Monday, December 31, 2018

Karma Is A Bitch

I hear a lot about the change in demographics and how America is destined to be a majority Hispanic nation by 2050.  I also hear how wonderful people think this is going to be.

2050 marks the end of white privilege.  Finally the nation is ours!  We'll be more tolerant and diverse.  A Democrat paradise.  Nothing but like minded liberals as far as the eye can see.  We'll be so much better without evil whitey oppressing us!

Ignoring the blatant racism in all that, let's focus on the ignorance.  Because if you think America will be great just because whitey is gone, think again.

Ok Hispanics, Latinos, Latinx and whatever else you want to call yourselves.  Let me tell you what you can really expect.  See, you'll be the majority and as the majority, there are certain things that you will face.  Crosses you have to bear as the majority ethnicity.

Affirmative action no longer applies to you.  No special treatment for you.  If anything, you will have to compete with minorities in everything and you will lose out a lot regardless of your qualifications, job performance or tenure with the company.  But it's all in the name of diversity and tolerance so you won't be allowed to say anything.  Equality for everyone except you.

Put away your race cards.  You can't be oppressed if you're the majority.  But you can be accused of Hispanic Privilege and you will be.

All. The. Time.

You are now the only ones who can be racist. Prejudice plus power, remember?  You will be accused of racism a lot.  Get used to it.

You will be made fun of, mocked, insulted.   You will not be allowed to defend yourselves or even to openly admit your feelings are hurt.   That would make you a racist.  It's not ok to be Hispanic and everyone will tell you that over and over again.

If you criticize anyone who isn't Hispanic, you're racist.  If you take pride in your heritage, you're racist.  If you don't feel guilty for being Hispanic you're racist and if you don't bow down and kiss the minorities' collective asses, well, you're racist.

No one will respect you.  You will be hated.

You will also be the only ones capable of being racist, homophobic, xenophobic and sexist.  The definitions of those words will be changed to ensure that.

Forget Halloween.  There is no costume you can wear that will not be considered cultural appropriation.  This will also include how you wear your hair, what jewelry and clothing patterns you may wear, home decor and what holidays you are allowed to participate in.  Don't be disrespectful.  There are no holidays you're allowed to participate in.

Everything you say will be hate speech.  You will be censored.  You will be the victims of hate crimes but the justice system and public opinion will always take your attacker's side because you deserve to be attacked.  They're just fighting back against systemic Hispanic racism.  Social Justice Warriors everywhere will condemn you and make unreasonable demands you will be required to meet.  Laws will be passed to penalize you simply for being the majority.

Traditionally Hispanic characters (even non fictional ones) are now anything but Hispanic.  El Chupacabra is now from Africa.  So is Cesar Chavez.  You're not allowed to disagree.

You'll be accused of brown washing history.  Evidence to the contrary is irrelevant.  All of your accomplishments will be attributed to someone else.  You didn't build America.  Someone else did and you are standing on their backs, profiting from their slave labor.  You're oppressors.

After all, you're the majority.  You have all the power and privilege.  A homeless Hispanic has more privilege than a white billionaire.

Being silent at the plight of your minority neighbors makes you complicit in their oppression.  Hispanic Supremacy will not be tolerated.

You'll get tired of hearing "press 2 for English" and even though you keep telling them that learning Spanish would be in their best interest, you're a racist for thinking that.

There's no police brutality against Hispanics.  That's a myth.  Only minorities are abused by police and only Hispanic officers commit any brutality.  There's no bias against you in the media or in housing or in job hunting or in sports or anything.  No such thing as reverse racism.

No scholarships for you.  You'll be expected to pay more in taxes.  You have more wealth than poor minorities, after all, and those minorities deserve your money whether they work for it or not.  That's called equity.

People will actively call for your genocide.  You're not allowed to disagree with them.  Also, #KillLatinos will regularly trend on Twitter.  You're not allowed to be offended.

There will be clubs you're not allowed to join, movies you're not allowed to see, businesses and entire parts of town you are not allowed to visit.  Take care.  You will face open hostility.  It doesn't matter if you did anything wrong or not.  Someone who looked like you did a really long time ago so you deserve to be punished for it.

