Friday, January 20, 2017

President Trump. Oh my.

Well, Trump made it through the inauguration without being shot so...  Looks like this may be happening after all.

Across the country, sore losers have gone from chanting hateful rhetoric and tearing up property to full out assaulting anyone they think voted for Trump.  By that I mean, they're beating up white people.

I'm not gonna sugar coat it.  White people are the 21st century's Jews.  They are actively targeting white people for elimination.  There's nothing reverse about it.  It's racism and it's popular to be racist towards whites these days.

That's another post though.

This is about Trump.  For the next 4 years (maybe), it's all gonna be about Trump.  There's a lot to be worried about.  He's a rogue and he's rich.  He doesn't know what he's doing and he doesn't understand the needs of the working class.  I'm worried and it's understandable.  It's even ok.

But the rioting is getting out of hand.  This whole not my president and burning things down crap needs to stop.  He IS your president.  He's EVERYBODY'S president.  Don't give me that crap about how Obama faced criticism too so that makes what you're doing ok while you're claiming to be the real party of values and love at the same time.  Fucking hypocrites.  You're full of hate.

But it's more insidious than that.  Democrats in our government are planning to do everything in their power to make Trump fail.  I didn't approve when the Republicans did it to Obama, I'm not giving Democrats a free pass.  You're supposed to be better than Republicans but you act just lik them.

And obstruction didn't hurt Obama.  It hurt the American people.  Obstructing Trump may get an angry tweet from the guy, but ultimately it won't hurt him either.  It will hurt the people.  Congrats.  You people suck.

I don't want the government to collapse.  It sounds cool, but anarchy is really a disaster.  Because the people poised to seize power after the coup are alt right and alt left types.  The kind of people who will make life a living hell.

Status quo.  That's all we can expect from world leaders these days.  Unfortunately, that's the safer option.

Wanting your government to fail is like wanting your pilot to crash the plane.  You're fucking stupid.

You keep saying you're better than Republicans but your actions say you're not.

Personally, I hope Trump's a big enough asshole to do a good job just to piss neo liberals off.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Four black people kidnapped and tortured a white man and Live Streamed it on Facebook.  They did this because they don't like white people.  It doesn't matter if  the victim was handicapped or if the torturers had shitty home lives.  Someone kidnapped and tortured a man because he was WHITE.

And the media made excuses for them.  The police chief of Chicago, where this occurred, made excuses. Said kids make mistakes like that makes this ok.  No one would call this a hate crime even though what was said in the video to the victim was an admittance that the crime was racially motivated.  That alone qualifies it as a hate crime but it took public outrage from both whites and blacks alike to force the police to charge these thugs with a hate crime.

We know if four white people had done this to a black man, it would have been charged as a hate crime off the bat.  The media would be talking about it nonstop and the riots would begin.  There would be public outrage.

But the victim was white so public outrage is racist.

There are even people who are ok with this happening.  Racist black people on Twitter congratulating the torturers.  Who say this is deserved because of slavery.  Slavery, the excuse for everything.  They even deny that the hateful, racist rhetoric of Black Lives Matter had anything to do with encouraging these thugs to kidnap and torture someone.  Well, it did.

I saw a YouTube video of a black man who said everything I've been feeling about this.  I posted the video to my social media accounts because I think people need to hear what he has to say.  I'll leave the link  below.

Originally posted to my Facebook page, this sums up how I feel about the state of black America.


The Southern Dixiecrats never went away.  They just call themselves Liberals and Progressives now and they've finally succeeded in destroying the black community.  You were so blind, so hateful of the white man, you fell for it hook, line and sinker and there is no coming back.  There's no undoing this because you no longer have the ability to see the wrong in it.  I weep for you. Even your own can see this and you call them traitors. You call them coons, but they're RIGHT.  You live your entire lives buying into bullshit propaganda, hating because you are TOLD to.  Thinking of yourselves as perpetual victims because you were TOLD to. You can watch a man being tortured for the color of his skin and then blame him because of the color of skin.  Oh, those poor torturers couldn't help themselves. They're oppressed.  They had bad home lives.  You wouldn't even acknowledge racism had anything to do with it because you were TOLD the color of your skin means you're biologically incapable of racism. There are even people who wave the banner of Black Lives Matter who are HAPPY they did this to this boy because they believe whitey deserves it.  You were taught to hate and you do and the world sees and they turn their back on you and you cry racism for that while you PERPETRATE ACTS OF RACISM EVERY DAY.  And that was all part of the plan.  Every last bit of propaganda on the news is all designed to lead YOU by your noses, to prod YOU into acts of violence so when the time comes to get you out of the way, no one will mind.  Black America, you were played.  You are being played.  Stop saying you're "woke" if you're doing nothing to address your own behavior.  This man is woke.  Too many of yall are sheep.  Listen to what he has to say."

