Wednesday, July 27, 2016

BLM vs KKK: No Difference

Do you know the difference between the New Black Panthers and the KKK?  Their choice of wardrobe.

Both groups have identical ideology.  Their race is the best and needs to be kept pure and all the other races need to bow down to their awesomeness.  The Panthers are just as guilty of calling for white genocide as the KKK is for calling for segregation.  They're both prone to racial violence.  They both have issues with Jews.  There is literally no difference between The New Black Panthers and the Klan.

And Black Lives Matter was created by the New Black Panthers like the Tea Party was created by Republicans.  They are just as racist and just as violent and just as dangerous and one day we are all going to pay a heavy price for encouraging groups like these.  We're all going to pay no matter our skin tone for letting these kinds of hate groups divide us.

BLM isn't a noble cause anymore if it ever was.  I get where people who support the idea are coming from and what they are trying to say but they have been hijacked by black racists bent on destruction.  Whatever their intentions may have been in the beginning, they've changed today.  You can't support hate and pretend it's all in the name of empowering the black community.  You're a hypocrite.

When it's racist to say all lives matter, there's a problem.  When you call for your members to kill people, even cops, there's a problem.  When your idea of protesting is looting and burning down neighborhoods, there's a problem.

BLM was founded by a convicted murderer.  That should tell you something about them.  Watch the protests on YouTube.  These aren't peaceful demonstrations.  Pay attention to their rhetoric.  It's hate speech.

People need to wake up.  We're treading shark infested waters with our legs cut off and we're gonna die.

Most white people can leave when the shit hits the fan in the US.  They can go all sorts of places and be accepted and start over and move on.  Hispanics can move on to safer places if they need to and be accepted and be fine.  So can Asians and Arabs for the most part.  Black Americans can't.

People in other countries don't want your bullshit.  They don't want your ghettoness.  You won't be welcomed as poor little victims because they see the same statistics everyone else does.  They see the same videos and read the same blogs. They know the truth you're trying to forget.  That you did so much of this to yourselves.  That you're high crime.  So many things they see you think they don't.

And they see Black Lives Matter encouraging black people in their own communities to be violent and vulgar and they don't like it.  They don't like you because of it.

Destroy America.  That's what you're doing.  You're doing a good job too.  Go ahead, destroy America.  We'll all leave and the only people left in the ruins, left to suffer because you can't run this country without the rest of us, is you.

You want to hate everyone who isn't black.  You want to blame everyone who isn't black.  No one's buying that anymore.  No one likes where you're going.

We can leave.  We can be saved.  You're only screwing yourselves.

Equality also means being held equally accountable for your actions.  You're future is on you, not on whitey.  Violence isn't changing the world.  It's ending it.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Welfare is bullshit

So came across one of those SJW baiting memes claiming to tell the "truth" about welfare in America.  Thought I'd help them out.

They claim undocumented immigrants can't qualify for welfare.  Bullshit.  Anchor babies are American citizens and can qualify for every benefit American citizens can even if their parents aren't legal.  I know people like this.  That's why they come to America to have their babies in the first place. Screw you.

They then claim most welfare recipients work therefore welfare doesn't encourage you not to work.  Bullshit.  If you work, they cut your benefits.  If you don't work, they give you more money.  Most of the time, welfare gives you more money alone than if you tried to work at the same time.  If you get a raise or a better paying job, even if it isn't enough to support your family, you can lose your benefits all together.  People know this and stay in a lower paying job so they can take care of their families.  Happens every day.  If people had jobs that paid decently, they wouldn't be on welfare in the first place.  And for every one person who would rather work for a living and only takes handouts because they have to there are a dozen ghetto-ites who have realized they get more free money not working at all and take advantage of it.  Walk through the hood.  I see this with my own eyes.

They claim most people on welfare are white.  I don't know why they keep bringing this up.  Welfare isn't a racial thing.  It's a poverty thing.  But of course there are more whites on welfare, fucktards.  You live in a country that's majority white.  Every poll where you lump every race together is going to have a larger percentage of whites represented.  Yet if you look at individual races by themselves and compared the numbers living in poverty and accepting welfare just in their respective races, you will find that the poorest among us are not white people and that way too many of a certain non white citizenry are too fond of welfare.

That's just the ugly truth.  The poorest in this country are not white.  The richest in this country include people who are not white.  It's not racial.  It's class.  So that last point was just fucking stupid.  Your meme was stupid.

The problem we have in this country isn't who's using welfare.  It's that we need welfare at all.  We let the rich ship our jobs over seas and still call them job creators. We let them pay us starvation wages and complain when Watermelondria gets foodstamps.  We're too stupid to procreate responsibly and not have kids we can't financially support.  We created the system that makes a need for welfare and then have the audacity to bitch about needing welfare.

