Monday, October 9, 2017

Fuck Indigenous Peoples Day

I don't care whether you like Columbus Day or not.  Celebrate if you want to.  Don't if you prefer not to.  If you would rather do Indigenous Peoples Day, feel free.

Only stupid people care.

Truth bomb: 99% of folks don't care what you celebrate today as long as they can take the day off.

And that's how it should be.

It's like Christmas vs Hanukkah vs Ramadan.  Christians, Muslims and Jews have been killing each other for centuries but come their respective holidays, everyone always says, celebrate whatever cuz tolerance and shit.  Liberals are all about tolerance and shit.  Lol. So what's the difference when it comes to Columbus Day?

You don't have to celebrate Columbus Day any more than Christians are forced to celebrate Ramadan.  So if you disagree with it, don't celebrate.  Problem solved.

People disagree with Halloween.  Should we stop celebrating it?  I think the depravity praised during Gay Pride Month is vile and henders the cause.  Does that give me the right to do away with Gay Pride Month?  Of course not.  I simply don't celebrate it.

Let's be honest.  The argument agsinst Columbus Day is driven by racism towards European Americans.  Your dislike for the day is due to your dislike of white people.  It's the biggest day of the year when you openly bash white people.  When you lump all white people together and call them privileged racists and murderers and devils and whatever other insults you think of.  It's the day when it's ok to attack white people while enjoying the free and prosperous first world nation they built.  It's the day when the folks who picked a fight with a more advanced society and lost it bitch about losing.

Let's be even more honest.  Indigenous people were not innocent victims of the evil white man.  America wasn't a utopia full of kumbaya and unicorns.  Indigenous peoples were violent, fought each other, owned slaves, scalped their enemies, practiced cannibalism and a whole lot of stuff that's less than honorable.  They weren't innocent.  They made war on the Europeans and the Europeans were stronger.  Europeans won.  That's what happened.

You can be butt hurt about it or you can recognize that times have changed since the Trail of Tears and move on.

Cuz this is the 21st century and times have changed.  You're not forced to live on reservations anymore.  In fact, you get all sorts of free stuff and special treatments because white folks do recognize the past had dark moments for you.  They do recognize you lost the war and they are trying to appease you.

Indigenous peoples are the only ones who don't have to obey American laws on their land.  They're given free scholarships to college.  They literally have the best shot at being successful if they would swallow their pride and take the opportunities the rest of us are not afforded.  They don't accept them, of course.  They'd rather be impoverished than live in the white man's world.

Well, that's on them.

Most people get this.  Most people don't care about the controversy.  Most people don't celebrate either holiday.  They enjoy the day off if they can get one or they work like it's just another Monday.   Either way, only the folks butt hurt about losing the war or who are racist fucktards give two shits what you call this day.

Friday, September 29, 2017

White Guilt Is Killing America

Freedom was hard won for every single person in America.  Whether it was the white European colonialists shaking off the tyranny of the British Empire, the blacks shaking off slavery, the waves of Cubans and Vietnamese immigrants fleeing communism or Hispanics fleeing drug cartels, Americans have always fought for freedom.  And it's a disservice to every American who came before when we don't recognize their accomplishments.

That's what we're doing these days.  Every time we burn the flag or leak government intelligence reports to the media, or take a knee during the anthem or throw bottles of pee at people who have the audacity to think the right to free speech should include them too, we are bitch slapping the brave men and women of every ethnicity who fought and died for our freedom.

And white guilt is to blame.  White guilt and its peddlers are evil and out to destroy America.

Who denies all the progress this country has made since its founding?  White liberals.  They can't admit there's BEEN progress.  No.  They feel too guilty about the past.  They need to be punished.  For things people who LOOKED like them did.

Please call them racist.  Please call them privileged.  Please give handouts to all those poor black and brown people who are so oppressed.

But those poor black and brown people haven't been oppressed in decades.  Look around.  All those successful black and brown people.  Oh the horrors of oppression.

I'm not going to pretend the world is suddenly devoid of racism.  I know it's not.  I'm also not going to parrot the liberal bullshit myth that only white people are capable of being racist.  Like a rational person, I acknowledge that any one of any ethnicity can be racist.  The definition of racism is thinking one race (usually your own) is better than another.  It doesn't require having a majority in the population.  It doesn't require having any authority.  That's bullshit created for the sole purpose of demonizing white people.

Which is racist.

Understand that every black power salute is as racist as a white power one.  Understand that having black only scholarships and clubs and award shows are actually racist.  Black Twitter is racist.

And to be clear, SJW propaganda that demonizes white people whether it's MTV Decoded or Buzzfeed or The Root or the outrage over Hobby Lobby selling fake cotton plants, is racist.

And white liberals created this mess.  Own it.  This is on you.

See, white liberals misguided guilt caused them to treat blacks as though they were broken.  Damaged.  Black folks just needed white folks to kiss the boo boo and make it all better.

Instead of truly treating blacks equally, they give blacks special treatment.  They coddle them.  Black kids don't do as well as other kids in school?  Well the problem can't be the lack of parental guidance at home.  The school's standards are racist so let's lower them.  Black people can't find white collar jobs?  Well the problem can't be that the lowering of education standards so as not to hurt their fee fees has left them lacking the skills necessary to get a good paying job.  No.  Employers are racist so we must force them to meet racial quotas.  Same goes for colleges.

Give black folks welfare.  Tell them their failures have nothing to do with their life choices but it's all racism.  Tell them there's no point in working hard.  They'll never be successful because they're black.  Teach little kids that their skin alone defines them.

You've just made sure the brainwashed little shits vote Democrat for the rest of their lives.  And that's what it's really about.

Vote for white liberals.  They'll make everything better.  Except they won't.  They can't.  The problem they're trying to fix doesn't exist anymore which is why after decades of voting Democrat, nothing has improved in the minds of black voters.  Because guilt tripping white liberals TELL them nothing's changed and they've been so conditioned to see race in everything that they believe it.

Only racists see racism in everything. Only racists blame their skin for their inaction.  Only racists work tirelessly to convince others they're oppressed or that white homeless people have more privilege than a black pro football player with millions in the bank.

There is only one color with privilege in America and that color is green.

And I'm glad that not all black people buy the SJW propaganda.  I'm glad there are black folks out there who worked hard and found success.  Who went on to live productive and meaningful lives and who don't view their race as a crutch or a definition of their character.  Every black Republican I meet is a joy.  Gives me hope.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Why DACA is offensive

I didn't vote for Trump.  He's not my idol.  He's bat shit crazy and he scares me.  That being said, the media needs to stop with all the left leaning bias and report the facts again.  Remember facts?  You know, the stuff journalists are SUPPOSED to tell you.

