Wednesday, December 28, 2016

It's history, stupid

White people, particularly in the US, have a well documented history of being racist.  It's true many of those things happened a long time ago and most white people aren't like that anymore, but the history is still there.  So when someone of a darker persuasion contemplates whether a random white person is racist, I'm not surprised by it.

I don't have to like it, but I get it.  There's a history of it and history colors everything.

Crime statistics clearly show that, for such a small fragment of the population, blacks commit an extraordinarily high amount of crime in the US.  I'm not talking black on black or black on anybody else crime.  I'm talking crime in general.  It's insane the amount of crime committed by black men alone.  And it's documented.  Not just by the FBI but by anybody who's ever lived or passed through the hood.  So when the police pay extra attention to the black kid with his drawers showing, I don't blame them.  I don't automatically assume they're racist.  Statistically black kids with their drawers showing commit a lot of crimes.

I don't have to like it but I get it.  It's documented history and history colors everything.

There's no getting around it.  Most illegal immigrants in the US are Hispanic.  And most of the Hispanic illegal immigrants are darker in color and don't speak English.  Historically, Mexico and portions south have been third world shit holes run by dictatorships and drug lords.  People have been fleeing these places for decades and there's no denying that the poorest of these countries (the ones most likely to flee) are the descendants of the Indigenous tribes and not the Spaniards who colonized the place.  So the refugees tend to look a certain way.  And we DO have an open border with Mexico.  And we ARE a nation of hope to people in third world shit holes the world over.  And those people WANT to come here.  Statistically those who come here illegally cross that open border with Mexico or sail from Cuba and statistically they are dark skinned Spanish speakers.  So when someone questions a dark skinned Spanish speaker's citizenship status, I don't think they're anti immigrant.  I think we have immigration laws for a reason and enforcing those laws means addressing the group who statistically breaks the laws the most.

I don't have to like it but it is history and history colors everything.

The US is a bully.  We kicked mighty Britain's ass and won our independence and we've been arrogant ever since.  It's our way or the highway.  We tell other countries what to do.  We're the only country that has military bases in other countries.  We are not a tolerant nation when it comes to our foreign policy.  And I'm including all races here.  The US interferes with other government's elections all the time.  We bomb other countries all the time.  Then have the audacity to be offended when someone attacks us back or doesn't do what we tell them to.  Americans are the ultimate hypocrites and our feelings are hurt when other countries don't like us for it.  We have no legitimate reason to be upset people don't like us.

I'm not condoning terrorism.  I'm not saying 9/11 or any other attack since then is all our fault but we have been asking for it.  You're treated how your treat others and historically the US hasn't treated others well.

I don't have to like it but it's history and history colors everything.

Before you criticise, recognize.  Stereotypes exist for a reason.  Opinions are formed based on experiences.  You can't demonize someone for allowing history to shape them.  History shapes us all.

What you can do, what we all need to do, is learn to look to the future BEFORE we look to the past.  We can't change the past but we can build a better future.  We can't live in the past, only the present, because time doesn't move backwards.  It moves forward.

What are you doing to make your present a good one and what are you doing to improve your future?

If you don't like being stereotyped, fix the issues that created the stereotype.  Do something to get black men to commit fewer crimes or fewer Hispanics to come to the US illegally.  Change US foreign policy and admit the majority of white people are not racist.

If YOU'RE not willing to make any positive changes, don't blame history.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Glass Half Empty

People are always telling me I'm too pessimistic.  I need to look on the bright side more.  Care about politics a little less and make more friends. I'd be so much happier if I was more optimistic...

Fuck them.

Pessimism is a defense mechanism used by people who've been burned so many times before that they're rightfully reluctant to take a chance on getting burned again.  Pessimism is what happens when you look honestly at the crappy world around you and understand it shouldn't be sugarcoated.

Sugarcoating bad things is why our kids are pussies.  Giving everyone a trophy instead of admitting not everyone wins is why adults now require therapy dogs when they don't like the outcome of an election.  Hope is lovely but honesty won't get you killed.

Don't get me wrong. Hope is a vital function. It keeps us from killing ourselves off.  But hope is limited. You can hope bad things won't happen but you need to understand they still will.  Don't be so hopeful and optimistic that you're blindsided by reality.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Pessimism isn't depression.  It's not a mental disorder.  It's not antisocial. It's honest.

Only idiots can't appreciate honesty.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

My President Was Black

Obama's run is coming to an end and now it's time to reflect on his legacy.  The failure of Obamacare.  The increase in racial divisions spurred by the far left's demonizing of white people.  Other countries liked him though- because he catered to their every whim.  Yeah the economy got better but that's not entirely due to his efforts.  That's more congress and business owners who did that.  Michelle worked hard to dictate what our kids were allowed to eat.  Hollywood loved them.  But the most important aspect of the Obama legacy?

He's black.  That's it.  He was the first black guy.

Don't get me wrong.  That has historical significance, but his entire presidency has been based on his race.  The entire 8 years has been Obama is awesome because he's black and was still able to accomplish things despite those nasty white people.  And when people disagreed with him, it wasn't because they didn't like his policies.  It was because he was black and they were racist.

That's Obama's legacy.  Look at what the black man did.

He was praised for being black.  Could do no wrong because he was black.

And he did very little to improve things for the black community, but he was our first black president so he was the best president ever anyway.

The Atlantic is heaping on the praises with a feature on Obama's awesomeness.  The title: My President Was Black.

What the fuck?  That's really all you have to say about him?  Sure, the article will probably be one long love fest, but the title says it all.  People like Obama because he's black.   He represents the black man.  That's why people like him, why they voted for him, why he'll be missed.

And they'll praise The Atlantic for praising Obama's blackness.  They will read the article because they like Obama's blackness.

And they're racist as fuck.

If Hillary had won, we'd be singing her praises because she's our first woman president.  If Romney had won, we would have sung his praises because he's our first Mormon.  If Cruz had won, he'd be our first Canadian.  But it doesn't even matter what office it is.  Whenever a person of color is elected, they're always praised for their race.  Never their qualifications.  We even elec people for other petty things.  Their gender.  They're religion. They're sexual preference.  Not their qualifications.  Because of that, we put quite a few people in power who shouldn't be.

Trump was an outsider, a business man.  People voted for him for that reason alone.  They're singing his praises for that reason alone.

If you're only voting for someone because of the historical significance of their being elected, you're wasting your vote.  Quality matters when it comes to who you allow to make decisions for you.  I voted for Obama the first time because he felt like a better option than McCain.  I didn't the second time because I'd fugured out he wasn't.  I would have voted for Sanders had Hillary not cheated during the primary because Sanders seemed to be genuinely concerned with improving life for the working class where as Hillary was shady and Trump was crazy.

I would not have voted for Sanders to have our first Jewish president.

Get it?

But Obama's legacy, like his presidency, has been reduced down to his race.  He was the first black guy and that, sadly, is all anyone seems to care about.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thanksgiving AKA They Started It

I'm by no means a genius.  One of the hallmarks of intelligence is recognizing you don't know everything.  There are a lot of stupid people out there though and sometimes I can't help but get pissed off.

The Thanksgiving controversy is one of those things stupid people love to keep going on about.  Cuz the white man's evil, yall.  Everything is whitey's fault and don't you forget it.

But are you sure you know what really happened?

Here are the facts:  The Pilgrims fled persecution in England.  They came to the Americas.  It really sucked.  Some Natives helped them out a bit but not that much.  Then the Pilgrims built houses. The Natives got pissed off.  There was a war that lasted a really long time.  The Natives lost.

Now's the part where you call me racist and tell me to check my privilege, but all I did was tell you an accurate account.  See, there are tons of myths out there, cute stories we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better and justify a lame holiday, but the truth is, there never was some sort of bonding experience between the Indigenous peoples of the Americas and the Europeans who settled here.  There was always tension and mistrust. That's human nature.  But the Pilgrims didn't rape and pillage their way on shore.  That's the Spanish you're thinking of and they're a whole different group.  And that's the kicker.  See the US (as in the original 13 colonies that would eventually become the US) was founded primarily by the British and Dutch.  They didn't come here to rape and pillage.  They came here to live and they didn't come here to steal land.  They didn't know it was stealing because landowner rights were different between the way it was in Europe and the way the Natives thought about it.  They simply didn't know land that didn't have anything on it could belong to someone and the two sides couldn't communicate with eachother to work something out.

The Pilgrims were fleeing persecution and they honestly were just looking for a safe place to live.  For the most part, the two sides didn't hang out.

They didn't speak the same language.  I've mentioned numerous times how important communication is.  Well it's true. Had they have been able to understand eachother, the Pilgrims would have known more about the Natives' culture.  The Natives in turn would have known why the Pilgrims were there.  There might have been some sort of truce worked out.  They could have bought land.  Instead, each side made decisions based on the limited information they had.

Yes there was a translator but he learned english after being captured by people who weren't the Pilgrims but looked enough like the Pilgrims that he could easily accuse them of being the same people.  If you think he didn't hold a grudge and some racism, you're full of it.  Even if he was a saint, he was translating two languages who are not similar in any way.  Now, knowing human nature, it's highly likely his translation skills were iffy.  So no. Neither side had the ability to effectively communicate and that's where the problem was.

The Pilgrims didn't know the Natives considered the land their property.  There was no one living on it and in Europe that meant it was free game.  When the Natives saw them building houses, they got pissed off at having squatters.

