Friday, January 20, 2017

President Trump. Oh my.

Well, Trump made it through the inauguration without being shot so...  Looks like this may be happening after all.

Across the country, sore losers have gone from chanting hateful rhetoric and tearing up property to full out assaulting anyone they think voted for Trump.  By that I mean, they're beating up white people.

I'm not gonna sugar coat it.  White people are the 21st century's Jews.  They are actively targeting white people for elimination.  There's nothing reverse about it.  It's racism and it's popular to be racist towards whites these days.

That's another post though.

This is about Trump.  For the next 4 years (maybe), it's all gonna be about Trump.  There's a lot to be worried about.  He's a rogue and he's rich.  He doesn't know what he's doing and he doesn't understand the needs of the working class.  I'm worried and it's understandable.  It's even ok.

But the rioting is getting out of hand.  This whole not my president and burning things down crap needs to stop.  He IS your president.  He's EVERYBODY'S president.  Don't give me that crap about how Obama faced criticism too so that makes what you're doing ok while you're claiming to be the real party of values and love at the same time.  Fucking hypocrites.  You're full of hate.

But it's more insidious than that.  Democrats in our government are planning to do everything in their power to make Trump fail.  I didn't approve when the Republicans did it to Obama, I'm not giving Democrats a free pass.  You're supposed to be better than Republicans but you act just lik them.

And obstruction didn't hurt Obama.  It hurt the American people.  Obstructing Trump may get an angry tweet from the guy, but ultimately it won't hurt him either.  It will hurt the people.  Congrats.  You people suck.

I don't want the government to collapse.  It sounds cool, but anarchy is really a disaster.  Because the people poised to seize power after the coup are alt right and alt left types.  The kind of people who will make life a living hell.

Status quo.  That's all we can expect from world leaders these days.  Unfortunately, that's the safer option.

Wanting your government to fail is like wanting your pilot to crash the plane.  You're fucking stupid.

You keep saying you're better than Republicans but your actions say you're not.

Personally, I hope Trump's a big enough asshole to do a good job just to piss neo liberals off.

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