Sunday, January 24, 2016

Fuck You MTV

So I just watched the most horrible blog ever: MTV Decoded on YouTube.  Or as I like to call it, MTV Proganda for the Black Panthers because it sure as hell isn't news.  It's a PSA that oks racism against white people because, well, white people are evil.  So this dipshit says.  The link's below. Be my guest.

First, let me just say that MTV stopped being relevant when they stopped playing music, but kids are still watching this crap and it's irresponsible of MTV to air racist blogs.  Even if they're racist towards white people because racism, contrary to what MTV thinks, is NOT something only white people do.

Second, let me explain the gist of the blog.  The blog says black people are incapable of being racist and that any perceived racism they show towards white people is only because white people are evil and deserve it.

Fuck you, MTV.

The blog even says to ignore the definition of the word racism because it's just the dictionary and, ya know, it's more of a guideline than what a word actually means.  Stupid doesn't really mean lacking intelligence, kids.  It means blue now.  Retards!

Third, let me explain to you what racism is.  Racism is when you don't like someone because of their skin or ethnicity.  So, MTV, if a black person doesn't like a white person because they're white, then that black person is a RACIST.

And that's all there is to it.  No excuses.  Racism is racism.  You don't have to be an institution or in a position of power in order to be racist.  You just have to not like someone because they're a different color than you.

The scary thing is that little white kids are buying into this nonsense.  They're being taught that their lives are basically worthless because they're white and their ancestors may or may not have done some bad things.  White kids are being taught that it's ok for people to hate them because of their race.  They deserve it and they should start begging black people for acceptance and forgiveness.  Let's pretend the Irish were never slaves.  Let's pretend black Africans never owned slaves.  Cuz everything wrong in the world is all the white man's fault.

And you say reverse racism isn't a thing.  Bitch, you're bringing back apartheid but reversing the roles. Yes, reverse racism is a thing.

Look, this is only the beginning.  Sentiments like these are growing.  It's dangerous enough to be a Mexican in this country, but there will come a time when it will be more dangerous to be white.  People who have these sentiments, people who make these blogs, the people who are calling whites evil, they aren't interested in ending racism.  They are only interested in getting revenge on white people.

They want to hurt white people. They want to enslave white people. They want to kill white people.  They don't want to get along with white people.  If you're white, get the hell out of America before they come for you because they are coming for you.

Everybody says let's have an honest conversation about race in this country, but every conversation they start always begins with white people are evil and black people can't be racist.  So let's pretend black people aren't racist to Mexicans and Asians because well, Mexicans and Asians are lighter skinned and must be evil too.  Mexicans and Asians must have created institutionalized racism too.  Mexicans and Asians must be out to get the black man too.  So black people have a right to be racist towards Mexicans and Asians.  Right?  Cuz black people can't be racist because Mexicans and Asians and white people are evil.

Fuck you, MTV.

Blacks can too be racist.  Not just towards whites but towards everyone who isn't black.  Not because everyone who isn't black is evil, but because blacks can be racist.  The proof happens in the hood every day.

You can deny it, but the truth is the truth.  Your propaganda will cause a war.  Your PSAs will get people killed.  Your excusing bad behavior because black people are doing it will destroy this nation.  Not because you're fighting for equality, but because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you're brainwashing kids to BE RACIST.  Just towards white people though.  But is that really going to fix anything?

I've decoded MTV Decoded and it's racist.

We will NEVER have an honest conversation about racism in this country because we don't want to.  We just want to justify why we're racist and scapegoat white people.  And then get offended when white people get offended about being blamed for everything.  We make fun of white people who say they don't want to see people by their race.  Yet, goddammit, that's how you END racism. By no longer acknowledging race.  By seeing people has humans first.  But we just hate whitey more than we really wanna end racism.

Fuck you, MTV.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mexicans aren't native North Americans

Most Mexicans are as European as white people. SOME Mexicans may have indigenous ancestors, but those ancestors were from central America.  Unless your ancestors are from an indigenous tribe native to NORTH AMERICA, the US and everything north of the Rio Grande ain't yours, sweetheart.  Mexicans, Latinos, Central and South Americans or any variation thereof are NOT native to my land and have NO RIGHT to tell me to go home.

I'm sick of this immigration debate.  Not because I think all Hispanics need to be deported or because I'm ok with illegals trying to make a better life.  I'm sick of the bullshit about who this country really belongs to.

History lesson: land belongs to whoever conquers it.  It doesn't matter what was here before.  It only matters what is here now.

