It's an ugly fact of life, but it is what it is. How pretty you are matters.
Forget all that crap about how intelligence and integrity are more important. Those are just comforting lies unpretty people make up to feel better about themselves. It's never been about how good a person you are on the inside. It's ALWAYS been about how you look.
It's an unpalatable thing to admit, but 99% of humans are vain.
And it isn't even our fault. It isn't just the media telling us what's pretty. It isn't peer pressure. Think about what turns you on and ask yourself why? You have no idea why. What you're attracted to is written in your genes. That's why you can't "convert" to a different sexual orientation just because a really old book tells you to. You are what you are. Some people like rapists and pedophiles are genetically impaired, but that just means they should be institutionalized for the good of society.
The truth is, you will always be judged by your looks. It's the first thing people notice about you. How they judge you will be based on what they find attractive. Some of that judgement will be based on what we're told is pretty by society but a lot of it will come from our own animal instincts. Because humans are animals, regardless of how you think we got here.
We see it every day. Survival of the fittest. The pretty people getting ahead in life while the rest of us struggle. The pretty people getting the breaks while the rest of us are just broken. It's not your imagination. It really happens. They have done scientific studies that prove pretty people are more successful. It's that bad a problem.
And yes, if you dress and act like a stereotype, you will be judged as being that stereotype. So if you sag and wear a hoodie, people will think you're ghetto trash. If you dress provocatively, people will think you're promiscuous. It's not us. It's you. If you don't want people thinking you're a thug or a slut, change your dress and mind the way you behave.
But is there anything we can do about this travesty? Is there any way for not so pretty people to get ahead in life?
Sure. Lots of unpretty get ahead. They get money. Money trumps looks every time.
But if you're not fated to ever be rich, don't waste your time trying to be prettier. Plastic surgery, all the make up in the world, they may last a little while, but not forever.
See, that's the only good thing about pretty people. They lose their looks eventually and then, if we're lucky, they're in the same boat as we. That's karma.
You may never be pretty and you'll probably never be rich. How do you survive? By being ok with it. By telling yourself you're fine the way you are and being happy with what you have. By taking comfort in your intelligence and integrity and yes, you're being a good person. By not letting pretty people get under your skin.
Pretty people hate being ignored. That's the best revenge.
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