Sunday, September 28, 2014

Christmas, a holiday of sin

I get so sick of Christian zealots condemning Halloween as the devil's holiday while they continue to promote Christmas as something sacred.  Christmas is in NO way sacred and if you really look at it, even the most pious would question it.

For starters, it's supposed to be a celebration of Jesus being born.  So what's with the tree?  What does decorating a fir tree have to do with Jesus?  NOTHING.  Decorating trees, holly wreaths on the door, mistletoe, even Christmas lights all began as PAGAN rituals most likely to celebrate nature and protect against winter.  No Jesus involved.  Yet if you don't put up a Christmas tree or question why they do, Christians will blacklist you because you must be against Christmas and Christmas is always unfairly under attack...

And where in the Bible does it say Jesus was born December 25?  No where.  That's just a date someone picked at random because it either made sense financially or it coincided with, you guessed it, a PAGAN ritual.

And Santa Claus?  The whole gift giving thing?  Pagan.  Rudolf and Frosty were created by advertisers to sell you stuff.  Capitalism has nothing to do with Jesus yet Christmas is big business and Christians will fight tooth and nail for their right to spend a bunch of money they aren't supposed to love to put presents under a tree they aren't supposed to have.

Every church ceremony, every carol sung began as paganism that early Christians incorporated into their worship to win converts to their faith.  Like it or not, that's the TRUTH about religion and our holidays reflect that.

What's the difference between Christmas paganism and Halloween paganism? There isn't one.  Shut up about how evil Halloween is and just enjoy the fact that you have a holiday to break up the monotony of your crappy life.

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