DACA was always a poor idea.  It basically gave amnesty for illegal immigrants and encouraged more illegal immigration. It was stupid to think it was sustainable.  And that it was created out of executive order and not through Congress tells you the reasons behind it were not innocent.  DACA was created to win converts to the Democratic Party.  It never had anything to do with helping illegals.  They aren't getting you jobs.  They only want your votes.

But to be clear, illegal immigrants are law breakers. They shouldn't get amnesty. Their anchor babies shouldn't get amnesty.  We live in a world where open borders are dangerous.  We have immigration laws because we HAVE to.  If that offends you, tough.

If you don't think it's fair you should be deported because your parents brought you here illegally, take it up with your parents.  It's their fault.  The law has been around for a long time and they broke it.  Deportation was always a possibility for you.

Giving amnesty to illegals is also bitch slapping every person who immigrated to the US legally.  It's offensive.  You can argue human rights all day long, but you're not changing the truth.  People worked hard and waited years to become US citizens just to be told their efforts were pointless.  You thinking you deserve the same treatment and rights as them is ridiculous.  You don't.  You broke the law.

Stop with the "no person is illegal" b.s., folks who promote abortion.  You have no moral high ground. We have to have secure borders and immigration laws for our protection and it's wrong to give protected status to law breakers when you're legal citizens are suffering.

Stop saying illegals take the jobs Americans don't want.  Unemployment in the ghetto wouldn't be so high if businesses hired fewer illegals and more black folks.  Black folks want to work.  Poor white folks in Appalachia want to work.  Legal immigrants from Cambodia would like to work.  Stop claiming otherwise.  When you're no longer picking strawberries, the strawberries will still need to be picked.  The corporations growing strawberries will have to hire someone and they'll hire Americans.  Your argument is that flawed.

And my God, the crime!  Drug lords walk across our border like they own the place.  They bring gangs and violence and we have enough American gangs.  We don't need anymore.  How many illegals have to rape someone before we say enough?

Like I said, we need secure borders.  It's not optional.  This world is dangerous.

You know what Mexico does with illegal immigrants?  They jail them.  Know what Canada, Britain, Germany, Italy and all the other countries do?  They jail or deport them.  Yet all those countries have the audacity to call out the US for deporting illegals.


Mexico has a merit based immigration policy.  So does Canada and Germany and so on.  That means, they don't want just anyone.  They only take you if you can contribute to their nation and have the ability to sustain yourself without government assistance.  In other words, you have to have money or a job or a usable college degree or they won't take you.  Know who doesn't do that?

America.  In America, all you need is family already here.  Or just come here illegally and pop out a baby.  We have the laxest immigration policy in the first world.

Yet the same countries who have tougher immigration laws than the US criticized the US when we wanted to change to a merit based immigration policy.  They called us out for wanting to do what they were already doing.

Let that sink in.

America takes the refuse, the unwanted, the criminals.  We aren't getting the scientists and entrepreneurs.  We don't get the smart folks. We get the third world folks who pee in our streets and ram Sharia down our throats.  In 30 years, America will be a third world country if we do nothing to change this.  Because Americans are being outbred by third world immigrants.

It's an inconvenient truth but it's still truth.

Other countries send us their worst when they don't want to take care of them.  That's the real reason Mexico is so against America enforcing its immigration laws.  Mexico wants its poor to leave because then they don't have to worry about them.  If we send them back, Mexico has to actually do something about the drug lords and the poverty and the stuff that make their people want to leave in the first place.  Mexico is lazy.

But not when it comes to building a wall between them and Guatemala to keep out illegals.

That pissed me off the most.  Every other country is allowed to have immigration laws and enforce them except the US.  The US gets shit on.

Well fuck you.  It's a new day and we have a craxy orange guy who's putting his foot down.   For once, I agree with him.


I'm sick of all the lefty asshats saying Hurricane Harvey was sent by God to punish Texas for voting for Trump.  Have any of you asshats ever been to Texas?  It's a very diverse state with a majority HISPANIC population.  Yall need Jesus.


But that brings me on to my main rant and that's the turning a tragedy into an opportunity for political propaganda.  Fuck you.  People died.  They fucking died.  Others lost their homes and everything they had.  You have the audacity to blame a hurricane on God, that's stupid enough.  But blaming it on racism?  That's a level of stupid that deserves an ass kicking.

I'm talking to you, Salon.  To you, Root.  To every last Democrat in office.  Shut up.

No.  The people of Texas - even the white ones - DID NOT deserve Harvey destroying their lives.  No it's not Trump's fault.  And no, God isn't punishing racism.

If God did anything, He used a tragedy to wake us up.  To get us to stop being stupid, realize we're all human and to start loving thy neighbor again.  That would be the lesson good, morally upright people took away.  Then again, we didn't need the lesson.  YOU did and you're so stupid the lesson was lost on you.

Liberal asshats only pretend to want peace and tolerance.  In reality, the left are the most intolerant, racist, hateful asshats you will have the misfortune of meeting.

Fuck them.

Ps - Sorry for all the swearing.  Got myself worked up.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Canadian Shade Part 2

I don't know about Canadians.  I'm sure they're not ALL stupid but their media is pretty biased too so I just don't know for sure...

I don't know about Canadians, but here in the US, we're tired of the whose dick is bigger contest between Trump and Trudeau.

Trudeau needs to stop.  Stop with the insults.  Stop with veiled shade.  Stop going around the US government to make trade deals with individual states.  Stop trying to start a war.

Cuz that's what he's gonna get if he keeps acting a fool.

This isn't a boxing match, Justin.  You don't talk smack to the other guy before the match and walk away all sportsman like after.  You being an asshat affects MILLIONS of people's lives.  It's creating animosity on international levels.  That's the kind of animosity that doesn't go away.

Understand, we share a long and barely guarded border.  We have a no nonsense, not afraid to do something kind of crazy president.  War with us wouldn't be good for you.

And neither would a civil war in the US.  That's what you're helping to facilitate when you pit states against each other.  A war between the States.  Where do you think the refugees from that war are going to go?

Sure the hell ain't Mexico.

And keep in mind, our economies are heavily connected.  If ours crashes, yours crashes.

Not to mention everything else we share.  Ninety percent of Canadian tv is American shows.  Say goodbye to them.  All those Canadians doing their shopping in the US because it's cheaper, say goodbye to that.  Hockey?  About to get a lot smaller.  And who's going to be buying all that stuff you export?  We're your biggest trading partner.

You're playing with fire, Justin.  Stop.

Be a REAL leader and try making peace.  That's what our government needs right now.  Someone outside Washington to say "Hey, guys, we need to work this out and we're buddies so let us help."  We need an intermediary.  At least offer.

During the Canadian elections for prime minister, they ran adds against Trudeau saying he was too young for so much responsibility.  He's proving those ads right.

