Listen to the rhetoric on any thread tweeting "Black Lives Matter" and you hear it. Read the comments section in any online column regarding police brutality and you hear it. Take a walk through the ghetto and listen to people talking in their own front yards and you hear it. Black racism. It's everywhere black people are in America and we can't keep looking the other way. We can't pretend it isn't there because it isn't socially acceptable to admit it is.
There is a growing movement in the black community that is hardcore Afro-centric. If it ain't black they don't like it. In their ideology, blacks came first and lighter skin is a genetic mutation. YouTube is littered with claims of "new scientific evidence" that blacks are the master race, the race all other races sprang from, and therefore are the most purest. Blacks are the purest humans, by default the most noble, and everyone else are dogs beneath their majestic feet. They are royalty oppressed by lesser beings who fear them. Sound familiar? Sounds Nazi-esque to me, but this what they espouse. This is what they got out of humanity's turbulent history. A big ego. They learned nothing.
They even believe Native Americans were not the original inhabitants of the Americas. They claim Africans settled America and that Native Americans are the result of white Europeans raping African women. Same thing the world over. Hawaiians were black originally and Asians raped their women and that's why native Hawaiians look Asian. Yes. Pseudo history is everywhere and always the myth that the black race came first and was beaten and oppressed by the evil white man, who is a deformity in the genetic code. Hell, the idea that Africa is the birthplace of all life on earth is a totally unprovable theory now taken as fact. Pseudo history is everywhere and should be taken with a grain of salt until concrete evidence proves otherwise. There is NO WAY to definitively determine the true origins of man. Get over it.
But it's more than just faking history to make yourself feel special. What's truly maddening about the whole Afro-centric movement is the rampant increase in racism and calls for racial violence that come with it. This isn't a celebration of black culture if it ever was. It's a call to arms for the black man to fight the white man and it's as dangerous as anything ISIS can come up with.
While the racism extends to several groups, most notably Asians, most black racism targets white people and they are quick to use a racially tense history to justify it, but does that make it ok? Does the slavery of the past make it ok to be racist towards white people because of something their ancestors may or may not have done? I say may not have done because, contrary to the rhetoric, not all white people have ancestors who once owned slaves. A lot of whites are the descendants of Italian and Irish immigrants who came to this country at the turn of the century long after slavery was abolished. They were usually poor as dirt and there's no indication of many of them ever owning slaves. But all white people are continuously blamed for slavery to this day even though no one alive today has ever owned a slave and no black person alive today has ever been a slave.
Unless you count sex slaves and African ladies who sell themselves into virtual slavery as housekeepers in order to be fed. But that's not the white man's fault either because white people are not actively running an African slave trade anymore and aren't the only ones who market sex slaves and housekeepers. Yet do black Americans hold those Indians who purchase housekeepers or their black African cousins who keep sex slaves in the same contempt they keep holding whites in for something that isn't happening anymore? No. Heaven forbid they acknowledge that 300 years ago blacks sold other blacks into slavery for money and alcohol. It would mean holding their own ancestors accountable for slavery too and it's much easier on their egos to just blame white people.
The white man owes you nothing anymore. We won't forget slavery happened because it was a horrible thing, but we learned from it. We now will never see it happen again in this country and we fight to stop it from happening in other parts of the world. We learned from our mistakes. Why can't you?
Most whites are all for racial equality. We protest for black equality too. Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago. Young white liberals took to the streets demanding justice just like blacks did (only probably not as violently). Whites marched with King in the 60s. Whites ran stops in the underground railroad. It's obvious that not all whites are out to get the black man. All that keeps getting ignored though. All that doesn't matter. Whites are and always have been the villains of the story. Can you blame whites for being tired of it? Tired of the scapegoating, of constantly apologizing even though they personally didn't do anything wrong?
Listen to the rhetoric coming from a large portion of the black community these days. They aren't calling for equality. They don't want to be equal to the white man. They want REVENGE. They want to make the white man their slaves. That's the only way they will feel content. Dominance is the only reparation they will accept. It's a sick attitude that is so pervasive, it's undeniable. Whites see it and they are afraid. They recoil from it. When a white person crosses the street at seeing a black man walking towards them, it's out of fear and NOTHING ELSE. Generations of whites have been taught to be extra nice to blacks because of our past. Don't offend black people. That's the mantra. Generations of blacks have been taught to hate whites for something that happened before they were born. Then you see blacks being violent on tv. Then you hear angry rants about getting even. Get whitey night. It's not a white hatred of blacks that keeps most of us away. It's the fear of what blacks might do to us if we're not protected because we have been threatened.
I know not all blacks feel this way, but enough of them do and the numbers of those who do are increasing so rapidly that it's going to become a problem when blacks start out ranking whites in a few decades. Reverse racism is a stupid name for it because racism is racism no matter who it's directed towards, but the painful truth is, a lot of black Americans are extremely racist and things are going to get worse the more extreme they get. Not just towards whites, but to everyone of every color because that's how racism works.
Let's be perfectly clear about black racism. It exists and it's just as wrong as racism from any other group. Whatever vitriol you think the KKK may have, the Black Panthers have just as much. Blacks can be racist too. It's a fact. I'm not being racist for pointing it out though I'll no doubt be accused of it by more than one reader.
Because we don't acknowledge black racism. The media even goes out of its way to ignore it. Never do you see it when a black cop does something wrong. Only white cops make the news. How many Native Americans and Hispanics have been injured by police? It's never reported. Only when it involves a white cop and a black person. It's like the aristocrats running the media WANT a race war so we'll be too occupied fighting eachother to pay attention to how they're robbing us blind.
I'm sick of it. Blacks keep saying we need to have an honest discussion about race in the country but every time we do, white people are always the only bad guys and everyone else are always the poor victims. AND IT'S NOT TRUE.
I'm not going to pretend there aren't white racists, but I'm not stupid enough to presume only white people are capable of it. Racism is NOT a white only problem. It's not nor has it ever been something only white people do. Every racial group has its fair share of racists. Hispanics, Asians, Arabs, Blacks. Doesn't matter. They all have racists among their ranks. Until we acknowledge that, until we approach the issue fairly instead of just bashing white people, we're never going to solve the problem.
Black people keep saying we need to have an honest conversation about race in this country. They're right we do. But blacks need to be honest too or there isn't a point.