Friday, August 26, 2016

Fuck Your Oppression

If you're "triggered" by someone else's opinion, you're the one with the problem.  Man up or put your big girl panties and get over it.  Fucking SJWs always bitching about freedom when it's THEIRS but readily willing to deny freedom to someone else they don't like.  Usually straight white Christian males.  Let's be honest.  There may not be a war on Christmas, but there's definitely a war on straight white Christian males.

Fuctards like MTV changing the definition of the word racism to put forth the insanely false narrative that only whites can be racist when New Black Panthers are calling for white genocide.  Fucktards at Buzzfeed who make videos where actors of color ask white people why they're so horrible when statistics show the majority of bad things happening in black communities are done by other black people.  That history books don't mention the Arab slave trade predates the European one or that the Irish were slaves or that Africans owned slaves and PARTICIPATED in the African slave trade.  Or honesty.  Our history books are full of lies and now, thanks to the SJW need to believe blacks came first therefore anyone with a lighter skin tone is a genetic mutation, science will be filled with lies too.  Out of Africa is a theory, you fucking morons!  Theories are not facts!

Stupidity triggers me I guess.

They blame slavery for every problem.  It's never their fault.  It's all evil whitey's fault.  Scapegoating.  Best way to hold yourself back. To say that something that didn't happen to you personally and hasn't happened to your people for over a hundred years is to blame for your failures is ignorance.  Like saying someone who was abused as a child will never make anything of themselves.  You're adding to the abuse they endured by basically saying they're damaged goods and should just give up.  Demand reparations from daddy and live off welfare cuz you don't deserve anything better.

How the fuck is that working for you?

You're oppressing yourselves and fuck your oppression.

Your hood is not the shit hole it is because white folks are making that way.  You live there.  Not white folks.  If it's a shitty neighborhood, it's because you aren't taking care of it.  Don't tell me it's poverty's fault.  There are billions of people in poverty in this world who don't turn to crime or act in the demeaning ways ghetto-ites do.  Latinos face poverty but they get off their asses and work.  They don't demand food stamps because Texas fought a war of of independence against Mexico.

The Irish came to this country as slaves.  The Chinese built our railroads as slaves.  Asians were sent to interment camps in WW2.  Do I need to remind you what happened to Native Americans?  Italians, Arab Muslims, Indians all faced discrimination and they still made something of themselves.  Even black expats from Africa come to this country and make something of themselves.

Black Americans just keep making excuses.

Well fuck your excuses.  I'm tired of feeling sorry for you.  If you aren't willing to help yourselves, then stay in the ghetto.

And for you to burn down your own damn neighborhoods to protest some thug who robbed a store and got shot while attacking a cop, for you to invent the knock out game and attack people at random for fun, for you to use Formation as your anthem even after reading the lyrics, for you to worship Farrakhan even when he asks you to murder, for your women to act like sluts and your men to father babies they refuse to take care of, for you to drop out of school and still think you deserve a government handout, for you to think you alone deserve reparations when every single fucking one of us has faced oppression,for you to destroy yourselves and still blame me, fuck you.

How dare you.

Your ass backwards mentality is the only thing oppressing you and fuck your oppression.

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