The Natives picked a fight with someone more advanced and stronger than they gave them credit for.  The fight got ugly.   It didn't stop more Europeans from coming to the New World.  It just made sure they wouldn't trust the Natives.

And let's not kid ourselves. The Americas were not some sort of Nirvana before the evil white man came.  The Native tribes warred with eachother.   Some of them even practices cannibalism.  Imagine if you with your smart phone met someone who walked around naked and ate people.  You would think they were savages too.  Don't lie.  You would think with all your technology you  were better than they were.  Don't lie.

We can debate whether or not the Pilgrims had any right to move here in the first place but that would be stupid.  Like arguing that those modern humans you claim came out of Africa had no right to leave Africa in the first place or that we have no business diversifying our neighborhoods because minorities have no right to move to white suburbs.  People move.  That's what humans do.  That's supposedly how we populated the planet.  So stop with your bullshit about invasions.  This country was not invaded.

If we had been able to communicate better, we could have bought the place.  America may be a smaller country but the war between Europeans and the Indigenous peoples would never have happened.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


America just bitch slapped SJW nonsense  in a way no one saw coming.

Admit it.  You so thought Clinton had the election in the bag.  I mean, after all, she rigged the Democratic primary.  Obviously she would be able to rig the general election too.  And the obvious media bias in her favor, the Republicans jumping ship, every indicator was that we weren't having an election but a coronation.

Well maybe Hillary should have cooked some more spirits (see the Podesta emails for that reference) cuz she wasn't quite able to cheat her way into the White House.

The week's not even over and already Liberals have hashtagged #notmypresident.  The backlash has taken the obvious form, naturally.   Trump's victory is just proof that white people are racist and POC are oppressed.

Newsflash: it is mathematically impossible for Trump to have won without minorities voting for him.  Looking at the numbers from various outlets ranging from The Washington Post to The Telegraph (UK), I estimate that roughly 80% of blacks and 60% of Hispsnics voted for Clinton.  That means 20% of blacks and 40% of Hispanics voted for Trump.  Yes.  There are minorities who are conservative Republicans.

And as for whites, well...  After years of being demonized by the propagandists running main stream media, did you really think they would vote for the lady vowing to continue said demonization?  Of course not.  White people may be the 21st century's Jews, but unlike the Jews, they won't get on those trains without a damn good fight.

Unfortunately for Democrats, people are starting to realize just how dangerous the Social Justice Warrior is to America.  When you have hate groups like Black Lives Matter chanting that they want to kill cops and attacking anyone white who crosses their path, when you have black students demanding segregation from white students, when you change the definition of the words racism and feminism to purposely target an unpopular ethnic group or sex, when you claim all men are rapists and abuse them when they prove you wrong, when you treat the theories that promote your ideology as facts like Out Of Africa Theory but deny actual facts like crime statistics because they don't fit into your narrative, it's time for a change.  When you have a biased media that ignores the protests at Standing Rock because it hurts the interests of the fat cats who own our government or who blatantly refuse to acknowledge crimes committed by their chosen one, when you have trust issues with every single institution because time and time again you see the corruption, you demand change.

That's why Trump won.

Yes, he's bat shit crazy.  Yes, other nations including our allies hate his guts.  Yes, his election may lead to riots or, God forbid, civil war, but dammit Liberal America.  YOU'RE the reason.

You had to race bait.  You had to be insulting.  You changed the definition o equality but the people aren't buying it anymore.  Obamacare was a huge let down.  We see the propaganda masquerading as journalism for what it really is. Citizens United, lying in order to invade Iraq, trading favors for cash, it doesn't matter which political party did these things.  To so many, BOTH PARTIES ARE EQUALLY DIRTY.

And Trump represented being outside the system.  He's not, mind you, being that he's uber rich, but he was CONVINCING.  Clinton, on the other hand, thanks to her own evil dealings and Wikileaks, was as establishment as it gets.  She simply wasn't palatable to a population sick and tired of the establishment.

She lost because she really was crooked and not enough people were willing to over look that.

Don't blame the Bernie supporters or the protest voters.  Don't blame voter ID laws cuz you'd have to be pretty stupid to not have any sort of ID or the ability to get one of you are an American citizen.  And if you have to show ID to buy alcohol, why wouldn't you have to show one to vote in an election only Americans are supposed to vote in?  But I digress.

The point is, Hillary lost because we just didn't like her.  Trump won because he was the only other option.

But I'll be in my bomb shelter for the next four years anyway.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Celebrities Should Shut Up

When I was younger, I was a Trekker.  This was Next Gen.  I'm not that old.  Anyway, one of my favorite characters was Lt. Reginald Barclay.  I was shy and bullied.  So was he.  I could relate to that character.  I rooted for him.  Was joyed when he succeeded because it gave me hope that maybe I could too.  I needed to feel hope.  And then Dwight Schultz, the actor who played dear Reg, had to open his stupid mouth.  I disagreed with every horrible thing I heard.  Now I can't watch TNG if he's in it.  I can't even watch The A Team (he was in that too) because he ruined even that.  Never meet your heroes.  You'll always be disappointed.

I'm of the opinion that if you're in the business of selling yourself, your talent or your goods, it's in your best interest to remain publicly neutral.  You want as many customers as possible.  Therefore you don't risk offending or alienating any segment of the people who make your livelihood possible.  Regardless of how strongly you feel.

It's cool if you're Republican, Dwight. Just be an idiot in private.  A lot of your fans aren't neo nazi conservatives and Trek was liberal fantasy at its best anyway.  Did you not know who was watching that show?  Do you really think being anti immigrant is cool when diversity is such a big part of Trek?  Should have kept your hate to yourself.  You broke a little girl's heart.

Celebrities make the faux pas of getting too political way too much.  You don't have to like abortion to know that a lot of your fans have a different opinion.  You may want to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, but you have to understand that some of your fans are Mexican and some may even be immigrants.  By saying people who get abortions should be stoned or all immigrants are rapists, you're OFFENDING your fans.  You need your fans. You may be racist or hate Jews, but those are career killers.

Don't be a Scott Baio or a Mel Gibson or a Beyonce or a Colin Kaepernick or an Amy Schumer.   Don't be an asshole about your opinion because that doesn't validate your opinion.  It just makes you an asshole.

I'm sick of celebrities jumping on social justice bandwagons.  The ones who wait to see what the majority opinion is before picking a side.  I'm talking to the Beyonces out there.  Come on.  She didn't really care about black lives until it was popular to do so. Until being pro black could help her career.  Kaepernick only started a protest when his boss was threatening to cut him in order to save his failing career by making himself more appealing.  Now if they cut him for being a lousy player, he can cry racism and ruin the rest of the team.  Now they wouldn't dare let him go even if he does suck.  No actual caring about black lives.  Colin was securing his future.  Ted Nugent wasn't even relevant until the Tea Party.  His actions have all been geared towards getting back in the spotlight so he can be marketable again.  At least Mel Gibson was honest enough to be a consistent asshole.

But when celebrities promote causes, we as the public need to understand why they are doing it.  It's not usually because they really care.  It's just for show and that makes them all the more evil for doing it.   It's because the appearance of caring pleases us, the fans, and they want our admiration more than to do good in the world.  More importantly, they want our money and we only give our money to celebrities we like.  That's why celebrities overwhelmingly only support causes that are popular among the majority.  You rarely see a celebrity disagree with the majority and survive.

Which is why Scott Baio and Mel Gibson and Ted Nugent and that guy from Seinfeld no one remembers the name of are no longer around career wise.  They had opinions that were unacceptable to the majority and they were stupid enough to voice them in public.  They are now black listed.   What?  You didn't really think we had free speech, did you?

In my humble opinion, you should never trust a celebrity's opinion anyway.  It's usually a lie they were told to say by their publicist.  That's why celebrities have publicists.  To say all the right things to keep the public happy.  And you should never base your opinion of something on what other people think of it regardless of how famous they are.  Famous doesn't mean right.

I'm not trying to say celebrities aren't entitled to opinions.  All humans have opnions but unless you're famous specifically for politics, you shouldn't get involved.  Think of your fans and keep it classy.  All of your fans, Beyonce.  Even the white ones.  Because with the power of celebrity comes responsibility and your responsibility is to entertain.

Not to insult.  Not to use a cause to further your career.

Never meet your idols.  They're horrible people.

Don't preach, do

It's been my personal experience that those who thump their bibles the hardest are the least Christian people you will ever meet.  Even if they know hundreds of scriptures by heart.  Even if they don't have to use the index to find the books.  Even if they know all the hymns even the really old ones.  Even if they're actively involved in church. Even if they teach Sunday school.  Even if they tithe a lot of money.  Even if they're a deacon.

See, all those things are things people do for show.  To keep up appearances because appearing to be devout is very important to a person's standing within the church. It's still fake.

Real Christians, that is people who have a close relationship with God, don't care about appearances.  They know they won't always make it to church.  They know it's ok to skip bible study.  Sometimes you think bad thoughts.  Sometimes you think about sex.  Sometimes you cuss.  Sometimes you blaspheme.  You pay what you can in tithes even if 50 cents is all you have.

You're not perfect.  God knows that.  He accepts that.  He doesn't care.

If you tried your damndest to be a good person, that's all that matters.  Not your church attendance or how many scriptures you memorized.  Church is not a building. It's not the preacher.  It's not the ritual.  The church of the bible was our relationship with God.

