Monday, April 24, 2017

The Wrong Side of History

Anyone who feels compelled to constantly remind you that THEY'RE on the right side of history while YOU'RE not, is with 99% probability NOT on the right side of anything.

History is written by both the winners and the losers and the 2 sides very rarely are honest with their accounts. This is why white Southerners know the Civil War was also about an over reaching government but downplay the significance of slavery and white Northerners think the Civil War was solely over slavery. Both a hatred over big government and whether or not slavery was ok fostered the Civil War, but very few admit that it was BOTH.  Those that do? Ostracized.

And now we have SJWs demanding that racist white America erase all memorials to the confederacy or else and Southerners moaning about how unfair whiping out their heritage is.  No one understands the purpose of monuments.

They're not to celebrate. They're to REMEMBER.  If there's one time in American history we don't need to forget, it's the time when we almost died as a nation over bipartisan bullshit.

It's ok to take monuments down, but put them in museums so our children can learn about WHY we took them down. Don't just erase white history because you don't like white people. The confederacy built the South and there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that and even having a statue or two so that passersbys can be REMINDED of those times and HOW FAR WE'VE COME since then.

I don't care how great you think your own ancestors were.  Mine contributed just as much to the founding of this country.  We didn't take credit for what you built.  We designed it.  You're a racist asshat if you think that doesn't matter.

Also recognize that freedom means people have a right to own, fly, wear, masturbate to, etc all the confederate flags they want. America, you asshats.

These monuments represent history.  You can't just rewrite history to fit that anti white propganda you so desperately want to believe.  Racist, asshats.

But another note.  Mark my words, those who are so quick to destroy any memory of the confederacy.  Your day will come.

This country will be majority hispanic in 30 years. We have an ever increasing Muslim population. We have white guilt that leads us to complacency and an out of control need to destroy America in the name of "diversity".  Understand that there will come a time when YOU are no longer relevant.  YOUR ideas will be obsolete.  YOU will be condemned for YOUR actions.  BLM, folks.


One day, a century from now, some future generation will tear down all the monuments to MLK and Malcolm X.  Those monuments won't be needed anymore. They'll be too racist. Too controversial.  Future generations will tear down your monuments and put up their own.

And you're children and grandchildren will not like it anymore than the white Southerners you're condemning now do.

Think about that.

Man has been building monuments for centuries. Most of them were taken down.  You can pretend eradicating any reference to the confederacy is a victory, but it's a short lived victory.  One day, it'll be your turn.


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