Friday, July 19, 2013

The lost art of the written word

So JK Rowling wrote a book under a male pen name.   The book received ok reviews.  Some said it was a good book for a newbie.  Some said it was mediocre.   It had its ten minutes of fame and was heading into obscurity the way most books do until the truth came out, the celebrity of Harry Potter was attached to it and it became an instant best seller.   Regardless of whether or not you think Rowling planned it this way, you have to admit this speaks volumes about us.

It says that we will buy anything that has a famous name attached to it regardless of how crappy it is.  It says that we don't care about quality especially in the publishing world.  When I think of all the brilliant writers out there who are being ignored because they aren't famous enough,  I cringe.   When I think of celebrities like Glen Beck with nothing relevant to say whose books are flying off the shelves, I cringe again.

I just can't help but feel like the written word is a lost art.  The beauty of the page has been replaced by something dumbed down for stupid people and we aren't stupid are we?

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