You can have that anywhere.  You can talk to God anywhere.   You don't need a middle man sanctioned by other middle men to be your link to God.  God is within YOU.

And that's why I don't like organized religion.  Sure, it's good to remind you about God.  Sure, it's good to make friends. But God isn't religion.  You don't need a building or preacher to walk with God.

Unless you're a faker, putting on airs to please the holy men.  God sees right through that.

A real Christian doesn't need to reference Jesus in every conversation.  They don't need to say grace at every meal or only listen to gospel. They aren't required to have a certain political leaning.  They can be pro life and still be pro choice.  They don't have to agree with homosexuality but they'll still be nice to gay people.  They don't have to believe women are inferior to men or even that a woman should marry or have kids.  They understand sometimes sex happens outside of marriage and birth control is a good thing to have. Good Christians can be liberals.

Treat others as you would have done unto you.  That's called the Golden Rule for a reason.  You show respect and love to those around you. You take care of the world and the creatures on it that the good Lord made for you.

In other words, you don't preach it because you're too busy living it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Media Lies

So three black kids beat up elderly white guy in Baltimore, it's robbery.  Four white kids beat up a black lady as a gang related retaliation, it's a racially motivated hate crime.  Black guy shoots random white kid, NOTHING STOLEN, it's REPORTED as a robbery.  White guy shoots black guy after an argument, it's REPORTED as a racially motivated hate crime.  Black cop shoots unarmed white guy walking naked down a street, it's justified.  White cop shoots black guy pointing a gun at them, it's a racially motivated hate crime.

Think you get my point.

There is NOT fair and unbiased news reporting.   There is ONLY propaganda designed to keep the ignorant masses too busy fighting eachother to notice the many ways the rich are fucking us over.  I KNOW THE TRUTH.

People do shitty things to other people.  Most of it is not racially motivated.  Cops who are assholes are assholes to everyone regardless of race and cops can be assholes regardless of their race.  TRUTH.

The rich are distracting us with race baiting and IT'S WORKING.

I read the comment sections.  The only people calling for racial equality are white liberals.  Everyone else is calling for the deaths of white people.  White people are being demonized just like the Jews were prior to the Holocaust.  Trust me, if you're white, there is a huge chance you're going to find yourself being gassed in a few years.  Get out of America while you still can.

Don't call me crazy. Read the comments.  Listen to the speeches at award shows.  Go to a Black Lives Matter rally and people watch.  They have CHANGED the definition of the word racism to absolve themselves of their own racism while falsely claiming only white people can be racist.  Buzzfeed's 24 Questions Why White People Suck, MTV Decoded, anything on BET, Kaepernick, every rap song that isn't about sex.  When white people can be accused of cultural appropriation for having nappy hair but when black people wear kilts, it's just "assimilation". White people are targets

And it's getting violent.  White people went to BLM rallies to SUPPORT the cause.  BLM attacked them.  The media ignored it.  Why wasn't it newsworthy?  Those videos are all over the place.  White people being attacked for being white.  A fucking white REPORTER was attacked while covering BLM.  Not deemed newsworthy.  Not even to the reporter's own network.  Why?

Why does the media ignore it when unarmed whites or Mexicans or Indigenous Peoples are killed by police?  Why do the crimes only matter when the victim is black?

Because black people are easy to manipulate.  I don't know why.  Maybe they are intellectually inferior after all.  I don't know, but they believe anything.
Rich people want poor people to be violent.  It makes it easier to justify martial law and their total take over/ enslavement of the poor.  Black people who follow BLM are fools regardless of IQ.  They're being played.

The media lies.  They push the narrative that the evil white man is out to get the poor oppressed black man when that hasn't been the case in decades.  When there is only one oppressor: people with money.  When there is only one people being oppressed: the poor.  Color has nothing to do with it.

Oh, but white people, don't think for a minute it stops with blacks.  The demonization of your race is for everyone to enjoy and other groups are eager to get revenge on you too.  When this country is majority Hispanic, you're protection is over.  Latinos, Asians, Arabs, Native Americans, everyone with darker skin taught from birth to hate you by the wealthy elite's propaganda machines are coming for you too.  They hate you too.  They've been lied to too.

Why is no one else seeing this?  Why is no one else getting this?

The rich want us divided so we're too busy fighting eachother to stand up to THEM.  So we don't fight THEM.

Knowing who the real enemy is is terrifying.  Not because the truth doesn't liberate your mind but because you're aware of just how little hope you have of changing other people's minds.  They watch the news, not the world.  Truth does nothing to change opinion.

Humanity lost a long time ago.

To everyone who knows truth, keep your head down.  Stay safe.

White people, run.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Vaccines work

I don't believe vaccines are inherently bad.  I do believe not getting vaccinated for certain illnesses greatly increases your odds of getting that illness.  Smallpox is a prime example of that.  Tuberculosis is another.  Both are horrible diseases and the biggest reason they're so rare today is thanks to vaccines.

So do I despise anti vaxxers?  Yes and no.

What causes autism? The science is so iffy.  Do vaccines cause autism?  I personally doubt it.  Could OVER vaccinating?  Well, that's kinda different.

It's no secret the west has an over medication problem.  We stubb our toes and we're downing antibiotics.   Because we overuse antibiotics, they're no longer effective.  So we have to keep making new ones that we overuse until they become ineffective and so on and so on.  The only thing we accomplish is raising the price and profits drive everything in the healthcare industry.

The pharmaceutical industry is all about profit.  They financially rape you with every pill they con you into thinking you need.  Vaccines are money makers so yes, they tell you you need vaccines you don't need.

Flu shots.  You may or may not get the flu.  Even if you do get it, your body can fight it off.  Your body was designed to.  Truthfully, you can get by without a flu shot but millions get one anyway. Half of them will get the flu anyway.

Measels, chicken pox, mumps.  Common childhood ailments that can cause nasty lasting problems if acquired by an infant.  I get why parents want to protect their kids from those, but tetanus?  What are the odds your kids are going to stab themselves with something rusty?  And if they have that good a chance of getting tetanus, you're bad parents.

We can't even legally visit some countries without getting mandatory vaccines.  Why?  The people living there do fine.  I don't think you're giving the human immune system enough credit when you vaccinate for dysentery.

Zika vaccines. West Nile vaccines.  Ebola vaccines.  Whatever.  Unless you're in an area where a disease is actively killing people, you don't need a vaccine for it but someone sneezed so you need a shot.

And do you even realize what a vaccine consists of?  It's a dead strain of the virus you're trying to prevent being injected into your body in the hope that your immune system will create antibodies to fight off the infection you just gave yourself.  If your immune system can do that with a vaccine, it can do that with the actual virus.

Which is why half the people getting flu shots this year will still get the flu.  It's why some kids will still get chicken pox despite being vaccinated.

And freedom to choose whether or not you vaccinate is nothing to take lightly.  Once that's gone, the government can inject you with whatever they want.  Forced sterilization anyone?  Never take freedom for granted.

The point I'm trying to make is that though vaccines have their benefits, we need to be more careful about how we use them.  Like any medicine, they can be misused.  Our immune systems are wonderful things and I encourage everyone to try to heal illnesses naturally before reaching for the pills.  It's better for you.

As to whether or not vaccines cause autism, one or two vaccines are not going to screw up your kid in my opinion.  Five or six might.  Either way, vaccines shouldn't be mandatory anymore than aspirin should be.

Because no one should be making your heath decision or your child's except you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Addiction isn't mental

I hate it when people make light of mental disorders.  They're not jokes to the people going through them.  All the poor people battling depression can't just cheer up.  All the vets with PTSD or the bipolar folks can't just take their happy pills and live fully productive lives.  It's hard and it will always be hard for them so stop making light of it.

Which brings me to my rant.  Why the fuck do you not think depression is a serious mental illness but you think drug addiction is?  Fuck you.

How dare you make fun of mental illness by using it to excuse your immorality.  Fuck you again.

No.  You don't eat junk food because you can't help it.  You eat junk food because you're too lazy to put in the work it takes to make a healthy meal.  Cuz it does take work and it does mean spending a little extra money and you just don't want to do either. Truth.  You aren't addicted to sugar because you were born that way.  You're addicted to sugar because you won't stop eating it.  You're not fat because you have a disease. Your fat because you don't want to exercise. There's accepting your body then there's ignorance and blaming over eating on a mental disorder is ignorant and a bitch slap to every person suffering from a legitimate illness.

And doing drugs or drinking too much alcohol or gambling are not mental disorders either.  They're moral failings.  People with mental illness don't get a say in the matter.  They don't get a choice.  You had a choice not to take up smoking (because tobacco is a drug) or pick up that crack pipe or get drunk or whatever.  You made the wrong choice but YOU STILL MADE THE CHOICE.

You didn't START doing drugs because you're defective and couldn't help yourself.  You started because you were curious, because you thought it was cool or because your friends did it.  I don't care why you started, YOU MADE THE CHOICE.  And you didn't like those things because you're defective.  You liked them because they're fun.  Because drugs and alcohol make you feel good and gambling is exciting and it's like that for everyone.  Humans like fun things.  They like feeling good.  The only difference between you and everyone else is that they're smarter than you.  They get their feel good vibes from safer places.

