Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How the ghetto stereotype keeps you unemployed

It isn't being black that keeps you unemployed.  I know people don't want to hear that right now.  We just want to blame our problems on white people like we've always done.  If black people suffer, it's because of racism and not because they did anything wrong.   Blacks never do anything wrong.  It's always the white man's fault.

But we will never be able to address the plight of the black man without addressing his failings.  We can't keep making excuses or blaming white people.  Who lets white people be so privileged?  If you want a better life, you have to work for it.

The question today is, why are people in the ghetto having such a hard time finding work?  It can't be just because they're black.  Lots of black people have jobs.  How did millions of black folks pull one over on their white oppressors?

They didn't.  Black people can find work if they want it badly enough and they have the qualifications, but to help the job search, you have to know what employers WANT in employees and then make yourself appealing to them.

There is a stereotype that proliferates society about people who come from the ghetto.  Sadly, it's not necessarily a false one or it wouldn't be so prominent in our minds.  Ghetto-ites are known to be poor workers.  Lazy with bad attitudes.  That's what employers think of when they think of the ghetto and they don't want those kinds of employees.  Employees are an investment to them and the face of their business.  They need good employees to keep their customers happy so they can keep making profits.  The only employers who don't care about company image enough to not care what kind of employees they hire are employers with high turn over and those jobs mean low wages.

So what do employers with decent wages (white collar jobs) look for?  Someone well educated, well spoken, well dressed and who doesn't act ghetto.  If you're sagging, using bad grammar and didn't bother to finish high school, then you will never stand a chance.  But you're lack of education is due to your lack of desire.  Anyone who wants to learn, can.  There are so many other sources to learn from than school.  And, yes, appearance is everything.  Don't rock a grill and be covered in tattoos if you want to be taken seriously.  That's just the way it is.

Black people who take my advice get jobs. Those that don't, end up on welfare.

But you're the only one to blame if you do.

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