Gun control advocates like to use this meme comparing gun laws to car laws. Things like gun owners need to take classes and have insurance and what not. They think it's a snarky rebuttal to gun rights activists but the truth is every responsible gun owner agrees with this meme and are already practicing many of its points. You do have to have a gun license, for example, and in order to get a gun license, you have to take a gun safety class. In other words, the meme is stupid.
I like the bit about insurance, but that's it.
I used to be a gun control nut, but that changed when I was red pilled. Truth bomb: You can't physically remove every gun out of a country any more than you can physically remove every Muslim or every illegal immigrant. And bans don't work. There were billions of abortions before Roe vs Wade. Prohibition anyone?
People look to Europe and say look how safe they are with strict gun laws. In Europe, they use suicide bombs and cars to kill people instead. Sweden has a rape epidemic. Yeah. Europe is so safe.
But I came to understand what the left refuse to see. That inanimate objects aren't the problem. It's the people using them.
Imagine a world where getting mental help was easier? When you can show someone a Facebook page where a potential killer has laid out his entire plan (something many mass shooters all have in common) and it's taken as a serious threat. At least serious enough to warrant an investigation and mental evaluation.
Free speech doesn't remove the consequences of said speech so don't even try that argument.
Imagine a world where seeking mental health help wasn't stigmatized. So many people who know they need help don't get it because they're afraid of losing their jobs. Let that sink in. You can lose your job for seeking help with depression. That's... depressing. And wrong.
You can't claim you want to save lives if you aren't addressing the root causes why these incidents keep happening.
Now remember how happier we were when God was a bigger part of our nation. Atheists will tell you the Bible is pointless but a love of God and to some degree a fear of God, is why we have laws against murder and rape and theft in the first place. When did we start seeing school shootings? In the 90s when we lost God in schools. America was great when it was a God fearing nation.
Guys, we don't have a gun problem. We have a people problem. There's something wrong with their heads, wrong with their hearts and you can either do something constructive to help these people and in turn, others or you can keep beating the dead horse of a pointless gun ban. You're call.
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