Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Canadian Shade Part 2

I don't know about Canadians.  I'm sure they're not ALL stupid but their media is pretty biased too so I just don't know for sure...

I don't know about Canadians, but here in the US, we're tired of the whose dick is bigger contest between Trump and Trudeau.

Trudeau needs to stop.  Stop with the insults.  Stop with veiled shade.  Stop going around the US government to make trade deals with individual states.  Stop trying to start a war.

Cuz that's what he's gonna get if he keeps acting a fool.

This isn't a boxing match, Justin.  You don't talk smack to the other guy before the match and walk away all sportsman like after.  You being an asshat affects MILLIONS of people's lives.  It's creating animosity on international levels.  That's the kind of animosity that doesn't go away.

Understand, we share a long and barely guarded border.  We have a no nonsense, not afraid to do something kind of crazy president.  War with us wouldn't be good for you.

And neither would a civil war in the US.  That's what you're helping to facilitate when you pit states against each other.  A war between the States.  Where do you think the refugees from that war are going to go?

Sure the hell ain't Mexico.

And keep in mind, our economies are heavily connected.  If ours crashes, yours crashes.

Not to mention everything else we share.  Ninety percent of Canadian tv is American shows.  Say goodbye to them.  All those Canadians doing their shopping in the US because it's cheaper, say goodbye to that.  Hockey?  About to get a lot smaller.  And who's going to be buying all that stuff you export?  We're your biggest trading partner.

You're playing with fire, Justin.  Stop.

Be a REAL leader and try making peace.  That's what our government needs right now.  Someone outside Washington to say "Hey, guys, we need to work this out and we're buddies so let us help."  We need an intermediary.  At least offer.

During the Canadian elections for prime minister, they ran adds against Trudeau saying he was too young for so much responsibility.  He's proving those ads right.

And that doesn't do either of our countries any good.

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