Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Russians Made Me Do It

I'm not sure how I feel about Jeff Sessions but I do know how I feel about the Washington Post.  They keep trying to convince us Russia hacked our election and people believe them without question.

But they SHOULD question it.

Just because the media says it's telling the truth, doesn't mean it is.  Just because the Washington Post claims Sessions talked to a Russian ambassador while still a senator, doesn't mean he helped Russia rig our election.  Senators talk to foreign governments.  That's kinda what our government is supposed to do.  Obama sold weapons to Iran, weapons ISIS is now using agsinst us.  What's your point?

Once again we have a liberally biased newspaper printing a story about someone liberals don't like anyway doing something bad and once again their only proof is "sources" and supposedly a "report".  Neither of which can be proven to be REAL.

Here's the problem I have with the media.  I KNOW YOU LIE NOW. You lied your asses off during the campaign.  Golden shower gate?  That was a lie YOU ran as news EVEN after 4 Chan admitted they made it up.  Donna Brazil leaking debate questions to Hillary?  Not to mention all the times you refused to report police brutality when the victim wasn't black.  They way you refused to report what was happening at Standing Rock or even acknowledge Bernie Sanders was running for president too.  You've proven yourself to be less than honest. You no longer have the luxury of using anonymous sources and expecting us to believe you.

Anonymous sources is journalist code for you have no proof and are probably making it up.

The public doesn't trust you and we WANT PROOF before we take your Russia hacked our election so please give the presidency to Hillary anyway narrative.  Only people who hate Trump and can't accept defeat are still running with that narrative.  They're the only ones stupid enough to take you at your word.

So, Washington Post, show us your sources, show us the report, provide evidence you didn't make it all up or suck my clit cuz I don't believe you.