You MADE the decision to do drugs or drink too much or play craps or be a slut or whatever.  Because you lacked the common sense and moral values to say no.  Not just after the first taste but before you even did it.

Because drugs and alcohol are designed to get you hooked the first time you use them.  You would have been fine if you never touched them even the once.  And gambling or promiscuity?  No one's addicted to gambling or sex. They like the danger.  You get the same high standing in traffic on the freeway as you do playing 21 or being a whore.  If you're addicted to danger, it's not because you're addicted to the method you choose to feel danger through.  It's because you have a REAL mental disorder.

Probably that depression thing you make fun of.

But don't tell me addiction is a mental disorder.  You can stop an addiction. You can get counseling. You can go through rehab.  You can never do drugs in the first place.  And sex addiction is just a flimsy excuse to get some action.  Point is, you can STOP being an addict.  You can't stop being clinically depressed or bipolar or having PTSD.  You can CHOOSE whether or not you go to a casino or eat another cupcake.  You don't get to choose whether or not you're traumatized by war.

Stop making light of REAL mental health issues by making up fake ones to justify your own stupidity.

Friday, September 30, 2016

VMAs: Propaganda at its finest

I don't watch award shows.  They're rigged and rarely reflect public opinion.  Which is why Marvel movies kick ass at the box office but never win Oscars.  Award shows are pointless including MTV's Video Music Awards.  If you read my blog, then you already know how I feel about MTV.   They're blatantly racist and think it's ok to promote teen pregnancy.   Oh, and they don't even show music videos anymore.   Don't know why they still call their fake awards show video music awards.

But my sister doesn't have cable so when she saw that they were replaying them, she insisted on watching them.  I love my sister too much.

First, did anyone notice that the show was basically a Beyonce/Rhianna concert?  They literally had no one else to perform. There was a Kanye moment- more Kanye being a douchebag with the camera planted on Kim Kardashian's face.  Would have been great if Taylor Swift stormed the stage.  "Yo, Kanye, I'ma let you finish, but..."  There was only white group, The Chainsmokers, and their performance was harshly criticised as being really bad.  Honestly, it sounded like every other performance.  Music these days sucks, but notice that the only white act was the only act people didn't like.

And let's acknowledge that the hosts were all black.  There were a handful of other ethnicities presenting awards, but it really was like MTV and BET were merged.  No equal opportunity at MTV if you're white.

And then there were the acceptance speeches.  Every single one of the black artists who won (very few other colors did really) had to make the "white people are evil and must be stopped" speech.  Every. Single.  One.  Stop killing us.  Stop oppressing us.  Stop being white.  It was as tragic as the uncomfortable faces from the poor white kids in the crowd who thought they were coming to the VMA party only to be insulted and belittled the entire night.  I'm hurt they didn't start leaving en mass but then they were stupid enough to still think MTV isn't out to get them.  They are.

Please don't tell me they're still white people at MTV.  Laci Green is a man hating whore but she's also a token white person just like Ben Carson is a token black person for the Tea Party.  Wake the fuck up.  Teen Mom is all about making white people look like trash.  Decoded CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF RACISM TO PEDDLE THE BULLSHIT THAT BLACKS ARE INCAPABLE OF BEING RACIST.  Think about that.

To say a person is incapable of being racist based on the color of their skin IS THE VERY DEFINITION OF RACISM.

MTV sucks.  MTV is for racists and losers.  Fuck MTV.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Debate 2016: Why bother?

I didn't want to watch the debates this year.  I rarely want to watch debates, but I usually tune in a few minutes at least to hear a little of what our next puppet to the rich has to say.  Curiousity, ya know.  This year? I felt zero interest.

This year we have Donald crazy as a mofo Trump and Hillary lying her ass off Clinton and I have no interest in torturing myself with any of their drivel.

And the debates don't matter anyway.  They aren't swinging independents one way or the other.  Everyone has already decided who they're voting for and they're not changing their minds.  Republicans will vote for their guy and Democrats will vote for theirs.  Those who identify conservative or Christian wil vote Republican and those who are blessed with melanin or who identify liberal will vote Democrat.  And independent thinkers know the election is rigged and won't vote at all.  This is how America has rolled since voting began.  We aren't changing it.

No one votes with their conscience.  No one cares what the candidate stands for or their track record or even what they promise.  We vote based on our cliques.

We know Trump will only help his rich buddies.  We know he doesn't like immigrants or Americans for that matter.  We know his foreign policy will get us nuked, but his supporters don't care.  A Trump presidency will start a civil war, but his fan base of far right gun nuts, anti government neo nazis and doomsday preppers welcome it.  Trump supporters have been dying for an excuse to play commando.  They're not giving that chance up in order to save the country.

We know the DNC steamrolled Bernie Sanders in order to give Clinton the nomination. Thank you, Russia.  We know she didn't really win fair and square.  We also know that she lied about her emails- she knew damn well what she was doing when she erased them.  We also know she will, like Trump, only help her rich friends.  And her supporters don't care.  Trump is so evil, they'll settle for Hillary even if she is a liar.  Worse, they'll vote for her for the same reason they voted for Obama.  Hillary would be America's first womam president and they want to make history.

But in the end, even if everyone in the nation votes, the vote itself is pretty much worthless.  Politics is run by the rich.  That's why it takes millions just to run for office.  The rich PICK the candidates we "vote" for.  They get rid of the candidates they don't want by lying like the DNC did with Sanders.  They steal elections out right like they did for Bush in 2000.  The only state with a polling problem just happened to be the one his brother was governor of?  Yeah right.  And even if the majority were to vote for one candidate, the electoral college can over ride it.  Who picks the electoral college? The rich.

Your vote is pointless if you aren't rich.

So I don't need to watch the debates.  Whoever the rich put in office will just be a mouthpiece for what they're going to do, will of the people be damned and America will go along with it because they'll think they're still free.  They keep you comfortable so you stay a slave, but a comfortable slave still isn't free.

My personal opinion is, the rich chose Hillary as Obama's successor.  They chose Hillary the moment they chose Trump to run against her because he's so obviously not qualified.  Hillary's the next president.

The next puppet so deal with it.

Friday, September 23, 2016

The power of prayer

Two black guys shot by cops.  One by a white lady in Tulsa, OK.  The other by a black guy in Charlotte, NC.  Now, our police shoot a lot of people and for some reason, the media only ever talks about the black victims but I've covered that more than once so you know where I stand on media bias.  What I want to talk about is the public reaction to these two events.

Tulsa prayed.  Charlotte burned.

Sure both incidents provided fodder for the racist trolls on social media and their vitriol was extra nasty.  White folks droning on about how blue lives matter.  Black folks droning on about how white folks need to die.  Neither side offering any solutions.  Do they ever?

But Tulsa prayed and Charlotte burned.  Why?

The black guy shot by the white cop got a peaceful protest where both black and white folks held hands and urged the city to do the right thing and prayed for those affected.  It worked because the cop was arrested and faces manslaughter charges.  Odds look good, she'll be convicted but even if she gets a lesser sentence, the victims got SOMETHING.

The black guy shot by the black cop got violence.  Protesters looting and attacking random white people cuz white people are to blame even though the officer was black.  There was no unity in Charlotte.  There was only let's get whitey and whitey didn't even do the shooting.  Days of violence and what do they have to show for it?  As I write this, the officer has not been charged, the video of the event has not been released and a state of emergency (read martial law) has been declared.  In all likelihood, the officer will get off on principle.

Violence doesn't work.  How many times have you dumbasses burnt down your neighborhood only for NOTHING to change?  Violence only drives people away from your cause.  I don't just mean white people.  Violence makes you look bad.  Like violent thugs that no one is safe around.  Stereotypes exist for a reason.  You embody that stereotype every time you go on a riot.  You need our help.  You need our support, but you're violent.  We can't trust that you won't harm us and so we keep away from you.

There will be justice in Tulsa because they chose to pray.  They chose not to go on a rampage and it WORKED.  We felt their pain.  We responded.

No.  Non blacks are not some benevolent benefactors to the black race.  None of us, not even white people.  I'm not saying any of this to make you think that.  I am telling you unequivocally that if you want EQUALITY you have to GET ALONG with the rest of us.  You can't be racist and you are.  You can't demonize white people and you are.  You can't demonize Asians and you've done that for decades.  I still don't know what you have against Asians, but you get the idea.

Equality is not getting revenge.  Equality is putting the past behind you and working along side the rest of us to build a better world.  Everyone.  Even white people.

If you can't do that, you're not going to get equality.  You're going to get people who don't trust you and who eventually stop bothering with you.

Prayer saved Tulsa.  I don't care your opinions on the validity of God.  They came together, they prayed and they got justice without violence.  Charlotte let the BLM lot guide the conversation.  They brought hate to the table and lost sympathy when they needed it the most.

Pray before you slay, yall.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Fuck Your Oppression

If you're "triggered" by someone else's opinion, you're the one with the problem.  Man up or put your big girl panties and get over it.  Fucking SJWs always bitching about freedom when it's THEIRS but readily willing to deny freedom to someone else they don't like.  Usually straight white Christian males.  Let's be honest.  There may not be a war on Christmas, but there's definitely a war on straight white Christian males.