Fuck it, man.  WE ARE THE PROBLEM.

And this meme is stupid.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Fuck Your Racism. All Lives Matter.

I'm not a fan of Black Lives Matter because they are racist.  I'm sick of people defending them.  I'm sick of people pretending that black folks are still oppressed by the evil white man or that only black people face police brutality.  Their narrative is not reality.  It's just a lie created by the wealthy to keep the poor fighting eachother instead of fighting them.  But that's another blog.

This one is about how racist BLM is.

BLM doesn't even care about black lives.  If they did, they'd be trying to clean up the hood instead of shutting down gay pride parades.  They'd protest black street gangs murdering children in Chicago instead of hijacking Bernie Sanders' campaign speeches.  But they don't and that in itself should tell you why they don't deserve your support.

BLM would rather tear shit up and blame the white man rather than take actions to address the real issues in their communities like crime and men making babies and not taking responsibility for them.  There are a lot of things black people do to themselves that no one is allowed to address.  Cuz we're supposed to hate white folks, remember?

Race riots are just excuses for ghetto-ites to rob liquor stores.  See Baltimore and Ferguson. Who fucking loots the city when they're protesting the idea that cops think they're all criminals? Black people, apparently. Not helping change anyone's minds about that stereotype there.  And before you call me racist for acknowledging what really happened in those cities, please point out when Hispanics did that.  I'll wait.  Tell me that white sports fans tear shit up too.  Did they steal anything?  Find an instance for me. I'll wait.

And when you chant that you want dead cops, how dare you say it's only because you want black lives to matter as much as white ones.  You can repeat that lie all you want.  Only racist black folks and guilty white college kids who only feel guilty because it's popular to at the moment buy that crap.  The rest of us know Black Lives Matter is just the KKK for the melanin blessed.

You don't want equality.  You want dominance for black people.  That's not how you end racism.  That's how you make more because no one likes someone calling for their genocide.  BLM does that.  They hate white people.  Their rhetoric that the evil white pig needs to be put in his place is what encourages people like Micah Johnson to go on a shooting spree in Dallas.  Don't chant you want dead cops and then hide behind those cops when you want their help.  Fucking hypocrites.

BLM was founded by radical New Black Panthers and peopled almost entirely by Black Israelites.  Both groups that are known for racism towards whites.  And no.  You are not required to be white in order to be racist.  Anyone can be racist.  Only racists like BLM believe black people are incapable of being racist.

But I have a personal reason not to like BLM.  I'm sick of the media blowing up whenever a black person is shot by cops but never giving a damn when anyone else is.  It's a proven fact more white people get shot by cops.  Don't give me the excuse about there being more white people in America. I don't give a fuck.  They're also Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians and Arabs.  Guess what.  They face police brutality too and the media IGNORES IT.  That pisses me off.

So when everyone was up in arms over the latest black man shot by cops, I understood their anger but I had anger of my own.  I tweeted that I was still waiting for justice for an unarmed Hispanic man gunned down by police and hashtagged it #LatinoLivesMatter.

BLM trolled me.  They called me racist.  They called me insensitive.  They told me this moment was about them and I was trying to steal their spotlight.  I was belittling their cause because I hate seeing AAs standing up for themselves and a bunch of other bullshit I eventually blocked.  They really thought I was oppressing them because I had the audacity to say Latino lives mattered.

But when I say Latino lives matter, I'm not saying black lives don't matter.  I'm just saying that Latino lives matter too. (Sarcasm intended).

No one pointed out to me the man was actually Mexican, in which case I would gladly have said my bad and changed my hashtag to Mexican lives matter, but Mexicans and Latinos still understood where I was coming from and let me slide.  Only black Americans were too racist and caught up in their poor me mentality to even acknowledge they weren't alone in their police problem.

Only black lives matter to Black Lives Matter and that makes them racist.

And then they started trolling anyone who dared say All Lives Matter.  They called saying all lives mattered racist to black people.  Saying that the lives of people of OTHER COLORS MATTER AS MUCH AS BLACK LIVES IS NOW RACIST.  To BLM anyway.  Let that sink in.

And white liberals happily jumped on the bandwagon. Hey, let's be nice to the people who just said they hated you.  Now anyone who dares to think that a life that isn't black has value is wrong.  What the fuck.  Screw you MTV.

I weep for this country.  I weep for the stupidity.

There are good cops.  Nothing wrong with acknowledging it.  So don't hate the person who tweets Blue Lives Matter.  They do matter.  There's also nothing wrong with calling out bad cops.  In fact, we're morally obligated too.  It's even ok to be angry about bad cops, but chanting that you want dead cops is not winning you any converts.