And that doesn't do either of our countries any good.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Thoughts on Charlottesville

Today in Charlottesville, VA, some white folks protested the removal of Confederate memorabilia and some other not white folks protested the white folks protesting.  Then an idiot drove a car through a crowd.  Sadly, one person died and others were injured.

If we're honest, that's what happened in Charlottesville, VA today.

We don't live in an honest world, however, so here's how it's being reported.

Evil white nationalists promoting racism attack innocent brown people standing up for equality.  All white people are evil and must be destroyed.

Headline from CNN.

Trump's response to the violence tonight was to tweet his condemnation of the racial violence from "many sides" and urge the nation to come together. He's taking a lot of heat for his tweet, particularly the "many sides" part.  No matter your opinion of Trump, he was right to say that because regardless of who was driving that car, the fact is the alt left is just as violent as the alt right.  The only difference is in how the two are treated.  When white folks are racist, we call them out for it.  When any other color is racist, we blame white folks.

The media, naturally, are using this as yet another excuse to call for war on white people.  That's what it is when you use a constant barrage of propaganda (accusations of cultural appropriation, claiming only whites are capable of racism, not showing cases of police brutality when the victim is white, etc) to demonize a group of people.  The people you are attacking are going to be defensive and they will start protecting themselves.  They're not going to march happily into the gas chambers for you no matter whose ancestors did what to whom.

I loathe the KKK but why is it when the KKK get a permit to legally rally and do so peacefully, it's still rightly condemned as hate speech, but when Antifa or Black Lives Matter riot, burn things and attack people, they're not only excused but congratulated?

It's a double standard. Free speech includes everyone even the ones with skin tones and ideas you don't like and VIOLENCE should be equally condemned regardless of the race or religion or sexual preference or political affiliation of the perpetrators.  That this doesn't happen fuels the flames of resentment that keeps hate groups like the KKK, Black Lives Matter and Antifa going.

People are so stupid.

But here's the truth you won't hear on the news.  The KKK no more represents all whites than BLM represents all blacks or Antifa represents all liberals.  The propagandists are hard at work trying to divide us again and they are succeeding.  The only thing that matters now is whether or not enough of us are smart enough to see this for what it is and to come together anyway.

The rich can build fortresses and be safe while they profit off a civil war in America.  You and I can't.  Stop listening to MSM propaganda and stand strong.  Our refusal to play along is the only thing that can save this world and ourselves.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Hypocrisy and the SJW

So Game of Thrones show runners have a show IDEA that HBO is considering called Confederate that will take place in an alternative history in which the South successfully kicked the North to the curb and slavery, for some reason, remains legal.  SJWs are up in arms about how racist white people are for even considering this show.  Why?  Because they think it caters to white supremacists.

What do they know about the show other than the basic premise?  It's not even written yet.  No casting.  No plans to actually film anything.  It's an IDEA.  This show would probably be as anti racist a statement as Hollywood gets because it's HOLLYWOOD and that sells.   It would be all about how evil slavery was and why we should come together and put race behind us.  It could even restart those conversations about love and tolerance and everyone getting along that Obama shut down with 8 years of race baiting.  It could be the biggest vehicle to draw attention to human trafficking which is a serious issue we need to address anyway.

We don't know what the show will be about because it's just an IDEA at this point. How do they know it's being made to please white supremacists?

Oh yeah.  Cuz white people are writing it.  Only reason.  They don't like white people.

Remember when all these very same critics were telling us to watch Dear White People before we called it racist (even though Dear White People was insanely racist and was praised for it)?

Pot.  Kettle.  Morons.

This proves my point about how far into insanity the liberal set have truly gone.  An IDEA with no further explanation sets their little racist hearts off.  An IDEA, any idea, that doesn't conform to the state sponsored propaganda they have been conditioned to believe is automatically dismissed and shunned.  Liberals are afraid of IDEAS now.

This isn't a world we should accept.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Canadian Shade

So Trump wants to keep trans people out of combat. Well, the military brass has been wanting that for years so it's not that unusual.  But I'll give my thoughts on trans in the military later.  Today, I wanna bitch about Canada.

See, Canada has been stirring the shit pot with the US pretty much since Trump was elected.  Trump and Trudeau are having a who's is bigger contest and it's the folks like us who have to suffer it.

But now left wing Canadians are throwing shade at the US for everything and I'm tired of it.  This whole uproar on social media about the Canadian military calling out the US military is stupid.  Hashtag "diversity is our strength" is hashtag "hypocrisy".

When you compare the history of the United States with Canada's, the glaring similarities are insane.  That's just the way the country was founded.  Compare the culture.  The crime. The drug use.  The police being dicks.  The politics.   The Islamic extremism and fear of it.  Even the accents.  You can't tell the two countries apart.

So when Canadians throw "shade" at the US for any reason, pot meets kettle.  Face it.  Canada is just the US further north on the map.

They're not more tolerant.  Ask the First Nations who are dealing with limited access to clean drinking water.  They aren't more free.  Ask the reporters who have to pay fines for criticizing Islam.  They're economy isn't that much better.  Ask the folks in Vancouver paying 2 mil for an efficiency apartment or the high unemployment rate in Ontario.  Their health care isn't better.  Try seeing a doctor in Quebec on a Sunday.

All in all, Canada throwing shade is laughable, eh?

Monday, July 24, 2017

The Murder of Charlie Gard

Charlie Gard was born with a rare genetic disorder that was more or less a death sentence right out the womb.  He isn't even a year old and he is destined to die.

Correction, Britain's national healthcare service AND courts deemed Charlie's life unworthy of attempting to save.

NHS doctors told little Charlie's parents to let their baby die. That it was in everyone's best interest.  What they really meant was treating Charlie was a burden on the government run healthcare system and they didn't want to pay for it.  It had nothing to do with what was best for Charlie.

Charlie is a baby.  Charlie has no say.

And Charlie's parents had no say.  An outrage!

There was an experimental treatment in the US but the NHS refused to let the Gards take their child out of the hospital let alone out of the country.  The Gards had to go to court and invoke public sympathy in order to pressure the courts and NHS to abide by their wishes.

By then it was too late for the experimental treatment to have any effect.  They'd waited too long.

Make no mistake, if the Gard's had been rich, Charlie would have been in America months ago.  Instead, his case got dicked around in the courts until it was too late and his parents were forced to give up.

What if it was your child?  Would this be acceptable to you?

Nothing has outraged me more, however, than the public response to the fate of little Charlie.

So many poored out their support for the Gards even helping them fund raise for the experimental treatment.  So many people were loving and moral enough to want to help a baby live.  I thank God there are still people like that out there.

But there were way more who praised the NHS and condemned Charlie's parents for trying to save their son.  Just today, I myself commented on Twitter about my own outrage.  I was trolled by quite a few Brits telling me to shut up.

