Friday, February 20, 2015

Your car's too big.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of the quad cab with the extra long bed taking up two whole parking spaces and the sidewalk.  Something that big should have to park in the back fifty where the big rigs and RVs go.  It's rude to take up that much space and dangerous to boot.  Ever try backing up when a giant truck is next to you? You can't see if cars are coming because their ass end is sticking out into the lane.  And they can never park them straight because they're trying to squeeze a watermelon in a parking space designed for an orange.

But the real question is why does someone NEED a large vehicle?  I think it's purely ego.  A man who's confident doesn't mind driving a Prius.  It gets him where he needs to go and that's the reason cars were invented.  Only a man with penis issues needs a Hummer.  Or a quad cab with an extra long bed.

It's bad enough we insist on super sizing our meals, our houses, our hair (if you live in the south).  Why do we need to over size our cars too? Are we really carrying that much crap around?  Then we have a hoarding problem.

It pisses me off when some trophy wife in her big SUV has the audacity to complain gas prices are too high.  If everyone traded in their gas guzzling SUVs and pick up trucks for compact cars or hybrids, the demand for gas would go down and so would the price.  As it is, Big Oil knows they can financially rape you at the pump because you NEED the gas.  Because you TELL them you'll pay anything by USING MORE GAS THAN ANYONE SHOULD NEED.

Because you drive an oversized car with 10 miles to the gallon - and that's a generous estimate.  That Hummer only gets like 2.

Ever wonder why car makers don't make cars with 50 mpg?  The technology exists, but Big Oil won't let them cut into their profits.

As for the moron in the quad cab with the extra long bed?  Parking spaces were designed for normal sized vehicles.  There is nothing wrong with your parking space.  The problem is your truck is too big.

Oh how much cleaner the air and happier the commute if more people used public transit!

But the hard truth is, there is no physical need for that SUV or quad cab with the extra long bed.  No amount of soccer games or safety concerns or towing capacity can justify it.  The need for a large vehicle is purely psychological, something for people with low self esteem to feel important.

That's all the desire for material wealth of any kind really is.

Stop being a loser.  Do the environment and your neighbors a favor.  Ditch the big vehicle.

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