Thursday, April 7, 2016

Theists Suck

Theists and Isms are just as bad on their own as the wars they start but let's talk about Theists first. Islamic theists, Christian theists, Jewish theists even Atheists just suck as institutions.

We may think the human race would be happy with no more war, but the truth is we'd be bored.  A warless world wouldn't last a year before someone found a reason to hate someone.  We are a diseased species and always have been whether you think God created us that way or evolution or the aliens or the monkey king pooped us out.  Whatever you choose to believe, we suck as a species.

I grew up in the Christian faith but not in a fanatical condemn everything cuz the Bible said so kind of way.  We didn't even go to church every Sunday, but I was taught to believe in the Christian God.  Now, hardcore Christians will say I'm not a Christian at all.  I don't get that honor because I'm not fanatical enough in my faith.  I don't follow a particular sect and you're not really Christian unless you're a Baptist Christian or a Methodist Christian or whatever.  You're not a serious Christian if you don't have a preferred sect because you're not committed enough.

But I tend to favor the Baptist service when I do go to church.  Less ritual, you still get a message and there are some catchy songs without the fakers pretending to talk in tongues.  But that's not enough of a commitment.  I can't quote Bible verses.  I don't listen to only Christian rock.  I'm not against gay marriage and I don't want to eradicate all Muslims.  Being a good person and loving God isn't enough to be in Christian Club.  You have to hate everything and everyone they tell you to as well.  But didn't God say love thy neighbor?

In order for someone to be allowed to belong to a Baptist church (not just visit, but to have the right to take part in), they have to either be baptized by that church or show them their baptism certificate from another church.  That's right.  You get papers proving you've been baptized and you actually do have to prove it.  Otherwise, you're not allowed to join the church.  Just sit in the back and give them money.  In order to join a church, you have to ASK PERMISSION.  And you thought Christianity was all inclusive.

Jesus preached to the sinners. Churches want more of a financial commitment.

But here's the thing about Theists that pisses me off.  They all think they're right and they all condemn anyone who doesn't agree with them to a tee.

I believe in God.  I tell people I believe in God.  I believe that God loves people regardless of whether or not they're Christian.  And THAT'S why other Christians say I'm not welcome.  I'm not Christian enough for them.

The hate, man. It's everywhere.

But here's the thing that most Christians, Muslims and Jews have forgotten.  In the beginning, there was NO RELIGION.  God didn't create religion.  People did.  Earthly, sinful people created religion and it wasn't so they could spread God's word any more than the ancient Greeks built temples to keep their gods happy.  Religion was created to USE people's beliefs to covince them to allow earthly, sinful men to rule over them and to be given money.  No other reason. Religion is a billion dollar industry.  Don't believe me? Joel Osteen.  Mega churches period.  The Pope owns an entire city.  If you wanna get rich, be a preacher.

So I don't go to church every Sunday.  So I will never condemn gay people.  I don't believe women are inferior to men.  And I do this knowing that God wouldn't either.  I do this with conviction that God wouldn't have created something He didn't like.  And I don't need to be a fanatical, Bible thumping evangelical to be a Christian.

You're supposed to minister to the sinners.  Not beat the crap out of them until they reluctantly agree to do whatever you tell them to.  How do you get someone to accept Jesus into their hearts when they're so scared they'll say anything you want them to to make the pain stop?

This isn't just directed towards Christians. I talked about Christians because I know Christians the most but all Theists are the same.

Muslims, God never approved of jihad.  He never said go murder people if they won't follow Islam.  Mohamad was a drug crazed psycho if you say that's what he preached.  But just like Christian Theists, you force your religion down people's throats, condemn those who disagree with you and murder non believers convinced that God will let you have sex with 72 virgins if you do.  Really? Heaven is sex with a virgin?

You can tell from my other posts that I disagree with Islam on a lot of stuff, but I don't encourage their murder.  Murder is wrong.  I'm talking to you, ISIS and you, Ted Cruz.

And Jews, you're not God's chosen people.  You crucified his kid. Think you lost that privilege.  Stop bombing Palestinians in the name of God.

Killing in the name of God just pisses God off.

And Atheists, no one cares if you think God is made up.  Stop being douchebags about it.

You can believe in something and you can share that belief without being hateful.  Theists don't get that.  Theists create Isms and hate.  Theists take a perfectly good thing like a believe in God and turn it into drama, conflict and reason to kill eachother.

Theists suck.  Thank you, God, for not being a Theist.

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