But silence in the face of injustice is one of the biggest reasons the world sucks.

Truth:  We should have done everything humanly possible to save Charlie Gard.  No euthanizing babies because they burden you.  That's hateful.  And the ONLY people who should have had a say in whether or not Charlie went to America for treatment were his parents.  If we allow governments to decide our worth, we have no worth.

Truth:  As much as I view health care as a right and not a privilege, I'm forced to concede that government run healthcare is just as immoral and corrupt as privately run healthcare.  There's no winning in the health care game if you're poor.

British healthcare sentenced a baby to die because they didn't want the burden of treating him and the British people are ok with that.

No wonder their empire was destroyed.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

White People Gonna Die

Let's take a step back from the media propaganda and look objectively at white people.

When white people are ok with being white, they're racist.  When white people show pride, they're racist.  When white people enjoy and celebrate their culture and heritage, they're racist.  When white people sneeze, they're racist.  Truth.

It's only cultural appropriation when white people do it.  Only white people can be racist.  White people are the reason the world is so bad. White people are behind all the evil in the world.  The devil made white people. White people need to pay reparations for the crimes of their ancestors.  White people need to die.

So tolerance isn't something we're allowed to have towards white people.  They don't qualify and diversity actually means when there are no white people present. Segregation is amazing. We need places where white people aren't allowed.  White people are dangerous and we need our safe spaces.  And crayons. Don't forget the crayons.

We should deport all white people.  Everyone knows black people came first and white people are genetic defects.  Look how easily they get sunburned.  All the shades in between?  They're the products of evil white men raping innocent black queens.

We could have peace on earth if there were no white people.  Africa was heaven before white people came. Ignore all those tribal wars and those slaves they capture in those wars.  That kind of slavery was good slavery. The Americas were heaven before white people came.  Ignore those tribal wars too. Ignore the cannibalism.  And scalping.  It's perfectly acceptable to scalp your enemies.

If you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic with all that, you're not that bright.  If you agree with those statements, you're an evil person.  There's no excuse for you and trust me, heaven doesn't have skin color requirements. Neither does hell.

It seems that white people are only ok for yall as long as they hate themselves.  As long as they worship you and give you free stuff, you're fine with them.  The minute they start showing signs of pride or even acceptance of their whiteness, you have to beat it out of them.

You're hateful.  You don't want to coexist at least not with white people. You want to dominate white people. Enslave white people.  That defeats the purpose of coexisting.  You use history to justify you evil ways, but obviously you learned nothing from it.

Slavery ended. Jim Crow ended. Segregation ended. The South lost. The Nazis lost. Communism, for the most part, lost.  The oppressors of old, lost.  Doesn't that tell you something?

Do you really think becoming the oppressor is justice?  It's the road to ruin.  You're just too dumb and too racist to see that.

That's right.  Racist. Whether you call yourself people of color or colored people, you are biologically just as capable of being racist as any neo Nazi only you lack the common sense to realize it and you certainly lack the common decency to recognize how evil it is.

And white people, I'm not letting you off the hook.  Yes, I understand you're not responsible for what your ancestors did and it's stupid to hold you accountable for slavery or for your grandparents even, but you need to do more.

And I don't mean that equity nonsense.  I don't mean pay reparations and I certainly don't mean feel guilty.  If you don't participate in overt racism, you have nothing to feel guilty about.

You need to walk away.  You need to stop trying to help people of color.  You need to let them do them and you do you.  They're going to rise or fall on their own.  You're not responsible for them and your guilt is only hurting them.

Quit putting these stupid ideas in their heads.  Like they need handouts or charity to get out of the ghetto.  Your Irish and Italian ancestors didn't. Mexicans don't. Asians don't. They're African ancestors would be so embarrassed of them.  But you need to walk away.  You need to let them stand on their own.  It's going to take them some time.  No one's made them take responsibility for themselves in decades, but they need the lesson if they're going to truly thrive.

And, for your own survival, you need to understand that it's ok to be ok with being white.  It's ok to show your Irish or Italian or Polish or English pride.  It's ok to be a Christian.  It's even ok to be conservative.  Stop letting these SJW types make you feel guilty for existing because when you try to make it up to them, you fuel the fire of stupidity and hatred that leads them to believe all the things I wrote at the beginning of this blog.

You're sitting back and letting yourselves be murdered by Muslims because you feel guilty.  You're letting yourselves be discriminated against and allowing your rights to be taken away because you feel guilty.

For stuff people who looked like you did a long time ago but nothing you did yourself.  That's stupid on your part.  Yes, people who look like you did some stupid things but guess what.  You didn't.  Isn't it hypocritical for those who don't want to be judged for their skin to be so good at judging you for yours?  The people who blame you for things you didn't do and for things that never happened directly to them are not going to be nice to you.  They will never be nice to you.  They will never forgive you.  They've been taught to hate you they're entire lives.

They want to kill you off and you are stupid enough to march happily to your deaths and call it justice for the past.

Those who wallow in the past are incapable of building a future and the future isn't going to wait for you.  We need to put the past in its place and move on, but some people lack the intelligence to do so.

Leave them be.  Do your thing and leave them be.  Protect yourselves.  You need to.  You guys built empires.  I know you can do this.

Cuz a time is going to come when you won't have a choice if you continue to let guilt for stuff you didn't do guide your decisions.  White people, your guilt is killing you.

People of color, if you think white people are your enemy, you're not "woke" to anything.  If you think segregating or enslaving or genociding white people will make up for the past, you're fools.

Greed is your enemy.  Hate is your enemy. No one has ancestors who were saints and no one owes you anything.  Truth.

Who will listen?  Who will save the world?

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Diversity is deadly

Diversity is not our strength. Unity despite our diversity is our strength. Without unity, governments cease to function and nations crumble.  Tolerance is great only when the people still share a common goal. Even if it's just one goal.  That goal most often is national pride.  We have to love our country and the culture of that country.  When we insist on segregation, on reveling in our individual cultures over celebrating what made our country great in the first place, we're cheating ourselves and courting danger.  While we're duking it out over which group should have more rights, someone else is thriving in our place. There's a reason some parts of the world are more successful than others. UNITY.  They don't agree on everything, but when it comes to their national identity, they all have the same one. They're UNIFIED. There's nothing wrong with having a diverse heritage, but a diverse national identity is destructive.   When we put our diverse identities behind us and come together in a common cause, we succeed.  When we try to accommodate every different religion or culture or opinion, we fail because it's impossible to please everyone.  America is dying because we've diversified ourselves to death.  We need to unite if we're going to survive at all.  Recognize that we're Americans first and American culture is worth preserving.  Instead of demanding America adapt to the immigrant, the immigrant needs to adapt to America. That's how counties succeed.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Lies We Want To Believe

Google yellow journalism. I dare you.