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Russians Did It

The Russians did it.  Doesn't matter what we're talking about.  When you need to avoid taking responsibility for something, blame the Russians.  Our outgoing government and mainstream media do so it's ok.

Democrats and butt hurt lefties are so pissed off the lady they used every piece of media they run to order us to vote for didn't win, that they've been throwing tantrums since election night.  They've burned stuff.  Beat people up.  Staged hate crimes. And yes, made outrageous accusations to deligitimize the election results.

Trump is a crazy orange guy.  I have no doubt about that.  He's as shady as any rich guy is though.  And he's a celebrity with no political experience.  I worry about our future.  It's understandable.

But the American people voted and enough of them voted to turn the delegate system in Trump's favor.  America chose Trump and that's the truth.

The delegate system exists because if it didn't only California and New York would get to decide our elections. This works fine for neo liberals who don't like making concessions for people who disagree with them, but this does not work for everyone in every other state who, for some reason, have this crazy idea that they should get a say in their government too.  The delegates matter because everyone's vote is supposed to matter.  California and New York wanted Hillary.  Fine.  But the rest of the country wanted Trump.

And all ya bitching doesn't make you right. 

Keep in mind that the delegate system and the electoral college are not the same thing.  The electoral college is a group of government appointed lackeys who can override the will of the people if they want.  That's an unfair system and I'm all for doing away with it.  But the delegate system has a vital purpose.

I know.  I used to think popular vote was good enough too.  Then I read up on the issue and changed my mind.  That's something smart people do often.

Here's something else my intelligence tells me.  No one hacked our election.

See, Obama's legacy is being threatened and he has to protect it.  The results also proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that MSM lies to us and they need to convince us that they don't.  And in order for Democrats as a party to regain power in the future, they need us to believe the party we just overwhelmingly voted in to power over them is evil.

So the propaganda starts up again.  Suddenly any news outlet not agreeing with the government sanctioned propaganda is fake news. Social media where evidence proving MSM is lying is often found is now being censored. There's a fake news epidemic and people are stupid enough to believe whatever they're told so that's why they voted for Trump.  Faked hate crimes make headlines that even after it's proven to have been faked, MSM either refuses to admit it (because people who disagree with them are fake remember) or blurbs over it while attempting to distract us with more Trump bashing or videos of cute kittens.  Suddenly, Obama, who was doing nothing for Standing Rock BEFORE Democrats lost the election, is championing the rights of Native Americans and using his authority to stop the pipeline.  What took him so long?  And yes, the claims that Russia hacked the election are false.

Everything we're being told right now is all an attempt to get us to not recognize the authority of the new government WE just voted for.  Everything Obama did his entire presidency, like every president before him, was to make himself and his party look good because looking good gets him and his party more power.  That's why he's suddenly concerned with Standing Rock. It's propaganda.  MSM  has to say people who disagree with them are the real liars because they need to maintain their power to persuade us with their own lies.

And, while Trump is far from a decent candidate, the majority of what's being reported about him is either over exaggerated or false because the losing side has to make the winners look bad if they're going to win elections in the future.

We saw Republicans do this when Obama won.  Of course Democrats will do the same thing.  There are no politicians who don't care more about reelection over the the American people.

All elections are are one group of rich people battling the other group of rich people over who's going to control the nation.  Elections aint about us.

When it comes to allegations that Russia hacked our election and Trump didn't really win, we need proof.  Not Obama's word.  We took Bush at his word and invaded Iraq.  Bush lied. Hello ISIS.

See, if they really believed the election was hacked, then that makes the whole think illegitimate.  They can't just hand office to Hillary.  They have to have a NEW election.  They WOULD have a new election if they really had proof the first one was hacked.

Because then they would have to actually SHOW that proof to the American people in order to do that.  They would have to SHOW that proof to us if they refuse to let Trump take office as well.

They're not showing us proof and they're not calling for new elections.  Why not?

Because they don't have proof.  It's just another lie.

Prove me wrong.  Show me the proof and allow me the opportunity to fact check it.

Or get used to the idea that spending 8 years demonizing white Americans, still your largest demographic, backfired.  Admit that continuously referring to those who can't afford college as uneducated and therefore stupid because they didn't vote for you alienated people you needed votes from.  Admit that minorities are conservative Republicans.  Admit that minorities, including Hispanics, aren't fans of illegal immigration or welfare.  Admit we saw your propaganda for what it was and decided Hillary really was too crooked.  Admit you were wrong.

Cuz we know you are.