I'm so sick of black people assuming I'm racist against them because I have the audacity to criticize them for things they themselves admit are wrong within their culture. Black folks know they have problems. They recognize that many of the issues I've mentioned in previous posts are very detrimental to them. Yet a lot of these same people get offended when someone who isn't black AGREES with them. How hypocritical.
News flash: black people can be racist too and not all white people are racist. Racism is not an ethnic identity for all white people any more than crime is an ethnic identity for all blacks. It's time to acknowledge that racism is actually perpetuated by a continuously decreasing number of morons, that the majority of people have learned better and that it really is time to move on if it's ever going to die out for good.
It's also time to admit black people aren't innocent victims any more and that some of them DO use race as an excuse for their own inaction. It may not give you a warm, fuzzy feeling but it's still the truth.
For proof, look no further than your own accomplishments. Look at all the successful black people out there. I don't just mean the rap stars and ball players. I mean the black doctors and lawyers and policemen and teachers and business owners and politicians. Do you really expect me to believe they're all flukes? No. Successful black people didn't pull a fast one on the white man. They got off their butts and made something of themselves. No one can do that for you and, with all the anti discrimination laws in place, no one can legally stop you.
It's like your ancestors fought for you to have equality and once the Civil Rights Act passed, you stopped caring. YOU are holding yourself back because of the choices YOU make. YOU are the reason black advancement is at a stand still because YOU would rather blame white people than do something to help yourself.
And how dare you accuse me of racism for acknowledging that.
There will always be hateful people in the world, but if you allow them to dictate your life, you're the only one to blame. If you don't like the way the police treat you, you'll get no where by teaching your sons to be confrontational. Teach your sons to become cops instead and change it by setting an example in the community. If you don't think government is representing you, take a more active roll in it. But don't NOT do anything and blame the white man. Don't riot in the streets tearing stuff up and then blame the white man.
Because we HAVE come a long way and black lives HAVE mattered for a very long time. By the way, white people were in those protests in Ferguson and New York too. White people want blacks to be equal too and are fighting for it. Are they racist?
It pisses me off when someone says that pushing for us to not focus on race is somehow pretending slavery never existed. No. It's acknowledging that we learned from the mistake that slavery was and it's time to put it behind us. Instead of thinking the white man still owes you, maybe you should acknowledge that most white people aren't your enemy anymore.
The truth's hard to admit sometimes, but that doesn't make it any less true and the truth is some black people are racist against whites and most white people aren't the racists you think they are. Slavery is dead and the only way to get past racism is to stop giving it so much control over our lives.
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