Tuesday, July 5, 2016

One Angry Juror

So I was called for jury duty.  This isn't the first time.  The last time, I called the number on the form, told them about my situation and was excused.  This time I got a giant fuck you from the city.

My situation, in case you're not familiar with it, is that I don't have a car and do not live close to the courthouse.  I was exempt previously because going to the courthouse puts an undue burden on me.  It's a 3 hour bus ride followed by me having to walk 5 city blocks.  Anyone sane would recognize that is a burden.

Not the city of Fort Worth, TX.  Their response? Take a cab.

I don't have the money for a cab.  Will they pay my fare?  Their answer? They're not obligated to provide me transportation.

Oh and by the way, if I fail to show up even if it's due to NOT HAVING THE ABILITY TO GET TO THE COURTHOUSE, they will fine me up to $1000 and put me in jail.


How the fuck are threats and coercion legal?  Because that's what this is.  Either I shut up or go to jail.  Either I, a woman, walk 5 blocks alone in a dangerous part of town in the dark endangering my safety or I go to jail.  And this is legal.  They can literally imprison you for no reason in this country and we call this the land of the free?

And if we're honest, does coercion really make a juror fair and unbiased enough to render a fair and unbiased opinion?  This bullshit is probably why so many criminals walk free.  Because you can use threats to force the jurors to show up, but you can't force them to care about justice.  You can't force them to care about the trial or not do whatever they have to, even if it means a criminal walks, to get out of jury duty.  A jury is made up of 12 pissed off people who don't want to be there and really don't give a fuck.

I do not have the ability to be fair and unbiased right now because I am offended at being forced to be there in the first place.  I am pissed off that I'm losing pay at work and that I have to suffer an intolerable and dangerous commute.  I am not going to give two fucks what the trial is about. I'm not even going to pay attention.  I'm angry.

And when the time comes, I WILL REFUSE TO VOTE.

These fucking judges and lawyers and cops think their money and their title means they can treat people like me like shit and there's nothing we can do about it. They are not going to silence me.

You can make me go to your stupid courthouse but you WILL NOT make me participate.

And what fucking justice does our legal system even provide?  When a poor man gets life for an ounce of pot but rich boy Ethan Couch murders four people and gets probation for being too rich to know murder is wrong, THERE IS NO JUSTICE.  When I can get the death penalty for having a miscarriage but not a single one of those Wall Street fat cats who crashed the economy and then used our tax payer funded bailout to give themselves billion dollar bonuses has seen an HOUR of jail time, THERE IS NO JUSTICE.

I have even less incentive to give a fuck now.

Don't tell me to think of the person on trial.  If they have money, they're going to walk.  If they're poor, they were always going to lose anyway.  My vote doesn't matter on a jury any more than it matters at the ballot box.

Fuck it.  I refuse to cooperate.  I will not play nice.  No one threatens me.  I don't give a shit how many degrees you have.

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