Make no mistake, Vladimir Putin was neither legally elected nor has he ever truly spoken for the Russian people. We just don't get to hear any of his detractors speak because they're all in prison. Putin is a dictator and we can't pretend otherwise just because he isn't Middle Eastern or South American like all the other dictators we know. This guy not only trumps them all, he is far more dangerous.
Putin has almost single handedly destroyed all the advancements Russia made after the Soviet Union went bankrupt and collapsed in the 90s. Russians finally had freedom to speak their mind, to go to church, to no longer have to stand in bread lines. The people finally had a little money to make a decent living on. They didn't have to worry about the secret police executing them if they weren't perfect little obedient communists. And they LIKED it. So why would they agree to go back to the hell hole that was communism?
THEY DIDN'T. The Russian people don't want to go back to communism, but their government - many of whom were left overs of the communist regime (like Putin) - want to return to the level of power THEY, this small handful of people, had under communist rule. So they rig elections to put communist sympathizers in power. They pass laws to take away the people's new found freedom. Suddenly it's a crime to be gay. Suddenly it's a crime to hold a protest against the government. Russian leaders put on a good show for the rest of the world. They hid their evil designs in the beginning, but now they have reached a level of control similar to what they once had in the old Soviet Union and no longer feel it's neccessary to hide their agenda.
Russia's descent back into communism was the greatest con job of all time. We just weren't paying attention. Did we learn anything from Sochi and the way they proudly sugar coated their Soviet past?
Now communist Russia has invaded Ukraine, their former territory who broke away from Russian communism to form their own sovereign nation. It's obvious that Putin holds a grudge against anyone who dares to want out of his regime. The Ukrainian people are fighting against the dictator Putin hand picked to rule his former property. They want justice, freedom. They know they can't get that from Russia so they turned to the west. Another affront to Putin. Make no mistake, Putin did NOT invade Ukraine to defend native Russians and help stop a civil war. HE HAS NO INTENTION OF LEAVING. He just took back the land he lost to those pesky freedom lovers who took it away from him before. It was revenge.
And it's a dangerous kind of revenge that the rest of the world can't ignore. Putin is actively seeking to expand his empire and he won't stop at Ukraine if he isn't checked. There are a lot of former Soviet states. A man trying to rebuild the Soviet empire is going to want them all. This is how world wars start.
I've used the analogy of the Nazi invasion of Poland to show the similarities between that dark page of history and the one Putin is currently writing. It's scarily accurate so far. No one told Hitler, "Hey, dude. You can't just invade Poland because you don't like Jews." If they had, he couldn't have so easily taken over all the other countries he did. The world kept saying it wasn't their problem until it was almost too late. If we had spoken up earlier, World War ll could have been a lot shorter and cost a lot less.
We have that opportunity now. We have to stand up and tell Putin he can't keep Ukraine. Ukraine is Putin's Poland. Don't wait until he's already built the death camps to say genocide is wrong. Stop it before it gets that far.
Because you'll regret it if you don't. Russia is a nuclear power, my friend, and the Cold War never ended for people like Putin.
We're tired of war and yes, we have our own problems. It's tempting to say we aren't the world police and let someone else handle it. The problem with being a world power is, you don't really get that option. You have treaties to uphold, trade partners to appease. The world is a small one and what affects one country can have an impact on us all. The US can't turn it's back on Ukraine just because they don't give us oil. Oppression is supposed to be our enemy, remember? When Ukraine erupts into a civil war (and it will), they will ask for help in fighting the invaders. If we say no, not only are we allowing Putin to commit a crime, but we're losing our credibility as the defenders of freedom we made ourselves become from the moment our nation was born. We should have helped the Syrian people sooner. Now it's too late. Don't let Ukraine be the next Syria.
If there is no other option but to fight, then let it be for freedom. Not just for our own but for anyone who wants it.