Wednesday, July 27, 2016

BLM vs KKK: No Difference

Do you know the difference between the New Black Panthers and the KKK?  Their choice of wardrobe.

Both groups have identical ideology.  Their race is the best and needs to be kept pure and all the other races need to bow down to their awesomeness.  The Panthers are just as guilty of calling for white genocide as the KKK is for calling for segregation.  They're both prone to racial violence.  They both have issues with Jews.  There is literally no difference between The New Black Panthers and the Klan.

And Black Lives Matter was created by the New Black Panthers like the Tea Party was created by Republicans.  They are just as racist and just as violent and just as dangerous and one day we are all going to pay a heavy price for encouraging groups like these.  We're all going to pay no matter our skin tone for letting these kinds of hate groups divide us.

BLM isn't a noble cause anymore if it ever was.  I get where people who support the idea are coming from and what they are trying to say but they have been hijacked by black racists bent on destruction.  Whatever their intentions may have been in the beginning, they've changed today.  You can't support hate and pretend it's all in the name of empowering the black community.  You're a hypocrite.

When it's racist to say all lives matter, there's a problem.  When you call for your members to kill people, even cops, there's a problem.  When your idea of protesting is looting and burning down neighborhoods, there's a problem.

BLM was founded by a convicted murderer.  That should tell you something about them.  Watch the protests on YouTube.  These aren't peaceful demonstrations.  Pay attention to their rhetoric.  It's hate speech.

People need to wake up.  We're treading shark infested waters with our legs cut off and we're gonna die.

Most white people can leave when the shit hits the fan in the US.  They can go all sorts of places and be accepted and start over and move on.  Hispanics can move on to safer places if they need to and be accepted and be fine.  So can Asians and Arabs for the most part.  Black Americans can't.

People in other countries don't want your bullshit.  They don't want your ghettoness.  You won't be welcomed as poor little victims because they see the same statistics everyone else does.  They see the same videos and read the same blogs. They know the truth you're trying to forget.  That you did so much of this to yourselves.  That you're high crime.  So many things they see you think they don't.

And they see Black Lives Matter encouraging black people in their own communities to be violent and vulgar and they don't like it.  They don't like you because of it.

Destroy America.  That's what you're doing.  You're doing a good job too.  Go ahead, destroy America.  We'll all leave and the only people left in the ruins, left to suffer because you can't run this country without the rest of us, is you.

You want to hate everyone who isn't black.  You want to blame everyone who isn't black.  No one's buying that anymore.  No one likes where you're going.

We can leave.  We can be saved.  You're only screwing yourselves.

Equality also means being held equally accountable for your actions.  You're future is on you, not on whitey.  Violence isn't changing the world.  It's ending it.

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