Black Americans have so much privilege it's ridiculous. I'm not saying that to be racist. I'm not saying that to justify white privilege (which not all white people even have by the way). I'm saying it because it's true. We baby black people in America because of all this guilt over something that happened before any of us were twinkles in our daddies' eyes and we've created a monster.
In what other country can you get a house, money and a college education handed to you because your ancestors may have been slaves? They don't have scholarships for whites only because that's racist but black only scholarships isn't racist at all. Really?
In what other country are black people allowed to physically assault people of other races and have it be ok in the court of public opinion because their ancestors may have been slaves so they don't know any better? Only in America. Because guilty white consciences have been making up for the sins of a handful of their ancestors for years and you make damn sure to take advantage of it but you don't appreciate it.
Black people can call white people crackers and other black people the n word. White people can't complain about being called crackers or even mention the n word in an historical context because that's racist. Black people can wear blonde wigs. White people can't wear afros because that's racist. Black people can have black only clubs, but white people can't have white only clubs because that's racist. Black people can use improper grammar and it's an ethnic language. White people can't use improper grammar without being called stupid or being accused of appropriating black culture. Black people can tell jokes about white people and it's funny. White people can't even ask a black person to pull their pants up because that's racist. White people aren't allowed to like rap music. That's appropriating black culture but black people getting government assistance (socialism invented by white people) isn't appropriating white culture. Neither is their wearing of pants though they totally stole that from white Europeans. Black people can be racist and tell us that they can't be because only white people can be racist and we believe them because they're black. They've been through stuff.
White people have been through stuff. There are just as many oppressed and impoverished white people as there are black people, but they're white so no one cares. Homeless white people are not more privileged than Beyonce.
In America, no one can hate someone because of their race except white people. When black people hate white skin, it's because white people deserve it. Because they're white and not because they personally did anything wrong.
But that's not racism. Remember, black people are incapable of being racist because they're black.
Black privilege is getting sympathy even when you do bad things. It's the reason Black Lives Matter rioted over Michael Brown, a criminal who robbed a store and attacked a cop, but stay silent when black gangbangers kill black babies in drivebys. Cuz black lives only matter when it involves white cops. Black cop shoots an unarmed white guy, the white guy deserved it. Cuz he was white. Police brutality isn't a problem unless it's toward black people.
Black privilege is getting away with shit because you're black and blaming it all on white people and white people aren't allowed to disagree with you. Black privilege is changing the definition of the word racism to justify your own hatred of white people and having the ability to brainwash white people into believing you. That's more of that white guilt, but why do they have to feel guilty for something they personally didn't do anyway? Because black people tell them to and everyone has to feel sorry for black people. Even when they're only suffering because of their own actions.
White people aren't oppressing you anymore and haven't been for awhile. Your lack of family values, work ethic and drug problems is not because white people made you do any of it. But black people aren't responsible for their own actions. It's all whitey's fault. Black privilege.
Black privilege is the New Black Panthers calling for the genocide of white babies and not being labeled a hate group. Black Panthers preach the same hate the KKK does but we sympathize because, well, they're black. Blacks have a right to be angry. That makes it ok to kill white people. And Jews because blacks are God's true chosen people and white Jews stole Israel from them so it's ok to kill Jews too. Or Asians or Arabs or Hispanics or Native Americans or anyone who isn't black because all life on earth began in Africa and blacks are the true humans and white people are mutations who raped black women and that's where other races came from. Or whatever. But that's not hate. Black people are incapable of hate.
Black privilege is screaming oppression at the grocery store or at your work (or anywhere) because your ass wasn't being kissed to your liking and being catered to in order to avoid a lawsuit. Because black people always win those types of lawsuits. White people, even with the racism documented on video, never do. But they get called racist for calling out black people for being racist and privileged for daring to record said black racism on video.
What is affirmative action except the legal right to racially discriminate agsinst white people?
You're fucking privileged but it's racist to admit that cuz.. white people. And we must hate white people cuz.... white people.
Don't talk to me about oppression. You have rights. You have freedom. You use them everyday.
You hate white people and that's all your bitching about oppression and white privilege is all about. Justifying your hate of white people.
And you get away with it. THAT'S black privilege.
I know not all blacks aren't racists just like I know not all white people are, but fair is fair. To be racist while condemning racism is stupid. To say all whites are privileged and you're not is a lie. To say you can't be racist because only white people are is hypocritical. It's the pot calling the kettle black.
But that would make the pot racist. Black privilege.