Friday, May 29, 2015

Beauty matters

It's an ugly fact of life, but it is what it is.  How pretty you are matters.

Forget all that crap about how intelligence and integrity are more important.  Those are just comforting lies unpretty people make up to feel better about themselves.  It's never been about how good a person you are on the inside.  It's ALWAYS been about how you look.

It's an unpalatable thing to admit, but 99% of humans are vain.

And it isn't even our fault.  It isn't just the media telling us what's pretty.  It isn't peer pressure.  Think about what turns you on and ask yourself why?  You have no idea why.  What you're attracted to is written in your genes.  That's why you can't "convert" to a different sexual orientation just because a really old book tells you to.  You are what you are.  Some people like rapists and pedophiles are genetically impaired, but that just means they should be institutionalized for the good of society.

The truth is, you will always be judged by your looks.  It's the first thing people notice about you.  How they judge you will be based on what they find attractive.  Some of that judgement will be based on what we're told is pretty by society but a lot of it will come from our own animal instincts.  Because humans are animals, regardless of how you think we got here.

We see it every day.  Survival of the fittest.  The pretty people getting ahead in life while the rest of us struggle.  The pretty people getting the breaks while the rest of us are just broken.  It's not your imagination.  It really happens.  They have done scientific studies that prove pretty people are more successful.  It's that bad a problem.

And yes, if you dress and act like a stereotype,  you will be judged as being that stereotype.  So if you sag and wear a hoodie, people will think you're ghetto trash.  If you dress provocatively, people will think you're promiscuous.  It's not us. It's you.  If you don't want people thinking you're a thug or a slut, change your dress and mind the way you behave.

But is there anything we can do about this travesty?  Is there any way for not so pretty people to get ahead in life?

Sure.  Lots of unpretty get ahead.  They get money.  Money trumps looks every time.

But if you're not fated to ever be rich, don't waste your time trying to be prettier.  Plastic surgery, all the make up in the world, they may last a little while, but not forever.

See, that's the only good thing about pretty people.  They lose their looks eventually and then, if we're lucky, they're in the same boat as we.  That's karma.

You may never be pretty and you'll probably never be rich.  How do you survive?  By being ok with it.  By telling yourself you're fine the way you are and being happy with what you have.  By taking comfort in your intelligence and integrity and yes, you're being a good person.  By not letting pretty people get under your skin.

Pretty people hate being ignored.  That's the best revenge.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How the ghetto stereotype keeps you unemployed

It isn't being black that keeps you unemployed.  I know people don't want to hear that right now.  We just want to blame our problems on white people like we've always done.  If black people suffer, it's because of racism and not because they did anything wrong.   Blacks never do anything wrong.  It's always the white man's fault.

But we will never be able to address the plight of the black man without addressing his failings.  We can't keep making excuses or blaming white people.  Who lets white people be so privileged?  If you want a better life, you have to work for it.

The question today is, why are people in the ghetto having such a hard time finding work?  It can't be just because they're black.  Lots of black people have jobs.  How did millions of black folks pull one over on their white oppressors?

They didn't.  Black people can find work if they want it badly enough and they have the qualifications, but to help the job search, you have to know what employers WANT in employees and then make yourself appealing to them.

There is a stereotype that proliferates society about people who come from the ghetto.  Sadly, it's not necessarily a false one or it wouldn't be so prominent in our minds.  Ghetto-ites are known to be poor workers.  Lazy with bad attitudes.  That's what employers think of when they think of the ghetto and they don't want those kinds of employees.  Employees are an investment to them and the face of their business.  They need good employees to keep their customers happy so they can keep making profits.  The only employers who don't care about company image enough to not care what kind of employees they hire are employers with high turn over and those jobs mean low wages.

