Friday, September 29, 2017

White Guilt Is Killing America

Freedom was hard won for every single person in America.  Whether it was the white European colonialists shaking off the tyranny of the British Empire, the blacks shaking off slavery, the waves of Cubans and Vietnamese immigrants fleeing communism or Hispanics fleeing drug cartels, Americans have always fought for freedom.  And it's a disservice to every American who came before when we don't recognize their accomplishments.

That's what we're doing these days.  Every time we burn the flag or leak government intelligence reports to the media, or take a knee during the anthem or throw bottles of pee at people who have the audacity to think the right to free speech should include them too, we are bitch slapping the brave men and women of every ethnicity who fought and died for our freedom.

And white guilt is to blame.  White guilt and its peddlers are evil and out to destroy America.

Who denies all the progress this country has made since its founding?  White liberals.  They can't admit there's BEEN progress.  No.  They feel too guilty about the past.  They need to be punished.  For things people who LOOKED like them did.

Please call them racist.  Please call them privileged.  Please give handouts to all those poor black and brown people who are so oppressed.

But those poor black and brown people haven't been oppressed in decades.  Look around.  All those successful black and brown people.  Oh the horrors of oppression.

I'm not going to pretend the world is suddenly devoid of racism.  I know it's not.  I'm also not going to parrot the liberal bullshit myth that only white people are capable of being racist.  Like a rational person, I acknowledge that any one of any ethnicity can be racist.  The definition of racism is thinking one race (usually your own) is better than another.  It doesn't require having a majority in the population.  It doesn't require having any authority.  That's bullshit created for the sole purpose of demonizing white people.

Which is racist.

Understand that every black power salute is as racist as a white power one.  Understand that having black only scholarships and clubs and award shows are actually racist.  Black Twitter is racist.

And to be clear, SJW propaganda that demonizes white people whether it's MTV Decoded or Buzzfeed or The Root or the outrage over Hobby Lobby selling fake cotton plants, is racist.

And white liberals created this mess.  Own it.  This is on you.

See, white liberals misguided guilt caused them to treat blacks as though they were broken.  Damaged.  Black folks just needed white folks to kiss the boo boo and make it all better.

Instead of truly treating blacks equally, they give blacks special treatment.  They coddle them.  Black kids don't do as well as other kids in school?  Well the problem can't be the lack of parental guidance at home.  The school's standards are racist so let's lower them.  Black people can't find white collar jobs?  Well the problem can't be that the lowering of education standards so as not to hurt their fee fees has left them lacking the skills necessary to get a good paying job.  No.  Employers are racist so we must force them to meet racial quotas.  Same goes for colleges.

Give black folks welfare.  Tell them their failures have nothing to do with their life choices but it's all racism.  Tell them there's no point in working hard.  They'll never be successful because they're black.  Teach little kids that their skin alone defines them.

You've just made sure the brainwashed little shits vote Democrat for the rest of their lives.  And that's what it's really about.

Vote for white liberals.  They'll make everything better.  Except they won't.  They can't.  The problem they're trying to fix doesn't exist anymore which is why after decades of voting Democrat, nothing has improved in the minds of black voters.  Because guilt tripping white liberals TELL them nothing's changed and they've been so conditioned to see race in everything that they believe it.

Only racists see racism in everything. Only racists blame their skin for their inaction.  Only racists work tirelessly to convince others they're oppressed or that white homeless people have more privilege than a black pro football player with millions in the bank.

There is only one color with privilege in America and that color is green.

And I'm glad that not all black people buy the SJW propaganda.  I'm glad there are black folks out there who worked hard and found success.  Who went on to live productive and meaningful lives and who don't view their race as a crutch or a definition of their character.  Every black Republican I meet is a joy.  Gives me hope.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Why DACA is offensive

I didn't vote for Trump.  He's not my idol.  He's bat shit crazy and he scares me.  That being said, the media needs to stop with all the left leaning bias and report the facts again.  Remember facts?  You know, the stuff journalists are SUPPOSED to tell you.

DACA was always a poor idea.  It basically gave amnesty for illegal immigrants and encouraged more illegal immigration. It was stupid to think it was sustainable.  And that it was created out of executive order and not through Congress tells you the reasons behind it were not innocent.  DACA was created to win converts to the Democratic Party.  It never had anything to do with helping illegals.  They aren't getting you jobs.  They only want your votes.

But to be clear, illegal immigrants are law breakers. They shouldn't get amnesty. Their anchor babies shouldn't get amnesty.  We live in a world where open borders are dangerous.  We have immigration laws because we HAVE to.  If that offends you, tough.

