Monday, August 8, 2016

Safety vs Sympathy

There's an easy solution to end the threat to the west posed by Islamic extremism.  Quarantine Muslim countries.

I know that sounds cruel.  It IS cruel. Yet, as long as we give them access to us, we're allowing them to hurt us.

Shut our borders.  Deport the ones who are here. Cut off all western aid to any country where they are the majority.  Then sit back in relative safety and watch them kill eachother off.

ISIS loves kidnapping westerners and ransoming them off. Don't pay it.  Let them kill the hostages.  Part of going to a dangerous place is accepting that something bad can happen to you.  Stop expecting others to bail you out of trouble.  Your decision to go there.  You're responsible for the outcome even if it's your own death.

Don't let the faces of starving children change your mind.  Don't let anyone tug at your heart strings.  The children of Muslims grow up to be Muslims and could very well grow up to be terrorists.  No.  It's too risky to rescue even the children.

Close the boarders.  Build walls.  Put snipers on the walls.  Only allow those who pass a religious test in.  Only people who share our values, the pure, are welcome.

Do you want freedom or do you want safety?  Because safety requires a dictatorship.  It requires allowing the government to monitor us so they know who's planning bad things, to tell us where we're allowed to go so we don't go into harm's way, to limit free speech so people who disagree with our government sanctioned values can't encourage dissent from those values. It means no more religious freedom because we can't allow people to worship in a way we don't approve of.  What if they choose Islam?

Do you want a dictatorship?  No?  Then shut the fuck up.

Stop saying let's deport all the Muslims or let's only let those who can prove they're Christian in the country.  Stop all your bullshit about pulling out of the Middle East.  What kind of hateful asshole lets children starve because they aren't the right religion?  Who thinks it's ok to bomb cities into rubble and walk away from the aftermath?  Who honestly thinks all Muslims are terrorists and all Christians are virtuous?  Cuz evidence screams to the contrary.

I don't like the dark, evil world you people want to live in.  I don't want to give up my freedom to be safer.  I'd rather care and love than be hateful to my fellow humans.  I'd rather be a bleeding heart than a no heart.

Because love is how you end war so I'll take my chances.

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