I'm not going to justify genocide because that's what happened to Native North Americans and it was wrong.  But they were conquered because they were an inferior power to the invading Europeans.  It sucks but it's the truth.  But ya know what else?  The ancient Scotts were no match to the English.  Pretty much everyone was inferior to the Romans.  The world has been conquered into creation.  That's life.  Read a history book. Persians, Mongols. Invasion after invasion.  Even what we now call Native Americans were fond of invading one another.  African tribes did the same thing.

And sorry if you have bad feelings about your ancestors bad luck, but for Mexicans to come to the US and say they're taking back from the white man what was theirs is ludicrous because it was NEVER THEIRS.

If you want to take back your land, take back Mexico.  That's YOUR home.  That's where YOUR ancestors came from.

And I'm sick of this Mexican pride shit. Take enough pride in Mexico to fix its problems instead of running away like babies and bitching about Europeans already being here.  You don't have Mexican pride, you fakers, or you'd fight for your REAL homeland.  You'd fight for Mexico.  You'd fight the drug cartels and corrupt government.  You would have built an empire of your own instead of running away.

If you had any REAL Mexican pride.

Look, we can't change the past and the past isn't a pretty place, but we also have to live in the present.  You don't make better worlds by holding grudges about stuff that happened before you were a twinkle in your mama's eye.  I didn't invade Mexico.  I never owned slaves.  I don't owe you anything.  Leave me out of it.

No.  You make a better world by taking the PRESENT and building a FUTURE.  You don't look back at all the past injustices and demand reparations.  You learn from them and then prevent them from happening again in the future.  Why?  Because ALL lives matter.

White liberals keep talking about this.  We can bemoan white people, claim white privilege, call them racist, but they're getting something others aren't.  They understand equality.  They fight for it.  For everyone. Not just black and brown people.  They look at the world and say let's love EVERYONE.  Then they do.  They get mocked for it.  They get accused of destroying the black community for it.  They're called invaders for it but they do it anyway.  They're forward thinkers.  They know how to get things done.

Damn.  Maybe that's how you build an empire?

But Mexicans, seriously.  The United States belongs to the people who are born within its borders.  Bill of Rights says so.  Don't come to my country, legally, illegally, anchor baby or whatever, and think you own the place.  Don't you dare tell me to go home.

That isn't your right because I already AM home.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Theories are not facts

We as a species are curious about everything. For example, we can't just accept that the sun comes up in the morning. We have to know why.  So we made up theories about it.  To the ancient Greeks, a god pulled the sun across the sky with his celestial chariot.  To the ancient Egyptians, the sun was a god.  Who was right?  Neither of them.  Science later proved for a fact that the sun is a star, a giant ball of really hot gas.  No chariots. No sentience.

And that's the thing about theories.  They're ideas, possibilities.  They are NOT facts.

We take far too many theories as facts.  Big Bang Theory.  Evolution. That all human life began in Africa.   All theories taken as fact but could very well not even be true.

Because we have no way of proving them.  No way of saying with indefatigable certainty that the universe began with an explosion. Why?  Because there's no record of it and we weren't there.  It's a guess someone made because the universe (as far as their technology can tell them at this moment) shows signs of expanding.  So they conjectured that the universe was more condensed in the past and something had to make it start expanding.  Must have been an explosion.

What came before the Big Bang though?

Apes share remarkable similarities to humans and we found some really old human like skeletons that don't look exactly like us so someone made a guess that our ancestors were neanderthals and we evolved from them.  Couldn't just be a species of man that died out huh?  Other animals have various varieties.  There are dozens of different types of bird some of which are now extinct.  House cats and tigers are both felines, but which evolved first?

And what exactly happened to create human life in the first place?

So the oldest remains we found so far happened to be in modern day Africa.  That doesn't mean there aren't older signs of life in Siberia we just haven't found yet.  There's zero proof that Africans are the true master race, the Israelites, and all other races are genetic mutations some how.

And why is it acceptable for blacks to express black pride when whites expressing white pride automatically makes them racist.  Another topic though.

Truth is, any history prior to what was written down is ALL CONJECTURE.  We have no record of what Stonehenge was really for.  Someone just guessed it had something to do with druids.  We have no records of where the first humans came from.  It's just a theory.

Theories are ok.  It's great to be curious, to try and understand things, but we have to be smarter than this.  We have to first understand that guesses are not facts and our theories could be wrong.  We have to keep an open mind.  We have to keep searching for answers and we should NEVER mistake opinion for truth.