Fuctards like MTV changing the definition of the word racism to put forth the insanely false narrative that only whites can be racist when New Black Panthers are calling for white genocide.  Fucktards at Buzzfeed who make videos where actors of color ask white people why they're so horrible when statistics show the majority of bad things happening in black communities are done by other black people.  That history books don't mention the Arab slave trade predates the European one or that the Irish were slaves or that Africans owned slaves and PARTICIPATED in the African slave trade.  Or honesty.  Our history books are full of lies and now, thanks to the SJW need to believe blacks came first therefore anyone with a lighter skin tone is a genetic mutation, science will be filled with lies too.  Out of Africa is a theory, you fucking morons!  Theories are not facts!

Stupidity triggers me I guess.

They blame slavery for every problem.  It's never their fault.  It's all evil whitey's fault.  Scapegoating.  Best way to hold yourself back. To say that something that didn't happen to you personally and hasn't happened to your people for over a hundred years is to blame for your failures is ignorance.  Like saying someone who was abused as a child will never make anything of themselves.  You're adding to the abuse they endured by basically saying they're damaged goods and should just give up.  Demand reparations from daddy and live off welfare cuz you don't deserve anything better.

How the fuck is that working for you?

You're oppressing yourselves and fuck your oppression.

Your hood is not the shit hole it is because white folks are making that way.  You live there.  Not white folks.  If it's a shitty neighborhood, it's because you aren't taking care of it.  Don't tell me it's poverty's fault.  There are billions of people in poverty in this world who don't turn to crime or act in the demeaning ways ghetto-ites do.  Latinos face poverty but they get off their asses and work.  They don't demand food stamps because Texas fought a war of of independence against Mexico.

The Irish came to this country as slaves.  The Chinese built our railroads as slaves.  Asians were sent to interment camps in WW2.  Do I need to remind you what happened to Native Americans?  Italians, Arab Muslims, Indians all faced discrimination and they still made something of themselves.  Even black expats from Africa come to this country and make something of themselves.

Black Americans just keep making excuses.

Well fuck your excuses.  I'm tired of feeling sorry for you.  If you aren't willing to help yourselves, then stay in the ghetto.

And for you to burn down your own damn neighborhoods to protest some thug who robbed a store and got shot while attacking a cop, for you to invent the knock out game and attack people at random for fun, for you to use Formation as your anthem even after reading the lyrics, for you to worship Farrakhan even when he asks you to murder, for your women to act like sluts and your men to father babies they refuse to take care of, for you to drop out of school and still think you deserve a government handout, for you to think you alone deserve reparations when every single fucking one of us has faced oppression,for you to destroy yourselves and still blame me, fuck you.

How dare you.

Your ass backwards mentality is the only thing oppressing you and fuck your oppression.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Why Armed Revolution Won't Work

We all hate our country's government right now.  Republicans hate the Democrats taking over.  Democrats hate that Republicans are obstructionists.  Some folks think their rights are being taking away.  Some people hate whitey.  Conspiracy theorists go on about secret government programs targeting them with electronic energy weapons.  Trust me.  Everyone's pissed off at the government for something.

It makes us feel better to think we can have a coup or something, get rid of the corrupt government we have now and put one who shares our values in charge.  But there's a big problem with those plans.

Who's values will the new government have?  Cuz we all have different values.  That's why we're all so unhappy with the government.

The problem with tearing down your government is who has the ability to take over and if those are the people you want in charge. I can guarantee you the people with the best odds of seizing power are not the kinds of people 90% of Americans are going to be ok with.

Victory in a civil war will go to whoever is the most powerful.  The most armed and the most organized.  In America, that's Tea Party Oathers, white supremacists, doomsday preppers who have been planning for this day for generations.  That's who'll be in charge if you topple the government.  Congrats.

Cuz there goes your rights.  Freedom of speech? Not if you aren't a straight white male.  Freedom of religion? Not if you aren't Christian.  Rounding up Latinos.  Reinstating segregation.  End of any rights women fought to get.  That's what we have to look forward to if we topple the government.

You can say I'm crazy.  You can say whites are a minority and they don't stand a chance.  Folks said that about radical Islam.  ISIS proved them wrong.  And look at the polls.  Trump isn't doing as badly as his special brand of crazy should be doing.  Admit it or not, a lot of people like what he's saying.

So no.  If civil war breaks out, far right heavily armed white guys are taking over.  Not blacks who are great at destroying things in riots but not at building the kinds of infrastructure necessary for a successful coup.  Not Latinos who  have the numbers but not the ambition.  White rednecks who have been training themselves to take back America from the evil brown men for a very long time.

I don't want a government run by Tea Party good ole boys.  I like being able to make my own healthcare choices and not being less than equal simply for not having a penis.

I have many problems with the government, but I'll take my chances with the evil I know.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Why we don't care about Louisiana

There's a reason why the media isn't paying the attention to the floods in Louisiana that Louisianians think they deserve.  It's a busy news season.

There's no conspiracy here.  It's not being ignored because Louisiana is a red state.  There are fires in blue state California right now not getting much air time either.  It's not being ignored because it's only affecting black people.  By the way, just as many white people have been flooded out too so shut up, you racist fucktards.  And it's not being ignored because it's only affecting poor people.  Some rich folks got flooded out too so take comfort in that if you need to.

It's not being ignored at all.  It's just not in our faces all day long.  Why?  There's alot of other stuff going on.

It's an election year and we have two of the most scandalous, hated troll candidates of all time that just can't keep their mouths or their closet doors shut.  This election will be affecting our nation long after the water recedes.  It's a big deal. The Olympics are happening and naturally there are scandals there too.  Countries are leaving the European Union and that can affect global security and our trade deals which affects the economy.  Terrorists are still attacking people and some of those people are American.  Did you hear about Mexican drug cartels kidnapping tourists?  There's a lot to cover and a limited amount of time to cover it in.

The flood has been noticed. It's been mentioned on the news more than once.  Do we need to have it talked about 24/7?  How selfish are you?

Don't tell me if it happened in New York people would care more.  No.  People are too busy with naked statues of Trump or playing Pokemon Go or whatever.  They wouldn't devote a lot of airtime for a flooded New York either.  It would get a mention among the plethora of other stories like all the the tragedies happening as we speak.  Earthquake in Italy and we're still talking about Hillary's emails.

No matter what happens, there'll be some other momentous newsworthy event pushing it out of the spotlight just like what's happening to Louisiana.  This is our world now.  We are flooded with information and have attention spans shorter than a fruit fly's.

Stop trying to make the media coverage (or lack thereof in your opinion) something it isn't.  You were noticed, Louisiana.  A federal emergency was declared.  Aid is coming.

We got you so calm down.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Safety vs Sympathy

There's an easy solution to end the threat to the west posed by Islamic extremism.  Quarantine Muslim countries.

I know that sounds cruel.  It IS cruel. Yet, as long as we give them access to us, we're allowing them to hurt us.

Shut our borders.  Deport the ones who are here. Cut off all western aid to any country where they are the majority.  Then sit back in relative safety and watch them kill eachother off.

ISIS loves kidnapping westerners and ransoming them off. Don't pay it.  Let them kill the hostages.  Part of going to a dangerous place is accepting that something bad can happen to you.  Stop expecting others to bail you out of trouble.  Your decision to go there.  You're responsible for the outcome even if it's your own death.

Don't let the faces of starving children change your mind.  Don't let anyone tug at your heart strings.  The children of Muslims grow up to be Muslims and could very well grow up to be terrorists.  No.  It's too risky to rescue even the children.

Close the boarders.  Build walls.  Put snipers on the walls.  Only allow those who pass a religious test in.  Only people who share our values, the pure, are welcome.

Do you want freedom or do you want safety?  Because safety requires a dictatorship.  It requires allowing the government to monitor us so they know who's planning bad things, to tell us where we're allowed to go so we don't go into harm's way, to limit free speech so people who disagree with our government sanctioned values can't encourage dissent from those values. It means no more religious freedom because we can't allow people to worship in a way we don't approve of.  What if they choose Islam?

Do you want a dictatorship?  No?  Then shut the fuck up.

Stop saying let's deport all the Muslims or let's only let those who can prove they're Christian in the country.  Stop all your bullshit about pulling out of the Middle East.  What kind of hateful asshole lets children starve because they aren't the right religion?  Who thinks it's ok to bomb cities into rubble and walk away from the aftermath?  Who honestly thinks all Muslims are terrorists and all Christians are virtuous?  Cuz evidence screams to the contrary.

I don't like the dark, evil world you people want to live in.  I don't want to give up my freedom to be safer.  I'd rather care and love than be hateful to my fellow humans.  I'd rather be a bleeding heart than a no heart.

Because love is how you end war so I'll take my chances.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

BLM vs KKK: No Difference

Do you know the difference between the New Black Panthers and the KKK?  Their choice of wardrobe.

Both groups have identical ideology.  Their race is the best and needs to be kept pure and all the other races need to bow down to their awesomeness.  The Panthers are just as guilty of calling for white genocide as the KKK is for calling for segregation.  They're both prone to racial violence.  They both have issues with Jews.  There is literally no difference between The New Black Panthers and the Klan.

And Black Lives Matter was created by the New Black Panthers like the Tea Party was created by Republicans.  They are just as racist and just as violent and just as dangerous and one day we are all going to pay a heavy price for encouraging groups like these.  We're all going to pay no matter our skin tone for letting these kinds of hate groups divide us.

BLM isn't a noble cause anymore if it ever was.  I get where people who support the idea are coming from and what they are trying to say but they have been hijacked by black racists bent on destruction.  Whatever their intentions may have been in the beginning, they've changed today.  You can't support hate and pretend it's all in the name of empowering the black community.  You're a hypocrite.

