Thursday, April 9, 2015

Cops kill white people too

The media has a double standard that drives me nuts.  When a white cop does something to a black person, it's national news.  One more case of white people oppressing black people. There are riots, social media goes wild and the rampant racism of our white majority is condemned by blacks and whites a like.  And the media plays up the racial tension to massive ratings, but it's not a fair portrayal and it isn't accurate.  Here I was thinking journalism was supposed to be about facts.  Guess I was wrong.

I don't condone racism and I won't pretend it doesn't exist, but when it comes to police brutality, I can assure you, cops are equal opportunity offenders.  And the media IGNORES it.

Take Gilbert Collar, an unarmed WHITE teen shot by Trevis Austin, a BLACK cop in Alabama.  Where was the media coverage?  Where were the cries of racism and the condemnation?  Only after the violence of Ferguson (an eerily similar event to Collar's murder) did ANYONE bring up Collar and the fact that his killer wasn't charged either.  And those who dared to mention Collar in relation to Ferguson were immediately deemed racists.  Because black people can't be racist and all white people must be.  Yeah, right.

Dillon Taylor in Utah, also an unarmed white man shot by a black cop. Where was the outrage?  The media didn't even give it a blurb.

Cops shoot white people too.  It's a fact.  Cops shoot Hispanics, Asians, Arabs and pretty much everyone.  It isn't just white cops that are too quick to shoot.  Black cops, Asian cops, Hispanic cops all do it too.  The media ignores all that.  They only care if it involves  a white cop and a black man because that's what gets the idiots watching their shows.  Double standard.  The media is the most racist entity ever.

Police brutality is not solely based on race.  It's CULTURAL.  It's in the training of police officers.  It's in the mindset and attitudes prevalent among police officers.  It's a by product of a gun happy nation.  If we refuse to acknowledge that, if we insist on making it all about race, we're NEVER going to stop the problem.

And the media should remember they're journalists and keep the opinions in the editorial column.  Get your facts straight and burn your race card.

Stop police brutality against EVERYONE.

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