Monday, April 6, 2015

Israel: Is it worth fighting for?

What's so holy about the supposed holy land?  What makes it more important than the rest of the world?  I don't think Israel is all that great as far as countries go and I definitely don't think it's worth fighting over for anyone outside Israel.

It's just land.  So it got a shout out in the Bible.  Who cares?  That was 2000 years ago.  Jesus doesn't live their anymore.  Muhammad doesn't live their anymore.  Neither of them imbued the land with any magical powers.  It's just dirt.

But we humans are petty, stupid little things and we fight over dirt.  Geez.  It's not even very pretty dirt.

Pay attention, sweeties.  God doesn't live exclusively in Israel.  God is everywhere.  You can talk to God from anywhere.  Israel is NOT the holy land.  The whole damn world is the holy land.

So give it a frickin' rest.  2000 years we've been fighting over this particular patch of dirt.  We're stupid.  Israel needs a reality check.  They aren't all that.  They aren't more special because they're Israel.  Jews aren't the chosen people of God anymore than anyone else is.

God made the entire world and He loves every bit of it.  Not just stupid Israel.

Blessed are the meek for they shall inherent the earth.  That's what the Bible says.

Israel, time to be a little more humble.  Time to come down from your self made pedestal and start being NICE to people.  Maybe then your neighbors would like you more.

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