When it's racist to say all lives matter, there's a problem.  When you call for your members to kill people, even cops, there's a problem.  When your idea of protesting is looting and burning down neighborhoods, there's a problem.

BLM was founded by a convicted murderer.  That should tell you something about them.  Watch the protests on YouTube.  These aren't peaceful demonstrations.  Pay attention to their rhetoric.  It's hate speech.

People need to wake up.  We're treading shark infested waters with our legs cut off and we're gonna die.

Most white people can leave when the shit hits the fan in the US.  They can go all sorts of places and be accepted and start over and move on.  Hispanics can move on to safer places if they need to and be accepted and be fine.  So can Asians and Arabs for the most part.  Black Americans can't.

People in other countries don't want your bullshit.  They don't want your ghettoness.  You won't be welcomed as poor little victims because they see the same statistics everyone else does.  They see the same videos and read the same blogs. They know the truth you're trying to forget.  That you did so much of this to yourselves.  That you're high crime.  So many things they see you think they don't.

And they see Black Lives Matter encouraging black people in their own communities to be violent and vulgar and they don't like it.  They don't like you because of it.

Destroy America.  That's what you're doing.  You're doing a good job too.  Go ahead, destroy America.  We'll all leave and the only people left in the ruins, left to suffer because you can't run this country without the rest of us, is you.

You want to hate everyone who isn't black.  You want to blame everyone who isn't black.  No one's buying that anymore.  No one likes where you're going.

We can leave.  We can be saved.  You're only screwing yourselves.

Equality also means being held equally accountable for your actions.  You're future is on you, not on whitey.  Violence isn't changing the world.  It's ending it.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Welfare is bullshit

So came across one of those SJW baiting memes claiming to tell the "truth" about welfare in America.  Thought I'd help them out.

They claim undocumented immigrants can't qualify for welfare.  Bullshit.  Anchor babies are American citizens and can qualify for every benefit American citizens can even if their parents aren't legal.  I know people like this.  That's why they come to America to have their babies in the first place. Screw you.

They then claim most welfare recipients work therefore welfare doesn't encourage you not to work.  Bullshit.  If you work, they cut your benefits.  If you don't work, they give you more money.  Most of the time, welfare gives you more money alone than if you tried to work at the same time.  If you get a raise or a better paying job, even if it isn't enough to support your family, you can lose your benefits all together.  People know this and stay in a lower paying job so they can take care of their families.  Happens every day.  If people had jobs that paid decently, they wouldn't be on welfare in the first place.  And for every one person who would rather work for a living and only takes handouts because they have to there are a dozen ghetto-ites who have realized they get more free money not working at all and take advantage of it.  Walk through the hood.  I see this with my own eyes.

They claim most people on welfare are white.  I don't know why they keep bringing this up.  Welfare isn't a racial thing.  It's a poverty thing.  But of course there are more whites on welfare, fucktards.  You live in a country that's majority white.  Every poll where you lump every race together is going to have a larger percentage of whites represented.  Yet if you look at individual races by themselves and compared the numbers living in poverty and accepting welfare just in their respective races, you will find that the poorest among us are not white people and that way too many of a certain non white citizenry are too fond of welfare.

That's just the ugly truth.  The poorest in this country are not white.  The richest in this country include people who are not white.  It's not racial.  It's class.  So that last point was just fucking stupid.  Your meme was stupid.

The problem we have in this country isn't who's using welfare.  It's that we need welfare at all.  We let the rich ship our jobs over seas and still call them job creators. We let them pay us starvation wages and complain when Watermelondria gets foodstamps.  We're too stupid to procreate responsibly and not have kids we can't financially support.  We created the system that makes a need for welfare and then have the audacity to bitch about needing welfare.

Fuck it, man.  WE ARE THE PROBLEM.

And this meme is stupid.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Fuck Your Racism. All Lives Matter.

I'm not a fan of Black Lives Matter because they are racist.  I'm sick of people defending them.  I'm sick of people pretending that black folks are still oppressed by the evil white man or that only black people face police brutality.  Their narrative is not reality.  It's just a lie created by the wealthy to keep the poor fighting eachother instead of fighting them.  But that's another blog.

This one is about how racist BLM is.

BLM doesn't even care about black lives.  If they did, they'd be trying to clean up the hood instead of shutting down gay pride parades.  They'd protest black street gangs murdering children in Chicago instead of hijacking Bernie Sanders' campaign speeches.  But they don't and that in itself should tell you why they don't deserve your support.

BLM would rather tear shit up and blame the white man rather than take actions to address the real issues in their communities like crime and men making babies and not taking responsibility for them.  There are a lot of things black people do to themselves that no one is allowed to address.  Cuz we're supposed to hate white folks, remember?

Race riots are just excuses for ghetto-ites to rob liquor stores.  See Baltimore and Ferguson. Who fucking loots the city when they're protesting the idea that cops think they're all criminals? Black people, apparently. Not helping change anyone's minds about that stereotype there.  And before you call me racist for acknowledging what really happened in those cities, please point out when Hispanics did that.  I'll wait.  Tell me that white sports fans tear shit up too.  Did they steal anything?  Find an instance for me. I'll wait.

And when you chant that you want dead cops, how dare you say it's only because you want black lives to matter as much as white ones.  You can repeat that lie all you want.  Only racist black folks and guilty white college kids who only feel guilty because it's popular to at the moment buy that crap.  The rest of us know Black Lives Matter is just the KKK for the melanin blessed.

You don't want equality.  You want dominance for black people.  That's not how you end racism.  That's how you make more because no one likes someone calling for their genocide.  BLM does that.  They hate white people.  Their rhetoric that the evil white pig needs to be put in his place is what encourages people like Micah Johnson to go on a shooting spree in Dallas.  Don't chant you want dead cops and then hide behind those cops when you want their help.  Fucking hypocrites.

BLM was founded by radical New Black Panthers and peopled almost entirely by Black Israelites.  Both groups that are known for racism towards whites.  And no.  You are not required to be white in order to be racist.  Anyone can be racist.  Only racists like BLM believe black people are incapable of being racist.

But I have a personal reason not to like BLM.  I'm sick of the media blowing up whenever a black person is shot by cops but never giving a damn when anyone else is.  It's a proven fact more white people get shot by cops.  Don't give me the excuse about there being more white people in America. I don't give a fuck.  They're also Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians and Arabs.  Guess what.  They face police brutality too and the media IGNORES IT.  That pisses me off.

So when everyone was up in arms over the latest black man shot by cops, I understood their anger but I had anger of my own.  I tweeted that I was still waiting for justice for an unarmed Hispanic man gunned down by police and hashtagged it #LatinoLivesMatter.

BLM trolled me.  They called me racist.  They called me insensitive.  They told me this moment was about them and I was trying to steal their spotlight.  I was belittling their cause because I hate seeing AAs standing up for themselves and a bunch of other bullshit I eventually blocked.  They really thought I was oppressing them because I had the audacity to say Latino lives mattered.

But when I say Latino lives matter, I'm not saying black lives don't matter.  I'm just saying that Latino lives matter too. (Sarcasm intended).

No one pointed out to me the man was actually Mexican, in which case I would gladly have said my bad and changed my hashtag to Mexican lives matter, but Mexicans and Latinos still understood where I was coming from and let me slide.  Only black Americans were too racist and caught up in their poor me mentality to even acknowledge they weren't alone in their police problem.

Only black lives matter to Black Lives Matter and that makes them racist.

And then they started trolling anyone who dared say All Lives Matter.  They called saying all lives mattered racist to black people.  Saying that the lives of people of OTHER COLORS MATTER AS MUCH AS BLACK LIVES IS NOW RACIST.  To BLM anyway.  Let that sink in.

And white liberals happily jumped on the bandwagon. Hey, let's be nice to the people who just said they hated you.  Now anyone who dares to think that a life that isn't black has value is wrong.  What the fuck.  Screw you MTV.

I weep for this country.  I weep for the stupidity.

There are good cops.  Nothing wrong with acknowledging it.  So don't hate the person who tweets Blue Lives Matter.  They do matter.  There's also nothing wrong with calling out bad cops.  In fact, we're morally obligated too.  It's even ok to be angry about bad cops, but chanting that you want dead cops is not winning you any converts.

I'm not denying racism exists.  It does but guess what.  EVERYONE HAS EXPERIENCED RACISM BECAUSE ANYONE OF ANY COLOR CAN BE RACIST.

That includes black people.

And bad cops are not singling out black people to be bad to.  People of all colors face police brutality.  That's what really makes it such a big deal.

Hispanics and Arabs are racially profiled all the time.  Black people don't have to prove they're in the US legally or that they aren't a member of ISIS.  Others do.  Long before Sandra Bland offed herself, a Native American girl in police custody told her jailers she needed a doctor.  They ignored her and she died.  In Austin, a black cop shot an unarmed white student at UT that had a knife but was naked otherwise and several feet away posing no danger to him.  YouTube is littered with videos of people who aren't black being brutalized by bad cops.

But where are the riots for them?  Where is the outrage?  Where is the media?

Stuck up some black guy's ass because the rest of us don't matter.  You want equality but you don't want to be equal to everyone else.  You want to be treated better than us.  You think you're owed something the rest of us aren't because your people deserve it.

