Thursday, July 31, 2014

Organized Religion Sucks. Here's Why.

There's nothing wrong with believing in whatever mumbo jumbo makes you feel better.  This isn't to bash your beliefs per se.  Just the way you go about them.

I grew up reading the Christian Bible and was taught to believe every word in it and then I saw the light.  I stretched my mind if you will.  I dared to do the one thing the religious set forbids themselves from doing.  I talked to people who believed in something different and boy did I learn.

The big three, Christianity, Judaism and Islam all seem to have the same roots. I've covered that in a previous post so I won't go over it all again here, but I will say this.  The similarities are SO similar that it's OBVIOUS that all three probably had the same original source.  Does that mean God's real? Who knows.  But it does prove my point.  RELIGION didn't come from God.  It's an INTERPRETATION of God created by MAN and since everyone interprets things differently, THAT IS WHY WE HAVE DIFFERENT RELIGIONS.

So, to reiterate, organized religion and all the crap that goes with it was invented by man.  Like it or not, it's the truth and it will stay the truth whether God is real or not.

I tried to read the Quran once.  I couldn't finish it because as good a reader as I thought I was, it didn't make sense.  The passages felt disjointed and jumped around too much.  I didn't feel inspired or even like I was reading a holy text.  It felt like the ramblings of a mad man.  I tried a different copy thinking maybe it was in the translation but no, it really is a rambling manifesto written by a guy who may have been on some serious drugs.  To believe in the sanctity of the Quran is like sanctifying Hitler's biography or Ayn Rand.  Sorry, Islam, you guys got it wrong.

But the Christian Bible is no better. Let's be honest. The "sainted" Bible is a collection of randomly selected stories that someone (we don't really know who) put together and said were holy.  I mean, come on.  After Adam and Eve, Genesis is really just a census record.  So and so beget so and so.  Why is that holy?  And we know for a FACT that King James, centuries after the first unamed person collected these stories, completely REWROTE the Bible to better suit HIM so how do we know the Bible is all that accurate?  We don't.

And Jews have a persecution complex. That's right. I said it.

But if the only objection to religion was the crazy things it gets people to believe, we could be ok with it.  The problem is it doesn't STOP there.  Oh no.  Because every religion teaches that it's the one true religion and all others are false and we can't allow false religions to corrupt the world.  No, they must be destroyed.  Even atheists believe that.  Did you know atheism is considered a religion?  What does THAT tell you?

And then there's conflict, holy wars, jihads, bull shit.  Why?  What's the point in trying to whipe out everyone who doesn't practice the same ideology as you?

Power and wealth.  Religion has never been about God.  Religion was created for the purpose of getting power and wealth.  The so called holy men made themselves kings.  Don't believe me?  Why are there mega churches?  Why does the pope have his own city? Why do the imams live in luxury while their faithful live in horrible war torn poverty?  Why are parishioners encouraged to pay tithes?  God doesn't need our money.  Organized religion is a money scheme.  It's a corporation selling God's love when God's love is free.

But worse than that, it's a power trip.  If you're Catholic, the pope outrules all other world leaders.  Why?  Because he claims God gave him that right.  Why would anyone claim God gave them dominion over others if they didn't desire power?  Humans have long justified our reckless slaughtering of animals and pillaging of natural resources by claiming God gave us the right to do so.  Islam allows men to buy and sell women because they claim God made women inferior and it is man's right to do with them as they please.  Why do people start cults? Power trip.

If there is a God, no human on the face of the earth can speak for Him or know what He truly wants from us.  Anyone who claims they do, is a liar.

Kick the nonsense of organized religion to the curb.  Put all the lies and made up ceremonies, all the hate and all the ego behind you.  You and you alone can create a relationship with whatever devine spirit you choose to believe in.

Don't waste your money paying some fraud to do it for you.

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