So I tried to tell a black man in a car his lights were off. It's dark. They give tickets for that. He thought I was being racist. He was ready to fight me.
Is this how low these people have sunk morally that if a white looking woman even speaks to them, it's racist? I followed it up with that I didn't mean to disturb him. I was only trying to be helpful. He said thank you but he glared at me the entire time he drove away. You can't even be nice to people.
Then I pass a homeless black woman talking/arguing with herself. What's she saying? Whitey is evil. Whitey is from Essau and the devil made white people. She just wants to kill them all.
Every TV show, every magazine article, it's pressed into people's heads that's whites are horrible and black and brown folks are perpetual victims. Whether it's MTV Decoded changing the definition of racism and forcing the fallacy that only whites can be racist, Buzzfeed's 24 Questions series which mocks whites, social media removing Christian content for offensiveness but allowing black supremacist groups like the Black Hebrew Israelites and Louis Farrakhan's followers to openly promote the genocide of the white race, the racial resegregation of colleges and policies in public schools that discriminate against white students and so many other examples, it's safe to say the majority of racism in America isn't being done by white people anymore.
It's people of color who claim they're woke who are today's racists. Woke is an euphemism for a racist of color who will use any means necessary to justify their hatred of white people. They either don't realize their racism is just as evil as the one they claim to be fighting or they don't care. They feel it's time to get whitey back completely missing the point of the whole racial equality movement.
There is no making peace with these people. No reparations will ever satisfy them. They want to kill whites. They want to enslave whites. They don't care about your ethnic history or if your ancestors suffered too. If you look whitish, they don't like you.
White people in America, you have been trained to give special treatment to the black and brown communities. As part of your repentance for the sins of your ancestors, you continually refuse to hold racists of color accountable for their actions. You've even justify them. You need to stop.
It's not racist to say all lives (even white ones) matter. It's racists to say that saying all lives matter is racist. It's not racist to be ok with being white. It's racist to say that being ok with yourself is racist. Why is cultural appropriation for a white person to wear hoop earrings but not for Mexicans to wear kimonos? Why does the media report white cops doing wrong but not black cops? Why do they never call a black person attacking someone for being white and openly admitting that's the reason a racially motivated hate crime when that's what they automatically call any crime a white person commits against a black person?
Why are so many of you white folks enabling this nonsense? And why do so many black and brown folks seem content to ignore it?
Not all black and brown people want to destroy you. I don't want you fearing black and brown people, but you need to be aware of what's going on. You have targets on your backs and the number of people gunning for you is increasing at alarming rates. The fewer in number you become, the more violence against you there will be.
I would understand if you pull away and form your own walled communities somewhere rural. I understand if you avoid black and brown people whenever possible. It's a matter of survival at this point. I won't think ill of you at all.
Good luck.