, to the left leaning journos, the Buzzfeeds, the MTVs and the blogs, then you know that the white man is evil and must be destroyed and the black man is, by virtue of the color of his skin, incapable of being racist.

But the backlash against Nero, proves that ain't true.  Those who are claiming miscarriage of justice for the white man but justice done fine and dandy for the black man are racist.  Yes. Black folks CAN be racist.

Be honest. No one cares what role Nero played in the arrest of Freddie Gray anymore than they cared about Porter's role.  They wanted Porter to get off because he's black and they only want Nero to be guilty because he's white.

Is this justice?  No.  No one wants justice.  They just want revenge on the evil white man.  It's the same reason they're trying so hard to redefine what the word racism means in order to justify their own racism.  It's the reason why black folks who speak the truth like I do are called coons and house niggers by other black folks.

It's not about justice.  It was never about being equal to the white man.  It's about making the white man slaves.  It's about revenge.

You can call revenge whatever you want to, but it doesn't make you righteous.

Baltimore is going to burn again, but it won't be because a black man died in a tragic accident.  It'll be because not enough white people paid for it.

Truth hurts.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Freedom by Consensus

Painful truth time.  Unless you live in isolation with no other living human being anywhere around you, you are not free.  Freedom is the biggest con we've ever fallen for.  It's a pretty myth but it's still a lie and it's a lie on so many levels, but today we're discussing the fact that anyone living around other people are subject to the whims of their neighbors.

What we have, when we're totally honest about it, is freedom by the consensus of the majority.  That means we're only really allowed to do or to say the things that the majority of our neighbors agree with.  We only have the freedom our neighbors ALLOW us.

Don't believe me?  Say the n word in public.  Dare to publicly criticize a gay person.  Call for prayer in school in public.  Comment that open carry is stupid out loud in any town in Texas.  Comment that you love the NRA out loud in any town in Vermont.  Tell a Bernie fan that you'll vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination.  Tell a room full of Christians that you're OK with allowing Muslims to build a mosque at Ground Zero. Lament climate change denial after a forest fire in Canada.  See what happens.

Perform a Wiccan ceremony in the city park. Walk around downtown in your bra and panties. Light a cigarette outside a school. Tell someone on food stamps that your taxes are paying for their meals. Fly the confederate flag.  See what happens.

If you don't get physically assaulted, you WILL get ostracized.  You will be publicly shamed, trolled, made to regret your mistake.  But it's not a mistake really.  You meant to say it, to do it.  You thought you were free to do it (that's what they say) and it's not hurting anyone so it should be ok, right? Wrong.

You're free to do a lot of things, but you're not free from the consequences and the consequences for having an opinion or doing something not approved by the masses are huge.  You will be bullied.  You will be crucified.  You will lose everything you care about.  You will lose friends.  You will be destroyed.

That's not freedom.  That's a lie.  Freedom is having whatever you say or do be accepted regardless of who's offended by it.  Freedom is when you're not blacklisted because you criticized the president or a celebrity or whatever.

You don't have freedom unless you give freedom to others.

People often ask why so many Germans went along with Nazism.  Fear of pissing off the masses.  Simply put, most Germans kept how they really felt about Hitler to themselves so they wouldn't offend anyone and be sent to a concentration camp.  If you think that's impossible or that it'll never happen again, Donald Trump. Anti Muslim rhetoric in every Christian Church and anti west rhetoric in every Muslim mosque.  It already IS happening again because it never STOPPED happening.

Of all the things I listed above, how many would you do?  Answer?  None.  You would never risk your reputation.

People who diverge from public opinion have their lives ruined.

And that's not freedom.  Freedom is a lie.