Back in the 19th century, two newspaper men, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, both devout Democrats, were well known to report exaggerations and lies as authentic news.  Because papers like theirs often used yellow ink, their type of outright fake news was labeled "yellow journalism".  So, to be clear, yellow journalism is fake news and the term was created in response to two bastions of the Democratic Party lying their asses off.

Let that sink in.  However much you hate FOX, Democrats lie TOO.

Here's the rub though. Long before these two clowns made up a bunch of BS to up their sales, journalists have been lying to us.  Google fake news. I dare you.  There wasn't an honest reporter in sight for centuries.

Pulitzer and Hearst may have given yellow journalism a name, but they didn't invent it.  Sensationalism has always sold and in order to get that level of sellable sensationalism, the media has always lied.

Now, there was a brief period of outrage after Pulitzer and Hearst were called out, but it wasn't a large enough outrage that it impacted the way media handles the truth. If anything, the mainstream press just made their lying more discreet.  They still continued to lie though.  Eventually, the public forgot about Pulitzer and Hearst and the media got bolder in their lying.  Now no one remembers what yellow journalism is, but that's all you see from MSM today.

Golden shower gate? Russia hacked the election? Anderson Cooper's eye roll while interviewing a Republican spokesperson?  All yellow journalism and no one noticed.

It's hard to give MSM the benefit of the doubt when they keep lying to us.  4chan, source of golden shower gate, ADMITTED PUBLICLY that they made the whole thing up.  No one at CNN or MSNBC or any of the other stations who ran with it, admitted they didn't get proof the story was legit.  No, in the case of CNN they CONTINUED to run the lie as though it was real only adding "sources say" to make it seem more legit.  In other words, they knew they were lying, didn't see a problem maintaining the lie (because they don't like Trump) and the idiot public didn't call them on it.

Benghazi. Benghazi. Benghazi.

We all know when cops are douchebags, they're equal opportunity douchebags.  There is case after case of unarmed people who are not black being gunned down by cops of various colors, but there's no outrage.  MSM doesn't cover the truth about police brutality because it doesn't fit the white people are evil and black people are still oppressed narrative.  They will give massive airtime to a KKK rally of 20 and claim it was a large and violent crowd while a Black Lives Matter rally of hundreds chanting they want to kill cops and attacking random white people along their march gets no coverage at all.  And when police brutality allows an indigenous girl to be denied medical treatment and said girl dies while in custody? That just isn't as important as a black woman with a history of mental illness committing suicide.

Let that hypocrisy sink in and then ask yourself why.  WHAT are they trying to sell you?  WHY are they lying?  Why do they want to start a race war?

I have my theories. I've covered them in other blogs and will probably cover them in future blogs so for now, I'll let you ponder that on your own, but understand this.  Journalism is about making money.  Journalists tell you the stories they are PAID to tell you.  The truth is irrelevant.  MSM is propaganda for the rich people who own the industry.  That's why they have editors to cherry pick what's newsworthy and what isn't. Control the information, convince the public what you want them to think, control the public.

They're CONTROLLING you.

It's important to understand the difference in sources.  When a news story has a named, verifiable source that can be held accountable if the information provided is false and the reported only lists the facts as presented, then it's factual news reporting.  It's saying this is the person I got this from and here are the facts as presented to me for you to form your own opinion. That's the journalism taught in school.  When a news story quotes an unnamed source whose information cannot be independently verified and no one can be held accountable for, then that is a RUMOR being reported as fact.  When the reporter tells you their opinion of the rumor, that is FAKE NEWS.  And THAT'S the journalism as it's presented to us, the public.

Unamed sources = making shit up.  It's that easy to do.

I encourage everyone to get their news from multiple sources, but take it a step further.  Whatever the story is, get several different takes on it.  When CNN says Trump is an alien, go see what FOX says.  Then go see what they're saying in other countries, both countries who like the US and hate the US.  Then pick out the parts where all the stories match.  That will be the closest thing to the truth you're going to get.

The news is answering who, what when, where and how.  Why, if it isn't a direct quote that can be verified, is subjective.  The media has lied. They will continue to lie.

You have to be smart enough to rise above it.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Angry Gay Man Syndrome

I don't care what the issue is or where you are discussing it, the minute the angry gay man enters the conversation, civility ends.

So there was a forum where they were saying the Christian Bible never said homosexuality was a sin and it was ok to be Christian and gay and Christians who disagreed were wrong.  Well, as someone who's actually read the Bible, I know for a fact that isn't what it says and that certainly isn't how it's taught.  I said as much and even gave a specific verse to prove it. Oh muh God. Was I trolled.

They called me a liar.  They called me a bigot. They told me I was ignorant and should be ashamed of myself.  I responded by explaining to them that Christian ideology has made its opinions of homosexuality very clear and that Christian ideology and homosexual ideology simply don't go hand in hand.  Some churches may allow gays to attend, but, if a church follows the teachings of the Bible, your fellow parishioners are praying you accept Jesus and stop being gay.

That's just the truth.  Christianity teaches homosexuality is a sin.  Cuz it says so in the Bible.

But I set off a chain of angry gay men attacking me not because I said homosexuality was a sin (because I didn't) but because I said Christianity views homosexuality as a sin.  Let that sink in.

See, whether they want to admit it or not, some of the most hateful and vitriolic statements of the LGBT rights debate comes from gay people. Not the Christians they condemn.  Full blown SJW bullshit.

BLM thinks all white people are racist. Feminazis think all men are sexist. Pro lifers think anyone who questions abortion is against gender equality and every gay man thinks all straight people are homophobes.  So much so that they make an assumption about you for simply making a statement about Christianity. 

There's no reasoning with an Social Justice Warrior.  They are so narcissistic that they simply will not accept a difference of opinion.  There's no questioning their ideas because if you don't say just the right things and agree with them 100 percent, you are their enemy.

Fucking hypocrites.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Universal healthcare is crap. Here's why.


Fuck Medicaid. My mom can't open her mouth and since humans need to eat to survive, this is a health problem. Not cosmetic.  But we want Medicaid for everyone, right? Universal healthcare or bust!

The truth about healthcare is that greed ruins everything. Nationalized healthcare is no better than Medicaid. You pay taxes for crappy service while the rich can afford the better service you get from private doctors who over charge so the poor can't afford them.  Before you fight for NHS in the US, talk to people who have experience in those systems. We're an immigrant nation. Lots of Canadians rather live here. Find one. Talk to them.

Obama lied to us. His plan didn't help us the way it was supposed to. The way he promised us it would. For every 1 person who benefited from Obamacare, there's 10 more who paid for something they couldn't use. That's just the truth if it. The law needs massive tweeking.

And here's the rub. It never will be better.  They'll make changes, but politicians like getting money from rich people so those changes will be designed to appease the rich people who give them money.  Billionaires who own insurance companies give politicians money.  Pharma bro gives politicians money.  Their voice matters more than ours.

