Friday, February 17, 2017

The Protest Fad

Everyone who celebrates a celebrity making a political statement is a fucktard in the lowest esteem.  They don't care about YOU.  They're just following a fad so you'll buy their clothes, their music, watch their movies and go to their games.  All these "statements" are commercials for THEM.  No one who really cares lives in a mansion while a single child is going to bed hungry.

And you retarded asshats think you're on the side of justice.  The right side of history because you hate cis gendered white Christian males.  Oh do shut up.  You're just as guilty of following the protest fad as the celebrities flogging their wares.  You don't even know what you're protesting for.  You parrot soundbites.

You're incapable of debating the issues hence your destructive response to anyone who disagrees with you.  Milo anyone?  Most egregiously, for all your protesting, you've done NOTHING productive to solve any of the problems you claim to be fighting against.  You offer no solutions.  Only your hateful rhetoric and your signs and your violence.  You leave the heavy lifting to the very people you criticise.

You've had centuries to stand up to tyranny and you didn't.  You didn't care that the NSA were spying on you.  You didn't care that Reagan armed the Contras or Obama armed the Iranians.  You cared about Kardashians.

You didn't mind government over reach so much when you benefited from it.  When it brought you Obamacare and ostracized Christians.  You didn't care about our militarized police until you were told to care and then you believed half truths and out right lies rather than acknowledge you didn't have to be black to be a victim.

You accepted every lie the media fed you without the intelligence to research for yourself.  Your beliefs are based on those lies.  Based on what someone TOLD YOU TO BELIEVE.  You can't think for yourselves.

And as for oppression?  You aren't oppressed.  Someone told you you were.  You have never experienced real oppression.  You never once thought about the Native Americans until it was popular to do so.  Real oppression is getting shot in the face because some Islamists don't believe girls should go to school.  Or being abducted from your school and forced to marry a terrorist.  Or being jailed for speaking out against the government.  You can burn the flag here.  You can't in other countries. You are ALLOWED to protest.  Oppression my ass.

Poverty?  You don't know poverty.  Poverty is not having clean water.  Poverty is living under a tarp in a refugee camp.  Povery is billions of people in 3rd world countries you can't even name.  But you have the privilege of living in the west.  Hear me?  THE FUCKING PRIVILEGE.

You're hypocrites.  Blocking freeways, wearing vagina hats, smashing windows and attacking anyone whose opinion differs from yours.  Sitting out the anthem because some football player hates America.  Labeling everything that doesn't fit neatly into your narrative hate speech and anyone who doesn't bow down to your demands a racist.  Day without immigrants?  We did fine and you accomplished nothing.

You're not saving the world.  You're following a trend.  You're too stupid to save the world.

Fuck off.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Death of Liberalism

In the name of religious freedom, you demonized Christianity.

In the name of gender equality, you demonized men.

In the name of marriage equality, you demonized straight people.

In the name of diversity, you demonized white people.

In the name of income equality, you demonized hard work.

In the name of morality, you became immoral, but tell me how evil I am.  You claim to fight oppression while you seek to oppress EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH YOU.

You silence free speech by labeling any dissenting opinion as fake or hate speech while pretending to be defending your own free speech.

From who? Evil cis gendered white males, of course.  You can't be sexist. You're a woman.  You can't be racist. You're not white.  You've changed the definition of these words just so you can be them without acknowledging you are.  Evil.

You chant that you want to murder policemen while burning down businesses that people depend on for their livelihoods.  You wear vagina themed hats and sexualize children in your media while claiming you want to make a better world for your daughters.  You demand we take in Syrian refugees while you spit on our vets but I don't see you going to Syria to help those same refugees in their own country.  Or to Pakistan or Afghanistan. Or anywhere where you could make a real difference.  You protest from the comfort of your couches.  Cowards.

You're hypocrites.  You're a cancer.  You are the Alt Left, no better than the Alt Right but a million times more dangerous because there are more of you.

You call yourself liberals but you don't know what the word means.  Like feminism, sexism, racism, you've changed the definition.  You don't hold liberal values.  You hold hateful values.  You aren't trying to make the world a better place.  You're trying to oppress anyone who doesn't obey you.

Protesting may be popular at the moment and most people protesting are only really there because everyone wants to be with the in crowd and it's dangerous to be a conservative right now but fads fade.  The liberal resistance is a fad run by hypocrites.

May God see it to a quick demise.  May sanity return to us.
