Most Mexicans are as European as white people. SOME Mexicans may have indigenous ancestors, but those ancestors were from central America. Unless your ancestors are from an indigenous tribe native to NORTH AMERICA, the US and everything north of the Rio Grande ain't yours, sweetheart. Mexicans, Latinos, Central and South Americans or any variation thereof are NOT native to my land and have NO RIGHT to tell me to go home.
I'm sick of this immigration debate. Not because I think all Hispanics need to be deported or because I'm ok with illegals trying to make a better life. I'm sick of the bullshit about who this country really belongs to.
History lesson: land belongs to whoever conquers it. It doesn't matter what was here before. It only matters what is here now.
I'm not going to justify genocide because that's what happened to Native North Americans and it was wrong. But they were conquered because they were an inferior power to the invading Europeans. It sucks but it's the truth. But ya know what else? The ancient Scotts were no match to the English. Pretty much everyone was inferior to the Romans. The world has been conquered into creation. That's life. Read a history book. Persians, Mongols. Invasion after invasion. Even what we now call Native Americans were fond of invading one another. African tribes did the same thing.
And sorry if you have bad feelings about your ancestors bad luck, but for Mexicans to come to the US and say they're taking back from the white man what was theirs is ludicrous because it was NEVER THEIRS.
If you want to take back your land, take back Mexico. That's YOUR home. That's where YOUR ancestors came from.
And I'm sick of this Mexican pride shit. Take enough pride in Mexico to fix its problems instead of running away like babies and bitching about Europeans already being here. You don't have Mexican pride, you fakers, or you'd fight for your REAL homeland. You'd fight for Mexico. You'd fight the drug cartels and corrupt government. You would have built an empire of your own instead of running away.
If you had any REAL Mexican pride.
Look, we can't change the past and the past isn't a pretty place, but we also have to live in the present. You don't make better worlds by holding grudges about stuff that happened before you were a twinkle in your mama's eye. I didn't invade Mexico. I never owned slaves. I don't owe you anything. Leave me out of it.
No. You make a better world by taking the PRESENT and building a FUTURE. You don't look back at all the past injustices and demand reparations. You learn from them and then prevent them from happening again in the future. Why? Because ALL lives matter.
White liberals keep talking about this. We can bemoan white people, claim white privilege, call them racist, but they're getting something others aren't. They understand equality. They fight for it. For everyone. Not just black and brown people. They look at the world and say let's love EVERYONE. Then they do. They get mocked for it. They get accused of destroying the black community for it. They're called invaders for it but they do it anyway. They're forward thinkers. They know how to get things done.
Damn. Maybe that's how you build an empire?
But Mexicans, seriously. The United States belongs to the people who are born within its borders. Bill of Rights says so. Don't come to my country, legally, illegally, anchor baby or whatever, and think you own the place. Don't you dare tell me to go home.
That isn't your right because I already AM home.
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