Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Big Oil Continues To Screw Us

Major traffic jam on North Texas freeway....  Wouldn't have happened if they had a light rail system.  But no.  Big Oil has bought all of our politicians and Big Oil wants us to guzzle as much gas as we can.  This corporate greed is why public transit in the US sucks outside of New York.  It's why car manufacturers aren't allowed to improve gas mileage beyond a measly 20 mpg at best.  It's why the electric car is so expensive-  so people can't afford to buy them and have no choice but to use Big Oil's gas. 

And stupid people not only accept this, they encourage it.  Every time they buy an SUV they encourage Big Oil to keep financially raping the world.  Every time someone thumbs their nose at public transit or doesn't want to invest in clean energy, they are giving a big fuck you to their fellow humans.  And things like this aptly named Trafficopolypse will just keep happening. Wake up and smell the fumes.

For an example of what I mean, please see the link below.

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