Healthcare is over priced. THAT'S the issue that needs solving.  We SHOULD NOT NEED to pay a third party middle man to help cover our medical costs.  If not for greed, we'd be able to afford them on our own. Insurance is a scam.

But nationalized healthcare isn't going to solve any of our healthcare woes. Greed will still exist. Prices will go up and government cost cutting will mean the poor continue to get the shaft.

A healthy diet and exercise is the best thing we can do.  They try to make this hard for us because they want us sick so we have to use their healthcare and they can continue to get rich off of us, but we just have to outsmart them. If you aren't limiting your doctor visits to emergencies only, you're just contributing to the problem.

We have to force these greedy bastards to accommodate us.  The only way to do that is with our buying power.  Make them beg us to use their service.

Good luck. Watch this video.

Monday, April 24, 2017

The Wrong Side of History

Anyone who feels compelled to constantly remind you that THEY'RE on the right side of history while YOU'RE not, is with 99% probability NOT on the right side of anything.

History is written by both the winners and the losers and the 2 sides very rarely are honest with their accounts. This is why white Southerners know the Civil War was also about an over reaching government but downplay the significance of slavery and white Northerners think the Civil War was solely over slavery. Both a hatred over big government and whether or not slavery was ok fostered the Civil War, but very few admit that it was BOTH.  Those that do? Ostracized.

And now we have SJWs demanding that racist white America erase all memorials to the confederacy or else and Southerners moaning about how unfair whiping out their heritage is.  No one understands the purpose of monuments.

They're not to celebrate. They're to REMEMBER.  If there's one time in American history we don't need to forget, it's the time when we almost died as a nation over bipartisan bullshit.

It's ok to take monuments down, but put them in museums so our children can learn about WHY we took them down. Don't just erase white history because you don't like white people. The confederacy built the South and there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that and even having a statue or two so that passersbys can be REMINDED of those times and HOW FAR WE'VE COME since then.

I don't care how great you think your own ancestors were.  Mine contributed just as much to the founding of this country.  We didn't take credit for what you built.  We designed it.  You're a racist asshat if you think that doesn't matter.

Also recognize that freedom means people have a right to own, fly, wear, masturbate to, etc all the confederate flags they want. America, you asshats.

These monuments represent history.  You can't just rewrite history to fit that anti white propganda you so desperately want to believe.  Racist, asshats.

But another note.  Mark my words, those who are so quick to destroy any memory of the confederacy.  Your day will come.

This country will be majority hispanic in 30 years. We have an ever increasing Muslim population. We have white guilt that leads us to complacency and an out of control need to destroy America in the name of "diversity".  Understand that there will come a time when YOU are no longer relevant.  YOUR ideas will be obsolete.  YOU will be condemned for YOUR actions.  BLM, folks.


One day, a century from now, some future generation will tear down all the monuments to MLK and Malcolm X.  Those monuments won't be needed anymore. They'll be too racist. Too controversial.  Future generations will tear down your monuments and put up their own.

And you're children and grandchildren will not like it anymore than the white Southerners you're condemning now do.

Think about that.

Man has been building monuments for centuries. Most of them were taken down.  You can pretend eradicating any reference to the confederacy is a victory, but it's a short lived victory.  One day, it'll be your turn.


Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Casual Prayer

If there's one thing that drives me crazy about church, it's the people who only go because they feel obligated.  That's not what your church time is for.  You're supposed to be communing with the Lord and that's something you should WANT to do.  Not something you feel forced to do.

I know we're supposed to spend time with God every day, but let's be honest. We live busy lives and left to our own devices, we are weak minded enough to forget.  That's why we still go to church.  Not because it's something God wants us to do but because we need the reminder and the dedicated time to think about God and what He expects for us.

I can't stand the people who are only good Christians on Sunday and lie about it.  The ones who only go to Life Group or teach Sunday school and never stay for worship or the ones who go through the whole process but can't wait to go home and watch the game.

What are you really doing to grow in your faith?  Are you ministering to your neighbors? When is the last time you participated in an Agape meal?  Do you tithe?  Do you read your Bible at home?

Or are you putting on a good show to maintain your reputation in the church community?

A lot of people are missing the point.  You're the casual prayer, the casual Christian.  You aren't doing God's will.  You're going through the motions to save face or because everyone else is or because you were trained to as a child and never thought about it.

When you were baptized, did you really accept Jesus as your personal savior? Or did you only do it to be accepted into the church?  Baptism isn't a gang initiation.  Unless you're serious about dedicating your life to God, don't bother.

I struggle with this myself. We all do.  Some days I don't feel well. Some days external forces prevent me from going.  And some days I do forgot to pray.  I'm human.  I'm fallible.  No matter how many Bible versus we memorize, we're all children in the faith until we meet God face to face. I want to do better.

And I want anyone who reads this to do better.  Don't pretend you're pious when you're not.  Or why bother going to church at all?  Jesus only saves those who come to Him.

No none comes to Jesus who doesn't really want to.  Truth.

Please want to.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Russians Made Me Do It

I'm not sure how I feel about Jeff Sessions but I do know how I feel about the Washington Post.  They keep trying to convince us Russia hacked our election and people believe them without question.

But they SHOULD question it.

Just because the media says it's telling the truth, doesn't mean it is.  Just because the Washington Post claims Sessions talked to a Russian ambassador while still a senator, doesn't mean he helped Russia rig our election.  Senators talk to foreign governments.  That's kinda what our government is supposed to do.  Obama sold weapons to Iran, weapons ISIS is now using agsinst us.  What's your point?

Once again we have a liberally biased newspaper printing a story about someone liberals don't like anyway doing something bad and once again their only proof is "sources" and supposedly a "report".  Neither of which can be proven to be REAL.

Here's the problem I have with the media.  I KNOW YOU LIE NOW. You lied your asses off during the campaign.  Golden shower gate?  That was a lie YOU ran as news EVEN after 4 Chan admitted they made it up.  Donna Brazil leaking debate questions to Hillary?  Not to mention all the times you refused to report police brutality when the victim wasn't black.  They way you refused to report what was happening at Standing Rock or even acknowledge Bernie Sanders was running for president too.  You've proven yourself to be less than honest. You no longer have the luxury of using anonymous sources and expecting us to believe you.

Anonymous sources is journalist code for you have no proof and are probably making it up.

The public doesn't trust you and we WANT PROOF before we take your Russia hacked our election so please give the presidency to Hillary anyway narrative.  Only people who hate Trump and can't accept defeat are still running with that narrative.  They're the only ones stupid enough to take you at your word.

So, Washington Post, show us your sources, show us the report, provide evidence you didn't make it all up or suck my clit cuz I don't believe you.

