Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mutual Respect

There really is a war between the ages.  The old condemn the young for not respecting them.  The young condemn the old for not taking them seriously. It's been happening since humans first realized we aged.

I'm 35.  Not exactly young but not yet a senior citizen.  There's a brief moment in our lifetimes when we're in between the warring factions, the "middle" age years.  While it's tempting to pick a side, this period of transition between young and old can be used for much more.  It should be a time of reflection and personal growth.  Our time to look at young and old alike and not make the same mistakes billions of people have made.

First, let's understand that respect is earned.  It is NOT given to you just because you've lived a little longer.  Old people, don't demand respect from the young if you aren't going to give respect TO them.  You may not think the problems of teenager are as serious as your more adult issues, but they're serious enough to that teen.  Don't blow them off because you mistakenly believe they're too young to have anything worth contributing.  Remember, that kid you blew off today will be taking care of you tomorrow.  Keep on their good side.   Young people, you can't earn respect from your elders if you act a fool so learn how to be civil to others.  You will be treated in the manner in which you treat those around you.  Don't assume someone is less important or irrelevant because they have grey hair.  Remember, it's still their world until you reach their age.

Age does not lead to wisdom. Experience does and not every old person out there is wise.  If they were, they wouldn't vote Republican.  So old people, don't assume you're smarter than someone younger than you.  You've probably just had different experiences.  The world also changes constantly and the young are better equipped to keep up with it.  They are your most valuable asset when it comes to technology among other things.  Appreciate that.  Young people, you probably haven't had as many life experiences as your parents. Take the opportunity to learn from their experiences, both good and bad, as you can.  You'll still have to figure most things out on your own, but most parents really do just want to help you so listen to the advice before making up your mind.

The young fear getting old and the old are jealous of the young.  Neither side is perfect or better than the other, but both NEED eachother.  The old help guide the young and the young give the old meaning.

So think on that before you criticize eachother.

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