That makes you racist.  Everyone has suffered injustices in the past.  Even white people were slaves once, but you don't care about anyone but your own.  You're the very part of racist white society you claim you hate. Hypocrites.

And by the way, not every white person is racist or even had ancestors who owned slaves.  If you weren't racist, you'd be willing to acknowledge that.

And by the way again, the US forcibly took Texas from Mexico in a war.  Mexicans aren't demanding restitution.  It was over a hundred years ago just like slavery.  Let it go.

I have a right to say my life matters as much as a black person's.  I have a right to demand justice for Hispanics and Asians and Arabs and Native Americans and fucking Martians if I want to.  And if Black Lives Matter thinks I'm racist for it, well, they can suck my clit.

Fuck your racist bullshit, Black Lives Matter.  ALL LIVES MATTER.  Get over it.

That's what equality means, by the way.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

One Angry Juror

So I was called for jury duty.  This isn't the first time.  The last time, I called the number on the form, told them about my situation and was excused.  This time I got a giant fuck you from the city.

My situation, in case you're not familiar with it, is that I don't have a car and do not live close to the courthouse.  I was exempt previously because going to the courthouse puts an undue burden on me.  It's a 3 hour bus ride followed by me having to walk 5 city blocks.  Anyone sane would recognize that is a burden.

Not the city of Fort Worth, TX.  Their response? Take a cab.

I don't have the money for a cab.  Will they pay my fare?  Their answer? They're not obligated to provide me transportation.

Oh and by the way, if I fail to show up even if it's due to NOT HAVING THE ABILITY TO GET TO THE COURTHOUSE, they will fine me up to $1000 and put me in jail.


How the fuck are threats and coercion legal?  Because that's what this is.  Either I shut up or go to jail.  Either I, a woman, walk 5 blocks alone in a dangerous part of town in the dark endangering my safety or I go to jail.  And this is legal.  They can literally imprison you for no reason in this country and we call this the land of the free?

And if we're honest, does coercion really make a juror fair and unbiased enough to render a fair and unbiased opinion?  This bullshit is probably why so many criminals walk free.  Because you can use threats to force the jurors to show up, but you can't force them to care about justice.  You can't force them to care about the trial or not do whatever they have to, even if it means a criminal walks, to get out of jury duty.  A jury is made up of 12 pissed off people who don't want to be there and really don't give a fuck.

I do not have the ability to be fair and unbiased right now because I am offended at being forced to be there in the first place.  I am pissed off that I'm losing pay at work and that I have to suffer an intolerable and dangerous commute.  I am not going to give two fucks what the trial is about. I'm not even going to pay attention.  I'm angry.

And when the time comes, I WILL REFUSE TO VOTE.

These fucking judges and lawyers and cops think their money and their title means they can treat people like me like shit and there's nothing we can do about it. They are not going to silence me.

You can make me go to your stupid courthouse but you WILL NOT make me participate.

And what fucking justice does our legal system even provide?  When a poor man gets life for an ounce of pot but rich boy Ethan Couch murders four people and gets probation for being too rich to know murder is wrong, THERE IS NO JUSTICE.  When I can get the death penalty for having a miscarriage but not a single one of those Wall Street fat cats who crashed the economy and then used our tax payer funded bailout to give themselves billion dollar bonuses has seen an HOUR of jail time, THERE IS NO JUSTICE.

I have even less incentive to give a fuck now.

Don't tell me to think of the person on trial.  If they have money, they're going to walk.  If they're poor, they were always going to lose anyway.  My vote doesn't matter on a jury any more than it matters at the ballot box.

Fuck it.  I refuse to cooperate.  I will not play nice.  No one threatens me.  I don't give a shit how many degrees you have.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Justice served cold

What is justice, when we boil it down to its simplest form, but revenge that has been sanctioned by someone of authority?

Should Freddie Gray have died? No. Was it intentional? Most likely not.  Despite what Black Lives Matter want you to believe. Despite what the media wants to say to make money from our outrage.  Truthfully, none of the officers charged MEANT for the man to die.  They were negligent. No one's denying that.  But this wasn't the cold blooded murder the kinds of people who burned down Baltimore are so desperate to believe it is.

Truth. Police brutality is real but it isn't and never has been solely targeted at African Americans.  And it isn't and never has been something only white cops are guilty of.  Until we acknowledge that, we're not going to change anything.  We had a chance to address this multi ethnic issue, but we let racists run the show and now it's too late.

And let's talk about that hypocrisy.  Six officers, three white and three black.  Who's being crucified in the press? Who's the villians across social media? The WHITE ones.

What about the black officers who arrested Gray, who helped load him in the back of that van, who could have stepped in and said "hey, this is racist" at any time, who could be speaking up NOW (if it were true) but aren't (because it probably isn't)?  Who, other than the prosecution, is holding them accountable?  No one.

Because black cops are automatically innocent and white cops are automatically guilty.

When William Porter's case was declared a mistrial, it wasn't because no one could decide if he did anything wrong.  It was because Porter is black and they couldn't decide if it was worth another riot to convict a black man of negligent homicide.

And the press skipped over it.  A blurb. They played it down.  Porter is a black cop accused of killing a black man.  They aren't allowed to acknowledge black cops do bad things too.

And social media and liberal activists let it go too.  Even agreed that the case against Porter was weak.  Porter will be retried and probably acquitted and the public will say justice has been done.  Porter, who no doubt had little idea that Gray would die and certainly didn't mean for it to happen, only played a minor role in Gray's arrest and will be declared innocent of wilful murder as he probably should be.

And then comes Edward Nero, a white cop who also only played a minor role in Gray's arrest and also, like Porter, never realized that Gray would be injured and never meant for anyone to die.  He was acquitted.  The prosecution tried to claim he was guilty simply by association. Because he was there. It was a weak case.  They couldn't prove he did anything wrong and he was acquitted.

But Nero is being vilified. Baltimore Bloc, a black activist group, has already called the verdict criminal.  All across social media people are demanding Nero face punishment, calling it white privilege and a miscarriage of justice. Claiming that Nero's race was the only reason he was acquitted. Nero, who's case isn't so different from Porter's, has been declared a murderer in the court of public opinion.

Why? What makes Nero more guilty than Porter? Answer? Nero is white.

If you've been paying attention to the media, to the left leaning journos, the Buzzfeeds, the MTVs and the blogs, then you know that the white man is evil and must be destroyed and the black man is, by virtue of the color of his skin, incapable of being racist.

But the backlash against Nero, proves that ain't true.  Those who are claiming miscarriage of justice for the white man but justice done fine and dandy for the black man are racist.  Yes. Black folks CAN be racist.

Be honest. No one cares what role Nero played in the arrest of Freddie Gray anymore than they cared about Porter's role.  They wanted Porter to get off because he's black and they only want Nero to be guilty because he's white.

Is this justice?  No.  No one wants justice.  They just want revenge on the evil white man.  It's the same reason they're trying so hard to redefine what the word racism means in order to justify their own racism.  It's the reason why black folks who speak the truth like I do are called coons and house niggers by other black folks.

It's not about justice.  It was never about being equal to the white man.  It's about making the white man slaves.  It's about revenge.

You can call revenge whatever you want to, but it doesn't make you righteous.

Baltimore is going to burn again, but it won't be because a black man died in a tragic accident.  It'll be because not enough white people paid for it.

Truth hurts.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Freedom by Consensus

Painful truth time.  Unless you live in isolation with no other living human being anywhere around you, you are not free.  Freedom is the biggest con we've ever fallen for.  It's a pretty myth but it's still a lie and it's a lie on so many levels, but today we're discussing the fact that anyone living around other people are subject to the whims of their neighbors.

What we have, when we're totally honest about it, is freedom by the consensus of the majority.  That means we're only really allowed to do or to say the things that the majority of our neighbors agree with.  We only have the freedom our neighbors ALLOW us.

Don't believe me?  Say the n word in public.  Dare to publicly criticize a gay person.  Call for prayer in school in public.  Comment that open carry is stupid out loud in any town in Texas.  Comment that you love the NRA out loud in any town in Vermont.  Tell a Bernie fan that you'll vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination.  Tell a room full of Christians that you're OK with allowing Muslims to build a mosque at Ground Zero. Lament climate change denial after a forest fire in Canada.  See what happens.

Perform a Wiccan ceremony in the city park. Walk around downtown in your bra and panties. Light a cigarette outside a school. Tell someone on food stamps that your taxes are paying for their meals. Fly the confederate flag.  See what happens.

If you don't get physically assaulted, you WILL get ostracized.  You will be publicly shamed, trolled, made to regret your mistake.  But it's not a mistake really.  You meant to say it, to do it.  You thought you were free to do it (that's what they say) and it's not hurting anyone so it should be ok, right? Wrong.

You're free to do a lot of things, but you're not free from the consequences and the consequences for having an opinion or doing something not approved by the masses are huge.  You will be bullied.  You will be crucified.  You will lose everything you care about.  You will lose friends.  You will be destroyed.

That's not freedom.  That's a lie.  Freedom is having whatever you say or do be accepted regardless of who's offended by it.  Freedom is when you're not blacklisted because you criticized the president or a celebrity or whatever.

You don't have freedom unless you give freedom to others.

