Friday, August 19, 2016

Why we don't care about Louisiana

There's a reason why the media isn't paying the attention to the floods in Louisiana that Louisianians think they deserve.  It's a busy news season.

There's no conspiracy here.  It's not being ignored because Louisiana is a red state.  There are fires in blue state California right now not getting much air time either.  It's not being ignored because it's only affecting black people.  By the way, just as many white people have been flooded out too so shut up, you racist fucktards.  And it's not being ignored because it's only affecting poor people.  Some rich folks got flooded out too so take comfort in that if you need to.

It's not being ignored at all.  It's just not in our faces all day long.  Why?  There's alot of other stuff going on.

It's an election year and we have two of the most scandalous, hated troll candidates of all time that just can't keep their mouths or their closet doors shut.  This election will be affecting our nation long after the water recedes.  It's a big deal. The Olympics are happening and naturally there are scandals there too.  Countries are leaving the European Union and that can affect global security and our trade deals which affects the economy.  Terrorists are still attacking people and some of those people are American.  Did you hear about Mexican drug cartels kidnapping tourists?  There's a lot to cover and a limited amount of time to cover it in.

The flood has been noticed. It's been mentioned on the news more than once.  Do we need to have it talked about 24/7?  How selfish are you?

Don't tell me if it happened in New York people would care more.  No.  People are too busy with naked statues of Trump or playing Pokemon Go or whatever.  They wouldn't devote a lot of airtime for a flooded New York either.  It would get a mention among the plethora of other stories like all the the tragedies happening as we speak.  Earthquake in Italy and we're still talking about Hillary's emails.

No matter what happens, there'll be some other momentous newsworthy event pushing it out of the spotlight just like what's happening to Louisiana.  This is our world now.  We are flooded with information and have attention spans shorter than a fruit fly's.

Stop trying to make the media coverage (or lack thereof in your opinion) something it isn't.  You were noticed, Louisiana.  A federal emergency was declared.  Aid is coming.

We got you so calm down.

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