Friday, August 26, 2016

Fuck Your Oppression

If you're "triggered" by someone else's opinion, you're the one with the problem.  Man up or put your big girl panties and get over it.  Fucking SJWs always bitching about freedom when it's THEIRS but readily willing to deny freedom to someone else they don't like.  Usually straight white Christian males.  Let's be honest.  There may not be a war on Christmas, but there's definitely a war on straight white Christian males.

Fuctards like MTV changing the definition of the word racism to put forth the insanely false narrative that only whites can be racist when New Black Panthers are calling for white genocide.  Fucktards at Buzzfeed who make videos where actors of color ask white people why they're so horrible when statistics show the majority of bad things happening in black communities are done by other black people.  That history books don't mention the Arab slave trade predates the European one or that the Irish were slaves or that Africans owned slaves and PARTICIPATED in the African slave trade.  Or honesty.  Our history books are full of lies and now, thanks to the SJW need to believe blacks came first therefore anyone with a lighter skin tone is a genetic mutation, science will be filled with lies too.  Out of Africa is a theory, you fucking morons!  Theories are not facts!

Stupidity triggers me I guess.

They blame slavery for every problem.  It's never their fault.  It's all evil whitey's fault.  Scapegoating.  Best way to hold yourself back. To say that something that didn't happen to you personally and hasn't happened to your people for over a hundred years is to blame for your failures is ignorance.  Like saying someone who was abused as a child will never make anything of themselves.  You're adding to the abuse they endured by basically saying they're damaged goods and should just give up.  Demand reparations from daddy and live off welfare cuz you don't deserve anything better.

How the fuck is that working for you?

You're oppressing yourselves and fuck your oppression.

Your hood is not the shit hole it is because white folks are making that way.  You live there.  Not white folks.  If it's a shitty neighborhood, it's because you aren't taking care of it.  Don't tell me it's poverty's fault.  There are billions of people in poverty in this world who don't turn to crime or act in the demeaning ways ghetto-ites do.  Latinos face poverty but they get off their asses and work.  They don't demand food stamps because Texas fought a war of of independence against Mexico.

The Irish came to this country as slaves.  The Chinese built our railroads as slaves.  Asians were sent to interment camps in WW2.  Do I need to remind you what happened to Native Americans?  Italians, Arab Muslims, Indians all faced discrimination and they still made something of themselves.  Even black expats from Africa come to this country and make something of themselves.

Black Americans just keep making excuses.

Well fuck your excuses.  I'm tired of feeling sorry for you.  If you aren't willing to help yourselves, then stay in the ghetto.

And for you to burn down your own damn neighborhoods to protest some thug who robbed a store and got shot while attacking a cop, for you to invent the knock out game and attack people at random for fun, for you to use Formation as your anthem even after reading the lyrics, for you to worship Farrakhan even when he asks you to murder, for your women to act like sluts and your men to father babies they refuse to take care of, for you to drop out of school and still think you deserve a government handout, for you to think you alone deserve reparations when every single fucking one of us has faced oppression,for you to destroy yourselves and still blame me, fuck you.

How dare you.

Your ass backwards mentality is the only thing oppressing you and fuck your oppression.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Why Armed Revolution Won't Work

We all hate our country's government right now.  Republicans hate the Democrats taking over.  Democrats hate that Republicans are obstructionists.  Some folks think their rights are being taking away.  Some people hate whitey.  Conspiracy theorists go on about secret government programs targeting them with electronic energy weapons.  Trust me.  Everyone's pissed off at the government for something.

It makes us feel better to think we can have a coup or something, get rid of the corrupt government we have now and put one who shares our values in charge.  But there's a big problem with those plans.

Who's values will the new government have?  Cuz we all have different values.  That's why we're all so unhappy with the government.

The problem with tearing down your government is who has the ability to take over and if those are the people you want in charge. I can guarantee you the people with the best odds of seizing power are not the kinds of people 90% of Americans are going to be ok with.

Victory in a civil war will go to whoever is the most powerful.  The most armed and the most organized.  In America, that's Tea Party Oathers, white supremacists, doomsday preppers who have been planning for this day for generations.  That's who'll be in charge if you topple the government.  Congrats.

Cuz there goes your rights.  Freedom of speech? Not if you aren't a straight white male.  Freedom of religion? Not if you aren't Christian.  Rounding up Latinos.  Reinstating segregation.  End of any rights women fought to get.  That's what we have to look forward to if we topple the government.

You can say I'm crazy.  You can say whites are a minority and they don't stand a chance.  Folks said that about radical Islam.  ISIS proved them wrong.  And look at the polls.  Trump isn't doing as badly as his special brand of crazy should be doing.  Admit it or not, a lot of people like what he's saying.