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Protest Fad

Everyone who celebrates a celebrity making a political statement is a fucktard in the lowest esteem.  They don't care about YOU.  They're just following a fad so you'll buy their clothes, their music, watch their movies and go to their games.  All these "statements" are commercials for THEM.  No one who really cares lives in a mansion while a single child is going to bed hungry.

And you retarded asshats think you're on the side of justice.  The right side of history because you hate cis gendered white Christian males.  Oh do shut up.  You're just as guilty of following the protest fad as the celebrities flogging their wares.  You don't even know what you're protesting for.  You parrot soundbites.

You're incapable of debating the issues hence your destructive response to anyone who disagrees with you.  Milo anyone?  Most egregiously, for all your protesting, you've done NOTHING productive to solve any of the problems you claim to be fighting against.  You offer no solutions.  Only your hateful rhetoric and your signs and your violence.  You leave the heavy lifting to the very people you criticise.

You've had centuries to stand up to tyranny and you didn't.  You didn't care that the NSA were spying on you.  You didn't care that Reagan armed the Contras or Obama armed the Iranians.  You cared about Kardashians.

You didn't mind government over reach so much when you benefited from it.  When it brought you Obamacare and ostracized Christians.  You didn't care about our militarized police until you were told to care and then you believed half truths and out right lies rather than acknowledge you didn't have to be black to be a victim.

You accepted every lie the media fed you without the intelligence to research for yourself.  Your beliefs are based on those lies.  Based on what someone TOLD YOU TO BELIEVE.  You can't think for yourselves.

And as for oppression?  You aren't oppressed.  Someone told you you were.  You have never experienced real oppression.  You never once thought about the Native Americans until it was popular to do so.  Real oppression is getting shot in the face because some Islamists don't believe girls should go to school.  Or being abducted from your school and forced to marry a terrorist.  Or being jailed for speaking out against the government.  You can burn the flag here.  You can't in other countries. You are ALLOWED to protest.  Oppression my ass.

Poverty?  You don't know poverty.  Poverty is not having clean water.  Poverty is living under a tarp in a refugee camp.  Povery is billions of people in 3rd world countries you can't even name.  But you have the privilege of living in the west.  Hear me?  THE FUCKING PRIVILEGE.

You're hypocrites.  Blocking freeways, wearing vagina hats, smashing windows and attacking anyone whose opinion differs from yours.  Sitting out the anthem because some football player hates America.  Labeling everything that doesn't fit neatly into your narrative hate speech and anyone who doesn't bow down to your demands a racist.  Day without immigrants?  We did fine and you accomplished nothing.

You're not saving the world.  You're following a trend.  You're too stupid to save the world.

Fuck off.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Death of Liberalism

In the name of religious freedom, you demonized Christianity.

In the name of gender equality, you demonized men.

In the name of marriage equality, you demonized straight people.

In the name of diversity, you demonized white people.

In the name of income equality, you demonized hard work.

In the name of morality, you became immoral, but tell me how evil I am.  You claim to fight oppression while you seek to oppress EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH YOU.

You silence free speech by labeling any dissenting opinion as fake or hate speech while pretending to be defending your own free speech.

From who? Evil cis gendered white males, of course.  You can't be sexist. You're a woman.  You can't be racist. You're not white.  You've changed the definition of these words just so you can be them without acknowledging you are.  Evil.

You chant that you want to murder policemen while burning down businesses that people depend on for their livelihoods.  You wear vagina themed hats and sexualize children in your media while claiming you want to make a better world for your daughters.  You demand we take in Syrian refugees while you spit on our vets but I don't see you going to Syria to help those same refugees in their own country.  Or to Pakistan or Afghanistan. Or anywhere where you could make a real difference.  You protest from the comfort of your couches.  Cowards.

You're hypocrites.  You're a cancer.  You are the Alt Left, no better than the Alt Right but a million times more dangerous because there are more of you.

You call yourself liberals but you don't know what the word means.  Like feminism, sexism, racism, you've changed the definition.  You don't hold liberal values.  You hold hateful values.  You aren't trying to make the world a better place.  You're trying to oppress anyone who doesn't obey you.

Protesting may be popular at the moment and most people protesting are only really there because everyone wants to be with the in crowd and it's dangerous to be a conservative right now but fads fade.  The liberal resistance is a fad run by hypocrites.

May God see it to a quick demise.  May sanity return to us.


Friday, January 20, 2017

President Trump. Oh my.

Well, Trump made it through the inauguration without being shot so...  Looks like this may be happening after all.

Across the country, sore losers have gone from chanting hateful rhetoric and tearing up property to full out assaulting anyone they think voted for Trump.  By that I mean, they're beating up white people.

I'm not gonna sugar coat it.  White people are the 21st century's Jews.  They are actively targeting white people for elimination.  There's nothing reverse about it.  It's racism and it's popular to be racist towards whites these days.

That's another post though.

This is about Trump.  For the next 4 years (maybe), it's all gonna be about Trump.  There's a lot to be worried about.  He's a rogue and he's rich.  He doesn't know what he's doing and he doesn't understand the needs of the working class.  I'm worried and it's understandable.  It's even ok.

But the rioting is getting out of hand.  This whole not my president and burning things down crap needs to stop.  He IS your president.  He's EVERYBODY'S president.  Don't give me that crap about how Obama faced criticism too so that makes what you're doing ok while you're claiming to be the real party of values and love at the same time.  Fucking hypocrites.  You're full of hate.

But it's more insidious than that.  Democrats in our government are planning to do everything in their power to make Trump fail.  I didn't approve when the Republicans did it to Obama, I'm not giving Democrats a free pass.  You're supposed to be better than Republicans but you act just lik them.

And obstruction didn't hurt Obama.  It hurt the American people.  Obstructing Trump may get an angry tweet from the guy, but ultimately it won't hurt him either.  It will hurt the people.  Congrats.  You people suck.

I don't want the government to collapse.  It sounds cool, but anarchy is really a disaster.  Because the people poised to seize power after the coup are alt right and alt left types.  The kind of people who will make life a living hell.

Status quo.  That's all we can expect from world leaders these days.  Unfortunately, that's the safer option.

Wanting your government to fail is like wanting your pilot to crash the plane.  You're fucking stupid.

You keep saying you're better than Republicans but your actions say you're not.

Personally, I hope Trump's a big enough asshole to do a good job just to piss neo liberals off.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Four black people kidnapped and tortured a white man and Live Streamed it on Facebook.  They did this because they don't like white people.  It doesn't matter if  the victim was handicapped or if the torturers had shitty home lives.  Someone kidnapped and tortured a man because he was WHITE.