You wouldn't be the majority if it wasn't for illegal immigration.  You will constantly be reminded that your ancestors were invaders who had no right to come here.  They'll make derogatory memes featuring Indigenous People and Gene Wilder.  But it's the truth about you.  Now apologize.  We want reparations.

By the way, you will have to worship the ground minorities walk on.  You will have to put them on pedestals, make concessions for them even when it doesn't seem fair to you or it hurts you.  You will have no concessions.  And mind what you say.  You will offend everyone.  Don't speak to minorities or even look at them.  They may feel intimidated and you're a racist.  Minorities always enter the room first, are served first and you are not allowed to disagree with whatever they say or do.  Just do whatever they tell you to or you're a racist.

And the fastest growing segment in the United States is African American.  It's predicted they will outnumber you soon and then it's the end of Hispanic Privilege.

Finally the nation is ours!  We'll be more tolerant and diverse.  A Democrat paradise.  Nothing but like minded liberals as far as the eye can see.  We'll be so much better without evil Hispanics oppressing us!

See?  You've inherited the mantel of being the majority ethnicity just like you've always wanted but it won't be sunshine and rainbows for you.  You will also inherit the jealousy and loathing of your minority neighbors because people don't change.  They will always scapegoat someone more successful for their own shortcomings.  They will always believe they are oppressed.  And they will always assume who ever the majority is is the problem.  No matter how many apologies you give or how well you treat them, they will always hate you because you are the majority.  You have a louder voice, more representation, more wealth.  They want what you have.

You will experience all the bullshit you put whites through for yourselves cuz karma's a bitch.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Nothing is free

Nothing the government gives you is free.  Free is a buzz word politicians use to win elections, but what they offer is not free.

It's impossible to offer something that requires money to operate for free.  Government requires money to operate.  Your military, your grade schools, colleges, nationalized healthcare, transit system, power grid, roads, sewer, etcetera etcetera, they all cost money.

And that money comes from YOU.

If you are a taxpayer, you are paying for government services even the ones they claim are free.  If you're not a taxpayer and you're using the services are paying for, you're a moocher.  That's just the truth.

It doesn't matter if you're capitalist or socialist, you're still paying for government services.  Capitalists pay for stuff up front with lower taxes at the end.  Socialists pay extremely high taxes.  Either way, both are paying for their supposedly free stuff.

As Canada is finding out the hard way, when you pretend to give more "free" stuff than you can afford, you screw things up for the people in your country.  It's massive and unsustainable debt that leads to recessions and eventually, if left unchecked, depressions.

Canada has three options.  Take away the pretend free stuff (and make people mad) or raise taxes (and make people mad) or let the country go bankrupt and slip into civil war.

Sucks to be Canadian right now.

Once most people get used to having pretend free stuff, they don't like having it taken away.  They've bought the illusion that it's free and they're entitled to it.  They're idiots.  See above.  But they will resist giving up their perceived free perks.  Politicians need to win elections and that means keeping people happy.  For liberals, the win votes by giving pretend free stuff away.  I.e. by lying.

Canadians pay 30 to 40% in taxes per taxpayer.  For a lot of Canadians, that's a lot of money.  The myth that quality of living in Canada is so much better than the US isn't true.  The quality is great if you're rich, but then it's great anywhere you go, but if you're poor in Canada, your quality of life is no better than for the poor south of the border.  When governments raise taxes, it's the poor who suffer.  Conservatives get their votes by claiming they're the party of fiscal responsibility so they won't raise taxes and risk alienating voters.

That leads option 3.  Canada will go bankrupt.  Then what?  Just as America's economic woes affects our neighbors, Canada's will affect us. Higher costs in the future? More contested trade war?  Maybe even open hostilities.

As Trump slaps tarrifs on Canada, Canada is worried about its debt. The tarrifs make that debt worse.  Canada will respond negatively if it has to to protect its own citizens.

I'm all for bringing manufacturing back to the US and renegotiating our trade deals, but we can't be jerks about it.  Not good for business.

That being said, Canada is a mess and needs to stop the sanctimonious virtue signaling.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Warrior Nation

America was founded by a war.  The bulk of her strength comes from the might of her military and her willingness to use force not only in defense of herself but her allies.  You don't get to be a super power by not having strength.

America is a warrior nation.  Pick a fight with her and you will be sorry.