So what do employers with decent wages (white collar jobs) look for?  Someone well educated, well spoken, well dressed and who doesn't act ghetto.  If you're sagging, using bad grammar and didn't bother to finish high school, then you will never stand a chance.  But you're lack of education is due to your lack of desire.  Anyone who wants to learn, can.  There are so many other sources to learn from than school.  And, yes, appearance is everything.  Don't rock a grill and be covered in tattoos if you want to be taken seriously.  That's just the way it is.

Black people who take my advice get jobs. Those that don't, end up on welfare.

But you're the only one to blame if you do.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

No more Indian call centers

I don't want to bash India, but if a company wants to sell their product in MY country, they need to hire WORKERS from my country.  End of.

I'm tired of every time I have an IT question, I end up with some guy in India who barely speaks english (or only knows enough english to read from a script) and I can't get the help I need because I can't understand most of what the guy says.  When you need help, you need someone who's fluent in your language, who can communicate beyond the script because most of what you need to know is not covered by the script anyway.  A machine can read a script.  I'm talking to a live person for a REASON.  And why do they think giving you a fake American name is going to fool us?  I know your real name is not Bob.  Why not just be honest and admit you're not an American and you're not in America?

But it's more aggravating than bad communication.  Those foreign call centers represent jobs that workers in my own country need.  People in the US are hurting for jobs, but there aren't any because corporations don't want to pay minimum wage.  Putting profits over people, corporations outsource our jobs overseas where they can pay slave wages.  We think minimum wage is bad.  Those people who don't speak your language and aren't much help at that call center are paid maybe $3 bucks an hour at most.  And corporations get away with it because that's capitalism and greed is NOT good, Gordon.

But if you want my business, you have to do right by me.  If you won't hire me, then you don't deserve my money.

If you get sent to a foreign call center, end your business with that company.  Be more patriotic, dammit.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Don't do the crime if you don't want the time

Every time you turn around, someone's belly aching about how we need to overhaul our criminal justice system.  I agree there are a lot of things we could to do to improve the system, but making prison more pleasant is most definitely NOT one of those things.

Only an idiot thinks prison is supposed to be comfortable.  You don't go to prison to be comfortable.  You go there because you did wrong and you're being punished for it.  You most certainly aren't there to get a bachelor's degree yet that's what some on the far left want.  Honest, law abiding people get screwed out of college all the time because they can't afford it, but you want my tax dollars to pay for some criminal to learn a trade?  Screw you.

They call giving rapists and murderers a taxpayer funded college education "rehabilitation".  Criminals don't need punishment, they say.  They need therapy.  They say rehabilitate and love felons so they won't commit more crimes when they get paroled.  They say without our moral support, ex cons will break the law again instead of becoming the good law abiding citizens they could be.

Bullshit.  The thought of going back to prison should be all it takes to keep parolees in line.  The only reason it doesn't is because soft hearts want to coddle everyone including people they shouldn't.  If criminals had any desire to be good law abiding citizens they wouldn't be criminals in the first place.  Stop with the frickin' excuses.  Lots of people have shitty childhoods and don't grow up to be criminals.   You CHOOSE what kind of person you want to be and if YOU CHOOSE to be a criminal, you don't deserve that much sympathy.

I'm all for second chances for those who deserve it.  First time offenders for minor offenses, kids who made a mistake because they weren't thinking.  I get it.  We all screw up and if they're repenting, give them a chance to prove they won't do it again.  I believe in a three strikes rule.  If you don't learn your lesson by the third strike, you don't want to learn it and it's time to stop giving you chances.

But there are some crimes that don't deserve sympathy period.  Rape, murder, pedophilia, and other violent crimes are not crimes you forgive.  They cross a line we as a society can't cross if we want to survive as a species and they deserve to be punished.

There are people out there who would have given Hitler therapy if they could have.

