Sunday, September 13, 2015

On Evolution

Ah the things you discover when you have insomnia.  So I was surfing YouTube and found this random link that claimed black Africans were better than other races because they were more pure genetically.  I've heard for a while that the oldest signs of human life were found in Africa, but what this video suggested was that this meant all human life on earth ORIGINATED in Africa.

I don't think we have sufficient evidence to say definitely all human life began in Africa just because the oldest life we KNOW of was found there.

But this idea that Africa is the cradle of life is so accepted that no one questions it and black people either wanting to feel good about themselves or to stick it to white people are using this belief to say they are more important than everyone else.  Some claim Africans were the original inhabitants of North America, not the Native Americans we know of who apparently came from Asia and enslaved the original black inhabitants.  Some claim that black Africans were the original Israelites, not the Jews who came from somewhere else and enslaved the black Israelites.   Black people just keep getting enslaved, don't they?  These theories may make you feel proud to be black, but are they really true?

Reading the racist comments left by black viewers made me cringe.  It was bad enough the video called lighter skinned people an "invasive species" but then for so many viewers to suggest that every race that is not distinctly African is genetically inferior is just plain hateful.  I didn't think black Nazis existed until I happened across the movement claiming all life came from Africa.

I didn't leave a link to the video in question.  I have no desire to spread that level of hate and ignorance.  Instead I did a little research on the African origins movement and found a scientific research paper discussing possible theories for why lighter skin evolved in humans.  The writers of the paper also assumed that all life began in Africa.  They cited evidence they found in their research which suggested some 80,000 years ago or so Europeans were all black migrants from Africa.  They then theorized on why our black ancestors got pale.  A lot of vitamin D apparently.  I put the link for the paper at the bottom in case you needed a laugh.

Here's the problem I have with this whole thing.  Say all human life really did begin in Africa.  Say black people really did come first and all life on earth was black and humans only evolved lighter skin as they migrated to colder climates in order to survive.  Let's say black people are more genetically pure than other races.   Does that really make other races mutations?  Or does it really mean that black people aren't as EVOLVED as other races?  If we take the African origin theory as gospel truth, then blacks may have come first but lighter skinned people evolved into something better.  And according to the laws of evolution, species who adapt live while the species who doesn't adapt becomes extinct.  Meaning eventually black people will die out as all inferior species do.  I don't know about you, but I have a problem with that.  I simply refuse to believe that black people are the original humans and everyone else is a more evolved cousin.  Seems kinda hateful, don't ya think?

I don't know how accurate the theory of Africa being where humans began really is.  I'm not here to tell you it's right or wrong.  I'm saying there's no way in hell we can know with any certainty where the first human like creature originated and we should be wise enough not to assume a theory is fact.  I do know that, contrary to what blacks want to believe about human origins, whether or not we started in Africa, black people are NOT more pure or any better than anyone else.  They are NOT the chosen of God any more than any other race is.  Why do so many think God is as racist as they are?  Or that God made us all different just so he can have a chosen people?

Look, we're all human.  We're all the same.   That's what matters.  No theory is going to change that.  Read the paper if you want, but don't pretend you're better than me because your genes are more African than mine.  That's just racist garbage.

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