And it doesn't matter which political party is in power or what discourse is happening in her streets.  Attack her and all that fades away.

At least until we've kicked your ass.

America is a warrior nation.

The right to be armed is the second right we gave ourselves.  It's that important to us.

You can't take a right away without a fight and Americans fight for their rights with fervor.

We're also heavily armed as a population.  Laws won't change that.

America is arrogant because America has always had the ability to be in the past.  Technology and innovation, democracy, a stable and robust economy.  Everyone wants to come to America.  Freedom, baby.  America has always been awesome.

More awesome than you.

But that's changing and it's sad to see American exceptionalism replaced by the third world shit hole mentality brought to you courtesy of unfettered mass migration.

We aren't getting the best.  We're getting the refuse, people who refuse to assimilate and who insist we accommodate their failed ideologies that caused their home countries to suck so much.

We should have protected our own and gone to a merit based immigration system decades ago.  Lesser countries do that. Too late now.

America was a proud nation, but that pride is fading.  The warriors are being replaced with crybabies who want safe spaces and who refuse to stand for our anthem.  They burn our flag.  They live in the greatest nation in the world and reap all these wonderful benefits, but they hate America.

Fuck them.

The innovators are being replaced by inferior minds.  The liberty loving hard workers who built an empire are being replaced by welfare queens.

America is doomed. See what liberalism has done to her?  Shame on you.

America, be the warrior nation again.  Defend yourself.

Gun Control Doesn't Work

Gun control advocates like to use this meme comparing gun laws to car laws.  Things like gun owners need to take classes and have insurance and what not.  They think it's a snarky rebuttal to gun rights activists but the truth is every responsible gun owner agrees with this meme and are already practicing many of its points.  You do have to have a gun license, for example, and in order to get a gun license, you have to take a gun safety class.  In other words, the meme is stupid.

I like the bit about insurance, but that's it.

I used to be a gun control nut, but that changed when I was red pilled.  Truth bomb: You can't physically remove every gun out of a country any more than you can physically remove every Muslim or every illegal immigrant.  And bans don't work.  There were billions of abortions before Roe vs Wade.  Prohibition anyone?

People look to Europe and say look how safe they are with strict gun laws.  In Europe, they use suicide bombs and cars to kill people instead.  Sweden has a rape epidemic.  Yeah.  Europe is so safe.

But I came to understand what the left refuse to see.  That inanimate objects aren't the problem.  It's the people using them.

Imagine a world where getting mental help was easier?  When you can show someone a Facebook page where a potential killer has laid out his entire plan (something many mass shooters all have in common) and it's taken as a serious threat.  At least serious enough to warrant an investigation and mental evaluation.

Free speech doesn't remove the consequences of said speech so don't even try that argument.

Imagine a world where seeking mental health help wasn't stigmatized.  So many people who know they need help don't get it because they're afraid of losing their jobs.  Let that sink in.  You can lose your job for seeking help with depression.  That's... depressing.  And wrong.

You can't claim you want to save lives if you aren't addressing the root causes why these incidents keep happening.

Now remember how happier we were when God was a bigger part of our nation.  Atheists will tell you the Bible is pointless but a love of God and to some degree a fear of God, is why we have laws against murder and rape and theft in the first place.  When did we start seeing school shootings?  In the 90s when we lost God in schools.  America was great when it was a God fearing nation.

Guys, we don't have a gun problem.  We have a people problem.  There's something wrong with their heads, wrong with their hearts and you can either do something constructive to help these people and in turn, others or you can keep beating the dead horse of a pointless gun ban.  You're call.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Fucking Useful Idiots

You don't like Trump? Fine.  In America, you have the right not to like the president and even Trump won't be taking that right away from you, but if you are stupid enough to think Hillary or Barack are some sort of Christ like figure who can do no wrong or that there is actually a political party that cares more about you than the other or that any wealthy aristocrat currently running our country isn't bullshitting you into complacency so they can maintain their wealth and power, you are just as dangerous to democracy as any alt right group out there.  You are the useful idiots politicians pander to.  The ones who take the racially or religiously charged bait, who troll random people on the internet, who partake in the violence the military state uses to justify their existence.  You're a retard and you are to blame for everything wrong in the world.

Fuck you.