Google yellow journalism. I dare you.
Back in the 19th century, two newspaper men, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, both devout Democrats, were well known to report exaggerations and lies as authentic news. Because papers like theirs often used yellow ink, their type of outright fake news was labeled "yellow journalism". So, to be clear, yellow journalism is fake news and the term was created in response to two bastions of the Democratic Party lying their asses off.
Let that sink in. However much you hate FOX, Democrats lie TOO.
Here's the rub though. Long before these two clowns made up a bunch of BS to up their sales, journalists have been lying to us. Google fake news. I dare you. There wasn't an honest reporter in sight for centuries.
Pulitzer and Hearst may have given yellow journalism a name, but they didn't invent it. Sensationalism has always sold and in order to get that level of sellable sensationalism, the media has always lied.
Now, there was a brief period of outrage after Pulitzer and Hearst were called out, but it wasn't a large enough outrage that it impacted the way media handles the truth. If anything, the mainstream press just made their lying more discreet. They still continued to lie though. Eventually, the public forgot about Pulitzer and Hearst and the media got bolder in their lying. Now no one remembers what yellow journalism is, but that's all you see from MSM today.
Golden shower gate? Russia hacked the election? Anderson Cooper's eye roll while interviewing a Republican spokesperson? All yellow journalism and no one noticed.
It's hard to give MSM the benefit of the doubt when they keep lying to us. 4chan, source of golden shower gate, ADMITTED PUBLICLY that they made the whole thing up. No one at CNN or MSNBC or any of the other stations who ran with it, admitted they didn't get proof the story was legit. No, in the case of CNN they CONTINUED to run the lie as though it was real only adding "sources say" to make it seem more legit. In other words, they knew they were lying, didn't see a problem maintaining the lie (because they don't like Trump) and the idiot public didn't call them on it.
Benghazi. Benghazi. Benghazi.
We all know when cops are douchebags, they're equal opportunity douchebags. There is case after case of unarmed people who are not black being gunned down by cops of various colors, but there's no outrage. MSM doesn't cover the truth about police brutality because it doesn't fit the white people are evil and black people are still oppressed narrative. They will give massive airtime to a KKK rally of 20 and claim it was a large and violent crowd while a Black Lives Matter rally of hundreds chanting they want to kill cops and attacking random white people along their march gets no coverage at all. And when police brutality allows an indigenous girl to be denied medical treatment and said girl dies while in custody? That just isn't as important as a black woman with a history of mental illness committing suicide.
Let that hypocrisy sink in and then ask yourself why. WHAT are they trying to sell you? WHY are they lying? Why do they want to start a race war?
I have my theories. I've covered them in other blogs and will probably cover them in future blogs so for now, I'll let you ponder that on your own, but understand this. Journalism is about making money. Journalists tell you the stories they are PAID to tell you. The truth is irrelevant. MSM is propaganda for the rich people who own the industry. That's why they have editors to cherry pick what's newsworthy and what isn't. Control the information, convince the public what you want them to think, control the public.
They're CONTROLLING you.
It's important to understand the difference in sources. When a news story has a named, verifiable source that can be held accountable if the information provided is false and the reported only lists the facts as presented, then it's factual news reporting. It's saying this is the person I got this from and here are the facts as presented to me for you to form your own opinion. That's the journalism taught in school. When a news story quotes an unnamed source whose information cannot be independently verified and no one can be held accountable for, then that is a RUMOR being reported as fact. When the reporter tells you their opinion of the rumor, that is FAKE NEWS. And THAT'S the journalism as it's presented to us, the public.
Unamed sources = making shit up. It's that easy to do.
I encourage everyone to get their news from multiple sources, but take it a step further. Whatever the story is, get several different takes on it. When CNN says Trump is an alien, go see what FOX says. Then go see what they're saying in other countries, both countries who like the US and hate the US. Then pick out the parts where all the stories match. That will be the closest thing to the truth you're going to get.
The news is answering who, what when, where and how. Why, if it isn't a direct quote that can be verified, is subjective. The media has lied. They will continue to lie.
You have to be smart enough to rise above it.
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