If you don't think it's fair you should be deported because your parents brought you here illegally, take it up with your parents.  It's their fault.  The law has been around for a long time and they broke it.  Deportation was always a possibility for you.

Giving amnesty to illegals is also bitch slapping every person who immigrated to the US legally.  It's offensive.  You can argue human rights all day long, but you're not changing the truth.  People worked hard and waited years to become US citizens just to be told their efforts were pointless.  You thinking you deserve the same treatment and rights as them is ridiculous.  You don't.  You broke the law.

Stop with the "no person is illegal" b.s., folks who promote abortion.  You have no moral high ground. We have to have secure borders and immigration laws for our protection and it's wrong to give protected status to law breakers when you're legal citizens are suffering.

Stop saying illegals take the jobs Americans don't want.  Unemployment in the ghetto wouldn't be so high if businesses hired fewer illegals and more black folks.  Black folks want to work.  Poor white folks in Appalachia want to work.  Legal immigrants from Cambodia would like to work.  Stop claiming otherwise.  When you're no longer picking strawberries, the strawberries will still need to be picked.  The corporations growing strawberries will have to hire someone and they'll hire Americans.  Your argument is that flawed.

And my God, the crime!  Drug lords walk across our border like they own the place.  They bring gangs and violence and we have enough American gangs.  We don't need anymore.  How many illegals have to rape someone before we say enough?

Like I said, we need secure borders.  It's not optional.  This world is dangerous.

You know what Mexico does with illegal immigrants?  They jail them.  Know what Canada, Britain, Germany, Italy and all the other countries do?  They jail or deport them.  Yet all those countries have the audacity to call out the US for deporting illegals.


Mexico has a merit based immigration policy.  So does Canada and Germany and so on.  That means, they don't want just anyone.  They only take you if you can contribute to their nation and have the ability to sustain yourself without government assistance.  In other words, you have to have money or a job or a usable college degree or they won't take you.  Know who doesn't do that?

America.  In America, all you need is family already here.  Or just come here illegally and pop out a baby.  We have the laxest immigration policy in the first world.

Yet the same countries who have tougher immigration laws than the US criticized the US when we wanted to change to a merit based immigration policy.  They called us out for wanting to do what they were already doing.

Let that sink in.

America takes the refuse, the unwanted, the criminals.  We aren't getting the scientists and entrepreneurs.  We don't get the smart folks. We get the third world folks who pee in our streets and ram Sharia down our throats.  In 30 years, America will be a third world country if we do nothing to change this.  Because Americans are being outbred by third world immigrants.

It's an inconvenient truth but it's still truth.

Other countries send us their worst when they don't want to take care of them.  That's the real reason Mexico is so against America enforcing its immigration laws.  Mexico wants its poor to leave because then they don't have to worry about them.  If we send them back, Mexico has to actually do something about the drug lords and the poverty and the stuff that make their people want to leave in the first place.  Mexico is lazy.

But not when it comes to building a wall between them and Guatemala to keep out illegals.

That pissed me off the most.  Every other country is allowed to have immigration laws and enforce them except the US.  The US gets shit on.

Well fuck you.  It's a new day and we have a craxy orange guy who's putting his foot down.   For once, I agree with him.


I'm sick of all the lefty asshats saying Hurricane Harvey was sent by God to punish Texas for voting for Trump.  Have any of you asshats ever been to Texas?  It's a very diverse state with a majority HISPANIC population.  Yall need Jesus.


But that brings me on to my main rant and that's the turning a tragedy into an opportunity for political propaganda.  Fuck you.  People died.  They fucking died.  Others lost their homes and everything they had.  You have the audacity to blame a hurricane on God, that's stupid enough.  But blaming it on racism?  That's a level of stupid that deserves an ass kicking.

I'm talking to you, Salon.  To you, Root.  To every last Democrat in office.  Shut up.

No.  The people of Texas - even the white ones - DID NOT deserve Harvey destroying their lives.  No it's not Trump's fault.  And no, God isn't punishing racism.

If God did anything, He used a tragedy to wake us up.  To get us to stop being stupid, realize we're all human and to start loving thy neighbor again.  That would be the lesson good, morally upright people took away.  Then again, we didn't need the lesson.  YOU did and you're so stupid the lesson was lost on you.

Liberal asshats only pretend to want peace and tolerance.  In reality, the left are the most intolerant, racist, hateful asshats you will have the misfortune of meeting.

Fuck them.

Ps - Sorry for all the swearing.  Got myself worked up.