Monday, October 9, 2017

Fuck Indigenous Peoples Day

I don't care whether you like Columbus Day or not.  Celebrate if you want to.  Don't if you prefer not to.  If you would rather do Indigenous Peoples Day, feel free.

Only stupid people care.

Truth bomb: 99% of folks don't care what you celebrate today as long as they can take the day off.

And that's how it should be.

It's like Christmas vs Hanukkah vs Ramadan.  Christians, Muslims and Jews have been killing each other for centuries but come their respective holidays, everyone always says, celebrate whatever cuz tolerance and shit.  Liberals are all about tolerance and shit.  Lol. So what's the difference when it comes to Columbus Day?

You don't have to celebrate Columbus Day any more than Christians are forced to celebrate Ramadan.  So if you disagree with it, don't celebrate.  Problem solved.

People disagree with Halloween.  Should we stop celebrating it?  I think the depravity praised during Gay Pride Month is vile and henders the cause.  Does that give me the right to do away with Gay Pride Month?  Of course not.  I simply don't celebrate it.

Let's be honest.  The argument agsinst Columbus Day is driven by racism towards European Americans.  Your dislike for the day is due to your dislike of white people.  It's the biggest day of the year when you openly bash white people.  When you lump all white people together and call them privileged racists and murderers and devils and whatever other insults you think of.  It's the day when it's ok to attack white people while enjoying the free and prosperous first world nation they built.  It's the day when the folks who picked a fight with a more advanced society and lost it bitch about losing.

Let's be even more honest.  Indigenous people were not innocent victims of the evil white man.  America wasn't a utopia full of kumbaya and unicorns.  Indigenous peoples were violent, fought each other, owned slaves, scalped their enemies, practiced cannibalism and a whole lot of stuff that's less than honorable.  They weren't innocent.  They made war on the Europeans and the Europeans were stronger.  Europeans won.  That's what happened.

You can be butt hurt about it or you can recognize that times have changed since the Trail of Tears and move on.

Cuz this is the 21st century and times have changed.  You're not forced to live on reservations anymore.  In fact, you get all sorts of free stuff and special treatments because white folks do recognize the past had dark moments for you.  They do recognize you lost the war and they are trying to appease you.

Indigenous peoples are the only ones who don't have to obey American laws on their land.  They're given free scholarships to college.  They literally have the best shot at being successful if they would swallow their pride and take the opportunities the rest of us are not afforded.  They don't accept them, of course.  They'd rather be impoverished than live in the white man's world.

Well, that's on them.

Most people get this.  Most people don't care about the controversy.  Most people don't celebrate either holiday.  They enjoy the day off if they can get one or they work like it's just another Monday.   Either way, only the folks butt hurt about losing the war or who are racist fucktards give two shits what you call this day.

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