People often ask why so many Germans went along with Nazism.  Fear of pissing off the masses.  Simply put, most Germans kept how they really felt about Hitler to themselves so they wouldn't offend anyone and be sent to a concentration camp.  If you think that's impossible or that it'll never happen again, Donald Trump. Anti Muslim rhetoric in every Christian Church and anti west rhetoric in every Muslim mosque.  It already IS happening again because it never STOPPED happening.

Of all the things I listed above, how many would you do?  Answer?  None.  You would never risk your reputation.

People who diverge from public opinion have their lives ruined.

And that's not freedom.  Freedom is a lie.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Black privilege

Black Americans have so much privilege it's ridiculous.  I'm not saying that to be racist. I'm not saying that to justify white privilege (which not all white people even have by the way). I'm saying it because it's true.  We baby black people in America because of all this guilt over something that happened before any of us were twinkles in our daddies' eyes and we've created a monster.

In what other country can you get a house, money and a college education handed to you because your ancestors may have been slaves?  They don't have scholarships for whites only because that's racist but black only scholarships isn't racist at all.  Really?

In what other country are black people allowed to physically assault people of other races and have it be ok in the court of public opinion because their ancestors may have been slaves so they don't know any better?  Only in America.  Because guilty white consciences have been making up for the sins of a handful of their ancestors for years and you make damn sure to take advantage of it but you don't appreciate it.

Black people can call white people crackers and other black people the n word.  White people can't complain about being called crackers or even mention the n word in an historical context because that's racist.  Black people can wear blonde wigs. White people can't wear afros because that's racist.  Black people can have black only clubs, but white people can't have white only clubs because that's racist. Black people can use improper grammar and it's an ethnic language. White people can't use improper grammar without being called stupid or being accused of appropriating black culture. Black people can tell jokes about white people and it's funny.  White people can't even ask a black person to pull their pants up because that's racist. White people aren't allowed to like rap music. That's appropriating black culture but black people getting government assistance (socialism invented by white people) isn't appropriating white culture.  Neither is their wearing of pants though they totally stole that from white Europeans.  Black people can be racist and tell us that they can't be because only white people can be racist and we believe them because they're black.  They've been through stuff.

White people have been through stuff.  There are just as many oppressed and impoverished white people as there are black people, but they're white so no one cares. Homeless white people are not more privileged than Beyonce.

In America, no one can hate someone because of their race except white people.  When black people hate white skin, it's because white people deserve it.  Because they're white and not because they personally did anything wrong.

But that's not racism. Remember, black people are incapable of being racist because they're black.

Black privilege is getting sympathy even when you do bad things.  It's the reason Black Lives Matter rioted over Michael Brown, a criminal who robbed a store and attacked a cop, but stay silent when black gangbangers kill black babies in drivebys. Cuz black lives only matter when it involves white cops.  Black cop shoots an unarmed white guy, the white guy deserved it.  Cuz he was white. Police brutality isn't a problem unless it's toward black people.

Black privilege is getting away with shit because you're black and blaming it all on white people and white people aren't allowed to disagree with you.  Black privilege is changing the definition of the word racism to justify your own hatred of white people and having the ability to brainwash white people into believing you.  That's more of that white guilt, but why do they have to feel guilty for something they personally didn't do anyway? Because black people tell them to and everyone has to feel sorry for black people.  Even when they're only suffering because of their own actions.

White people aren't oppressing you anymore and haven't been for awhile.  Your lack of family values, work ethic and drug problems is not because white people made you do any of it.  But black people aren't responsible for their own actions.  It's all whitey's fault. Black privilege.

Black privilege is the New Black Panthers calling for the genocide of white babies and not being labeled a hate group.  Black Panthers preach the same hate the KKK does but we sympathize because, well, they're black.  Blacks have a right to be angry.  That makes it ok to kill white people.  And Jews because blacks are God's true chosen people and white Jews stole Israel from them so it's ok to kill Jews too.  Or Asians or Arabs or Hispanics or Native Americans or anyone who isn't black because all life on earth began in Africa and blacks are the true humans and white people are mutations who raped black women and that's where other races came from.  Or whatever.  But that's not hate. Black people are incapable of hate.

Black privilege is screaming oppression at the grocery store or at your work (or anywhere) because your ass wasn't being kissed to your liking and being catered to in order to avoid a lawsuit.  Because black people always win those types of lawsuits.  White people, even with the racism documented on video, never do.  But they get called racist for calling out black people for being racist and privileged for daring to record said black racism on video.

What is affirmative action except the legal right to racially discriminate agsinst white people?

You're fucking privileged but it's racist to admit that cuz..  white people.  And we must hate white people cuz.... white people.

Don't talk to me about oppression.  You have rights.  You have freedom.  You use them everyday.

You hate white people and that's all your bitching about oppression and white privilege is all about.  Justifying your hate of white people.

And you get away with it.  THAT'S black privilege.

I know not all blacks aren't racists just like I know not all white people are, but fair is fair.  To be racist while condemning racism is stupid.  To say all whites are privileged and you're not is a lie.  To say you can't be racist because only white people are is hypocritical.  It's the pot calling the kettle black.

But that would make the pot racist. Black privilege.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Theists Suck

Theists and Isms are just as bad on their own as the wars they start but let's talk about Theists first. Islamic theists, Christian theists, Jewish theists even Atheists just suck as institutions.

We may think the human race would be happy with no more war, but the truth is we'd be bored.  A warless world wouldn't last a year before someone found a reason to hate someone.  We are a diseased species and always have been whether you think God created us that way or evolution or the aliens or the monkey king pooped us out.  Whatever you choose to believe, we suck as a species.

I grew up in the Christian faith but not in a fanatical condemn everything cuz the Bible said so kind of way.  We didn't even go to church every Sunday, but I was taught to believe in the Christian God.  Now, hardcore Christians will say I'm not a Christian at all.  I don't get that honor because I'm not fanatical enough in my faith.  I don't follow a particular sect and you're not really Christian unless you're a Baptist Christian or a Methodist Christian or whatever.  You're not a serious Christian if you don't have a preferred sect because you're not committed enough.

But I tend to favor the Baptist service when I do go to church.  Less ritual, you still get a message and there are some catchy songs without the fakers pretending to talk in tongues.  But that's not enough of a commitment.  I can't quote Bible verses.  I don't listen to only Christian rock.  I'm not against gay marriage and I don't want to eradicate all Muslims.  Being a good person and loving God isn't enough to be in Christian Club.  You have to hate everything and everyone they tell you to as well.  But didn't God say love thy neighbor?

In order for someone to be allowed to belong to a Baptist church (not just visit, but to have the right to take part in), they have to either be baptized by that church or show them their baptism certificate from another church.  That's right.  You get papers proving you've been baptized and you actually do have to prove it.  Otherwise, you're not allowed to join the church.  Just sit in the back and give them money.  In order to join a church, you have to ASK PERMISSION.  And you thought Christianity was all inclusive.

Jesus preached to the sinners. Churches want more of a financial commitment.

But here's the thing about Theists that pisses me off.  They all think they're right and they all condemn anyone who doesn't agree with them to a tee.

I believe in God.  I tell people I believe in God.  I believe that God loves people regardless of whether or not they're Christian.  And THAT'S why other Christians say I'm not welcome.  I'm not Christian enough for them.

The hate, man. It's everywhere.

But here's the thing that most Christians, Muslims and Jews have forgotten.  In the beginning, there was NO RELIGION.  God didn't create religion.  People did.  Earthly, sinful people created religion and it wasn't so they could spread God's word any more than the ancient Greeks built temples to keep their gods happy.  Religion was created to USE people's beliefs to covince them to allow earthly, sinful men to rule over them and to be given money.  No other reason. Religion is a billion dollar industry.  Don't believe me? Joel Osteen.  Mega churches period.  The Pope owns an entire city.  If you wanna get rich, be a preacher.

So I don't go to church every Sunday.  So I will never condemn gay people.  I don't believe women are inferior to men.  And I do this knowing that God wouldn't either.  I do this with conviction that God wouldn't have created something He didn't like.  And I don't need to be a fanatical, Bible thumping evangelical to be a Christian.

You're supposed to minister to the sinners.  Not beat the crap out of them until they reluctantly agree to do whatever you tell them to.  How do you get someone to accept Jesus into their hearts when they're so scared they'll say anything you want them to to make the pain stop?

This isn't just directed towards Christians. I talked about Christians because I know Christians the most but all Theists are the same.

Muslims, God never approved of jihad.  He never said go murder people if they won't follow Islam.  Mohamad was a drug crazed psycho if you say that's what he preached.  But just like Christian Theists, you force your religion down people's throats, condemn those who disagree with you and murder non believers convinced that God will let you have sex with 72 virgins if you do.  Really? Heaven is sex with a virgin?

You can tell from my other posts that I disagree with Islam on a lot of stuff, but I don't encourage their murder.  Murder is wrong.  I'm talking to you, ISIS and you, Ted Cruz.

And Jews, you're not God's chosen people.  You crucified his kid. Think you lost that privilege.  Stop bombing Palestinians in the name of God.

Killing in the name of God just pisses God off.

And Atheists, no one cares if you think God is made up.  Stop being douchebags about it.

You can believe in something and you can share that belief without being hateful.  Theists don't get that.  Theists create Isms and hate.  Theists take a perfectly good thing like a believe in God and turn it into drama, conflict and reason to kill eachother.

Theists suck.  Thank you, God, for not being a Theist.