And the media made excuses for them.  The police chief of Chicago, where this occurred, made excuses. Said kids make mistakes like that makes this ok.  No one would call this a hate crime even though what was said in the video to the victim was an admittance that the crime was racially motivated.  That alone qualifies it as a hate crime but it took public outrage from both whites and blacks alike to force the police to charge these thugs with a hate crime.

We know if four white people had done this to a black man, it would have been charged as a hate crime off the bat.  The media would be talking about it nonstop and the riots would begin.  There would be public outrage.

But the victim was white so public outrage is racist.

There are even people who are ok with this happening.  Racist black people on Twitter congratulating the torturers.  Who say this is deserved because of slavery.  Slavery, the excuse for everything.  They even deny that the hateful, racist rhetoric of Black Lives Matter had anything to do with encouraging these thugs to kidnap and torture someone.  Well, it did.

I saw a YouTube video of a black man who said everything I've been feeling about this.  I posted the video to my social media accounts because I think people need to hear what he has to say.  I'll leave the link  below.

Originally posted to my Facebook page, this sums up how I feel about the state of black America.


The Southern Dixiecrats never went away.  They just call themselves Liberals and Progressives now and they've finally succeeded in destroying the black community.  You were so blind, so hateful of the white man, you fell for it hook, line and sinker and there is no coming back.  There's no undoing this because you no longer have the ability to see the wrong in it.  I weep for you. Even your own can see this and you call them traitors. You call them coons, but they're RIGHT.  You live your entire lives buying into bullshit propaganda, hating because you are TOLD to.  Thinking of yourselves as perpetual victims because you were TOLD to. You can watch a man being tortured for the color of his skin and then blame him because of the color of skin.  Oh, those poor torturers couldn't help themselves. They're oppressed.  They had bad home lives.  You wouldn't even acknowledge racism had anything to do with it because you were TOLD the color of your skin means you're biologically incapable of racism. There are even people who wave the banner of Black Lives Matter who are HAPPY they did this to this boy because they believe whitey deserves it.  You were taught to hate and you do and the world sees and they turn their back on you and you cry racism for that while you PERPETRATE ACTS OF RACISM EVERY DAY.  And that was all part of the plan.  Every last bit of propaganda on the news is all designed to lead YOU by your noses, to prod YOU into acts of violence so when the time comes to get you out of the way, no one will mind.  Black America, you were played.  You are being played.  Stop saying you're "woke" if you're doing nothing to address your own behavior.  This man is woke.  Too many of yall are sheep.  Listen to what he has to say."

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Russians Did It

The Russians did it.  Doesn't matter what we're talking about.  When you need to avoid taking responsibility for something, blame the Russians.  Our outgoing government and mainstream media do so it's ok.

Democrats and butt hurt lefties are so pissed off the lady they used every piece of media they run to order us to vote for didn't win, that they've been throwing tantrums since election night.  They've burned stuff.  Beat people up.  Staged hate crimes. And yes, made outrageous accusations to deligitimize the election results.

Trump is a crazy orange guy.  I have no doubt about that.  He's as shady as any rich guy is though.  And he's a celebrity with no political experience.  I worry about our future.  It's understandable.

But the American people voted and enough of them voted to turn the delegate system in Trump's favor.  America chose Trump and that's the truth.

The delegate system exists because if it didn't only California and New York would get to decide our elections. This works fine for neo liberals who don't like making concessions for people who disagree with them, but this does not work for everyone in every other state who, for some reason, have this crazy idea that they should get a say in their government too.  The delegates matter because everyone's vote is supposed to matter.  California and New York wanted Hillary.  Fine.  But the rest of the country wanted Trump.

And all ya bitching doesn't make you right. 

Keep in mind that the delegate system and the electoral college are not the same thing.  The electoral college is a group of government appointed lackeys who can override the will of the people if they want.  That's an unfair system and I'm all for doing away with it.  But the delegate system has a vital purpose.

I know.  I used to think popular vote was good enough too.  Then I read up on the issue and changed my mind.  That's something smart people do often.

Here's something else my intelligence tells me.  No one hacked our election.

See, Obama's legacy is being threatened and he has to protect it.  The results also proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that MSM lies to us and they need to convince us that they don't.  And in order for Democrats as a party to regain power in the future, they need us to believe the party we just overwhelmingly voted in to power over them is evil.

So the propaganda starts up again.  Suddenly any news outlet not agreeing with the government sanctioned propaganda is fake news. Social media where evidence proving MSM is lying is often found is now being censored. There's a fake news epidemic and people are stupid enough to believe whatever they're told so that's why they voted for Trump.  Faked hate crimes make headlines that even after it's proven to have been faked, MSM either refuses to admit it (because people who disagree with them are fake remember) or blurbs over it while attempting to distract us with more Trump bashing or videos of cute kittens.  Suddenly, Obama, who was doing nothing for Standing Rock BEFORE Democrats lost the election, is championing the rights of Native Americans and using his authority to stop the pipeline.  What took him so long?  And yes, the claims that Russia hacked the election are false.

Everything we're being told right now is all an attempt to get us to not recognize the authority of the new government WE just voted for.  Everything Obama did his entire presidency, like every president before him, was to make himself and his party look good because looking good gets him and his party more power.  That's why he's suddenly concerned with Standing Rock. It's propaganda.  MSM  has to say people who disagree with them are the real liars because they need to maintain their power to persuade us with their own lies.

And, while Trump is far from a decent candidate, the majority of what's being reported about him is either over exaggerated or false because the losing side has to make the winners look bad if they're going to win elections in the future.

We saw Republicans do this when Obama won.  Of course Democrats will do the same thing.  There are no politicians who don't care more about reelection over the the American people.

All elections are are one group of rich people battling the other group of rich people over who's going to control the nation.  Elections aint about us.

When it comes to allegations that Russia hacked our election and Trump didn't really win, we need proof.  Not Obama's word.  We took Bush at his word and invaded Iraq.  Bush lied. Hello ISIS.

See, if they really believed the election was hacked, then that makes the whole think illegitimate.  They can't just hand office to Hillary.  They have to have a NEW election.  They WOULD have a new election if they really had proof the first one was hacked.

Because then they would have to actually SHOW that proof to the American people in order to do that.  They would have to SHOW that proof to us if they refuse to let Trump take office as well.

They're not showing us proof and they're not calling for new elections.  Why not?

Because they don't have proof.  It's just another lie.

Prove me wrong.  Show me the proof and allow me the opportunity to fact check it.

Or get used to the idea that spending 8 years demonizing white Americans, still your largest demographic, backfired.  Admit that continuously referring to those who can't afford college as uneducated and therefore stupid because they didn't vote for you alienated people you needed votes from.  Admit that minorities are conservative Republicans.  Admit that minorities, including Hispanics, aren't fans of illegal immigration or welfare.  Admit we saw your propaganda for what it was and decided Hillary really was too crooked.  Admit you were wrong.

Cuz we know you are.