So no.  If civil war breaks out, far right heavily armed white guys are taking over.  Not blacks who are great at destroying things in riots but not at building the kinds of infrastructure necessary for a successful coup.  Not Latinos who  have the numbers but not the ambition.  White rednecks who have been training themselves to take back America from the evil brown men for a very long time.

I don't want a government run by Tea Party good ole boys.  I like being able to make my own healthcare choices and not being less than equal simply for not having a penis.

I have many problems with the government, but I'll take my chances with the evil I know.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Why we don't care about Louisiana

There's a reason why the media isn't paying the attention to the floods in Louisiana that Louisianians think they deserve.  It's a busy news season.

There's no conspiracy here.  It's not being ignored because Louisiana is a red state.  There are fires in blue state California right now not getting much air time either.  It's not being ignored because it's only affecting black people.  By the way, just as many white people have been flooded out too so shut up, you racist fucktards.  And it's not being ignored because it's only affecting poor people.  Some rich folks got flooded out too so take comfort in that if you need to.

It's not being ignored at all.  It's just not in our faces all day long.  Why?  There's alot of other stuff going on.

It's an election year and we have two of the most scandalous, hated troll candidates of all time that just can't keep their mouths or their closet doors shut.  This election will be affecting our nation long after the water recedes.  It's a big deal. The Olympics are happening and naturally there are scandals there too.  Countries are leaving the European Union and that can affect global security and our trade deals which affects the economy.  Terrorists are still attacking people and some of those people are American.  Did you hear about Mexican drug cartels kidnapping tourists?  There's a lot to cover and a limited amount of time to cover it in.

The flood has been noticed. It's been mentioned on the news more than once.  Do we need to have it talked about 24/7?  How selfish are you?

Don't tell me if it happened in New York people would care more.  No.  People are too busy with naked statues of Trump or playing Pokemon Go or whatever.  They wouldn't devote a lot of airtime for a flooded New York either.  It would get a mention among the plethora of other stories like all the the tragedies happening as we speak.  Earthquake in Italy and we're still talking about Hillary's emails.

No matter what happens, there'll be some other momentous newsworthy event pushing it out of the spotlight just like what's happening to Louisiana.  This is our world now.  We are flooded with information and have attention spans shorter than a fruit fly's.

Stop trying to make the media coverage (or lack thereof in your opinion) something it isn't.  You were noticed, Louisiana.  A federal emergency was declared.  Aid is coming.

We got you so calm down.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Safety vs Sympathy

There's an easy solution to end the threat to the west posed by Islamic extremism.  Quarantine Muslim countries.

I know that sounds cruel.  It IS cruel. Yet, as long as we give them access to us, we're allowing them to hurt us.

Shut our borders.  Deport the ones who are here. Cut off all western aid to any country where they are the majority.  Then sit back in relative safety and watch them kill eachother off.

ISIS loves kidnapping westerners and ransoming them off. Don't pay it.  Let them kill the hostages.  Part of going to a dangerous place is accepting that something bad can happen to you.  Stop expecting others to bail you out of trouble.  Your decision to go there.  You're responsible for the outcome even if it's your own death.

Don't let the faces of starving children change your mind.  Don't let anyone tug at your heart strings.  The children of Muslims grow up to be Muslims and could very well grow up to be terrorists.  No.  It's too risky to rescue even the children.

Close the boarders.  Build walls.  Put snipers on the walls.  Only allow those who pass a religious test in.  Only people who share our values, the pure, are welcome.

Do you want freedom or do you want safety?  Because safety requires a dictatorship.  It requires allowing the government to monitor us so they know who's planning bad things, to tell us where we're allowed to go so we don't go into harm's way, to limit free speech so people who disagree with our government sanctioned values can't encourage dissent from those values. It means no more religious freedom because we can't allow people to worship in a way we don't approve of.  What if they choose Islam?

Do you want a dictatorship?  No?  Then shut the fuck up.

Stop saying let's deport all the Muslims or let's only let those who can prove they're Christian in the country.  Stop all your bullshit about pulling out of the Middle East.  What kind of hateful asshole lets children starve because they aren't the right religion?  Who thinks it's ok to bomb cities into rubble and walk away from the aftermath?  Who honestly thinks all Muslims are terrorists and all Christians are virtuous?  Cuz evidence screams to the contrary.

I don't like the dark, evil world you people want to live in.  I don't want to give up my freedom to be safer.  I'd rather care and love than be hateful to my fellow humans.  I'd rather be a bleeding heart than a no heart.

Because love is how you end war so I'll take my chances.