First thing we need to do to fix our penal system is to distinguish between minor and major crimes and then tailor punishment accordingly.  Why does someone get 30 years for an ounce of pot but only 5-10 for rape?  It's ridiculous how ass backwards our so called justice system is.  We need to fix that system so that it's fair, so innocent people or minor offenders don't go to jail for extended stays in the first place.  That's how you stop over crowding in prisons.  THAT'S where we need to focus our over haul of the criminal justice system.  Not on making prison more comfortable.

It's not supposed to be a vacation.  It's prison.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Bad schools: who's really to blame?

The antics of the students at Dade Middle School in Dallas are so atrocious they're making headlines.  Low income inner city neighborhood. High crime zone.  If you've ever seen Lean On Me, it's the kind of place that school was before Morgan Freeman showed up.  The problem with Dade is that there's no Morgan Freeman in Dallas and they really need one.

Recently, a huge fight broke out.  Dozens of students, possibly armed (it's that kind of place) were either in the fight or gathered to watch it.  The police came. Pepper spray was used to break up the fight.  Now, you'd think most of the parents would condemn the fight.  Instead, there are parents condemning the use of pepper spray.

What?  That's your concern?  The fact that your child was acting a fool at school is no big deal?

And then there are the parents who are blaming the school.  They say the reason their children misbehave is because the teachers are bad.  The teachers aren't disciplining the students.  The teachers are letting the students be bad.

What the hell?  No, morons.  Discipline starts at home with you the parent.  Your job is to teach your child how to behave appropriately.  If you were doing your job, your kids wouldn't be acting a fool in school. If you were doing your job, Dade Middle School wouldn't be the way it is.

Don't you dare refuse to parent your child and blame it all on the teachers.  Don't you dare leave it up to teachers to parent your child.  What the hell are you doing?  Letting your brats run wild because you're too busy smoking weed or whatever you do instead of parenting and you're doing it on the taxpayers' dime.  We're paying for a school that isn't being used for education but as a day care for your misbehaving brats.  You're bad people and your horrible kids are proof of that.

Behavior is learned by watching the world around us and our primary role models are first and foremost our parents.  If your child is a monster, it's your fault.  Take responsibility and do something about it.

Here's the link to the story:

Friday, May 8, 2015

The price of free speech

Free speech has consequences.  Like it or not, how free your speech really is will always depend on the whim of the majority.  Every day you're judged in the court of public opinion.  When you say or do something large parts of the public find offensive, they will punish you.

This means a single comment that enough people disagree with can cause you to have your basketball team taken away from you or get you fired from your radio show.  You can lose your job.  You can be sued for slander.  And in the case of some folks in Garland, TX, you can even be targeted by terrorists.

This isn't to say we need censorship.  I believe in the right to say whatever you want, but with the knowledge that you WILL be held accountable for it.  Maybe it wouldn't hurt to think before you speak.  Consider the ramifications of what you want to say and how others may take it before you tweet it.

Stop whining about sensitivity.  Everyone's too sensitive towards your "innocent" remarks until YOU'RE the one offended.  Don't get all offended when you offend someone and they call you on it.  That makes YOU a douche.  They're just being human.

How dare those morons in Garland pretend that a contest to draw rude pictures of Mohammed shouldn't be offensive.  They are so outraged that anyone dared to question their actions, that it garnered any outrage from the Muslim community.  WHY?  Did we learn nothing from Charlie Hebdo?  When you INTENTIONALLY do something you KNOW will offend an ENTIRE COMMUNITY, don't be arrogant enough to assume nothing will happen.  And don't have the audacity to claim it's ok for you to be offensive to this community because it's just poking fun at a religion you personally despise.  If Muslims were to have a contest drawing Jesus masturbating, you'd be up in arms too.  Yes, morons of Garland, you DID do something wrong.

It's not ok to kill someone for saying something you disagree with.  Blasphemy laws are stupid and I will never condone terrorism, but let's not pretend you don't know what's offensive to say and what's not and let's not antagonize people just because you don't like their religion and the law says you can.  That's not defending free speech. That being an asshole.