I'm not denying racism exists.  It does but guess what.  EVERYONE HAS EXPERIENCED RACISM BECAUSE ANYONE OF ANY COLOR CAN BE RACIST.

That includes black people.

And bad cops are not singling out black people to be bad to.  People of all colors face police brutality.  That's what really makes it such a big deal.

Hispanics and Arabs are racially profiled all the time.  Black people don't have to prove they're in the US legally or that they aren't a member of ISIS.  Others do.  Long before Sandra Bland offed herself, a Native American girl in police custody told her jailers she needed a doctor.  They ignored her and she died.  In Austin, a black cop shot an unarmed white student at UT that had a knife but was naked otherwise and several feet away posing no danger to him.  YouTube is littered with videos of people who aren't black being brutalized by bad cops.

But where are the riots for them?  Where is the outrage?  Where is the media?

Stuck up some black guy's ass because the rest of us don't matter.  You want equality but you don't want to be equal to everyone else.  You want to be treated better than us.  You think you're owed something the rest of us aren't because your people deserve it.

That makes you racist.  Everyone has suffered injustices in the past.  Even white people were slaves once, but you don't care about anyone but your own.  You're the very part of racist white society you claim you hate. Hypocrites.

And by the way, not every white person is racist or even had ancestors who owned slaves.  If you weren't racist, you'd be willing to acknowledge that.

And by the way again, the US forcibly took Texas from Mexico in a war.  Mexicans aren't demanding restitution.  It was over a hundred years ago just like slavery.  Let it go.

I have a right to say my life matters as much as a black person's.  I have a right to demand justice for Hispanics and Asians and Arabs and Native Americans and fucking Martians if I want to.  And if Black Lives Matter thinks I'm racist for it, well, they can suck my clit.

Fuck your racist bullshit, Black Lives Matter.  ALL LIVES MATTER.  Get over it.

That's what equality means, by the way.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

One Angry Juror

So I was called for jury duty.  This isn't the first time.  The last time, I called the number on the form, told them about my situation and was excused.  This time I got a giant fuck you from the city.

My situation, in case you're not familiar with it, is that I don't have a car and do not live close to the courthouse.  I was exempt previously because going to the courthouse puts an undue burden on me.  It's a 3 hour bus ride followed by me having to walk 5 city blocks.  Anyone sane would recognize that is a burden.

Not the city of Fort Worth, TX.  Their response? Take a cab.

I don't have the money for a cab.  Will they pay my fare?  Their answer? They're not obligated to provide me transportation.

Oh and by the way, if I fail to show up even if it's due to NOT HAVING THE ABILITY TO GET TO THE COURTHOUSE, they will fine me up to $1000 and put me in jail.


How the fuck are threats and coercion legal?  Because that's what this is.  Either I shut up or go to jail.  Either I, a woman, walk 5 blocks alone in a dangerous part of town in the dark endangering my safety or I go to jail.  And this is legal.  They can literally imprison you for no reason in this country and we call this the land of the free?

And if we're honest, does coercion really make a juror fair and unbiased enough to render a fair and unbiased opinion?  This bullshit is probably why so many criminals walk free.  Because you can use threats to force the jurors to show up, but you can't force them to care about justice.  You can't force them to care about the trial or not do whatever they have to, even if it means a criminal walks, to get out of jury duty.  A jury is made up of 12 pissed off people who don't want to be there and really don't give a fuck.

I do not have the ability to be fair and unbiased right now because I am offended at being forced to be there in the first place.  I am pissed off that I'm losing pay at work and that I have to suffer an intolerable and dangerous commute.  I am not going to give two fucks what the trial is about. I'm not even going to pay attention.  I'm angry.

And when the time comes, I WILL REFUSE TO VOTE.

These fucking judges and lawyers and cops think their money and their title means they can treat people like me like shit and there's nothing we can do about it. They are not going to silence me.

You can make me go to your stupid courthouse but you WILL NOT make me participate.

And what fucking justice does our legal system even provide?  When a poor man gets life for an ounce of pot but rich boy Ethan Couch murders four people and gets probation for being too rich to know murder is wrong, THERE IS NO JUSTICE.  When I can get the death penalty for having a miscarriage but not a single one of those Wall Street fat cats who crashed the economy and then used our tax payer funded bailout to give themselves billion dollar bonuses has seen an HOUR of jail time, THERE IS NO JUSTICE.

I have even less incentive to give a fuck now.

Don't tell me to think of the person on trial.  If they have money, they're going to walk.  If they're poor, they were always going to lose anyway.  My vote doesn't matter on a jury any more than it matters at the ballot box.

Fuck it.  I refuse to cooperate.  I will not play nice.  No one threatens me.  I don't give a shit how many degrees you have.